30 years ago today - Mar 13, 1995

LDS president answers questions at press conference, first time in 22 years.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

30 years ago today - Mar 13, 1995

A new LDS president answers questions at a press conference, the first time in 22 years.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

45 years ago today - Mar 13, 1980

The NON-MORMON NEWS, a BYU student paper for and by non-Mormons reports that when one student raised a question in class, his instructor told him to "go home and repent and put [his] thoughts in harmony with the teachings of the brethren."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

75 years ago today - Mar 13, 1950

[George Albert Smith]

At ten o'clock Sterling Sill asked for an appointment and came in to discuss front page editorial that was published in the Deseret News, Sunday, March 5, reprimanding the University of Utah for the publication of a magazine called 'The Pen' which contained a compilation of articles and poems and stories and distributed in connection with the centennial program of the University of Utah. Unfortunately, a number of these articles were written by people known to be bitter anti- Mormons, and condensations of some of their works were published in this magazine. ... The editorial was rather firmly worded and naturally caused some comment, particularly by University people. Yesterday another editorial was printed acknowledging some explanations that were made by the University and indicating that as far as the paper was concerned the matter was now closed. Brother Sill, Chairman of the Board of Regeants, came to discuss this matter and said that he had come to see me because he was going
up to a meeting of the Board of Regeants. ... It was observed that if such a spirit continued we would have an anti-Mormon Board of Trustees, an anti-Mormon President of the University, and the old fight would be on again. Brother Sill said that he did not think Governor Lee could get Olpin out as the President. He said he would rather count on Clarence Bamberger and William O'Conner. ... The other day I visited with Dr. Olpin at his home, and he showed me a letter which he had written in answer to the editorials which had been published. He felt quite keenly about it, because he was out of town at the time that the magazine was published and knew nothing of its contents, although he is listed as one of the editors. After talking with him at some length I discouraged him from publishing his letter as he had intended to do and to just let the matter drop. He thanked me for my advice and counsel.

[George Albert Smith Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

95 years ago today - Mar 13, 1930

Probable date for the creation of the Los Lunas Ten Commandment Stone. "Eva and Hobie 3-13-30" is carved on a rock nearby the notorious "Ten Commandment Stone.". The stone contains a Phonecian inscription of the Ten Commandments and has achieved some fame in the Mormon community as evidence of the historicity of the Book of Mormon. In 1953 Welby Ricks (President of the University Archaeological Society at BYU), Milton R. Hunter, Sidney B. Sperry, Hugh Nibley, and John L. Sorenson made a trip to New Mexico to investigate the inscription on the stone. Sorenson notes: "We were quite thrilled at first sight and fascinated by its contents." Sorenson "took some shots of surrounding petroglyphs and was surprised to find they were heavily patinated, whereas none of the carvings on the Phoenician stone were thus darkened. (Patination is the discoloration due to oxidation which develops on exposed surfaces of stone over very long periods of time.)" The "Eva and Hobie" stone shows similar
lack of patination. Welby Ricks issues a report concluding: "I am fully convinced that the Ten Commandment stone found near Los Lunas, New Mexico is a fraud. Its age does not go back into ancient times. It is probably from thirty to fifty years old, perhaps even dating to as late as Mar 13, 1930."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

105 years ago today - Mar 13, 1920; Saturday

[Apostle Anthony Ivins]

Left home with Stephen L. Richards for Los Angeles. Report had come to us that Jos. E. Robinson, former president of the Cal. Mission had been guilty of improper conduct with lady missionaries and other women, when he was presiding over the Cal. mission & we went out to investigate these reports. ... He admitted the charges made against him.

[Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) - http://bit.ly/AnthonyIvins]

110 years ago today - Mar 13, 1915

President Joseph F. Smith is in receipt of your letter of the 27th ult. He has requested me to say to you that if you were sealed to your husband and he has forefeited his right to you and the children on account of adultry or other crimes the children will go with you, and they need not be sealed to any man to whom you may again be sealed, as they were born under the covenant and go with the one who has ke[pt] the covenant.

[Harold G. Reynolds, Letter to Lorah Whitaker, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

125 years ago today - Mar 13, 1900; Tuesday

All three members of the First Presidency were at the office today. A cash order for $1,500. was issued today in favor of the Brigham Young College. ...

Bishop [Hiram B.] Clawson and Elder John Henry Smith met with President Snow this morning. The Bishop had just returned from Washington [D.C.] and stated that the President of the United States and quite a number of the prominent senators felt very friendly towards the Latter-day Saints, and the State of Utah...

It had been under consideration for some time to appoint a committee to whom Church literature about to be published could be referred for revision. Brother [James E.] Talmage has been revising the Pearl of Great Price, arranging it into chapters and verses, and it was thought that a committee should be appointed to sit with him in making his report. A standing committee was now appointed...

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

135 years ago today - Mar 13, 1890

[Heber J. Grant]

After we had had our Prayer Circle I asked the Presidency to give me their counsel and advice with reference to what action should be taken about Hyrum Grant or me marrying the widow of [of their brother] Geo. Grant [as a Levirate marriage]. I told them that I was better able to care for four wives from a financial stand point than Hyrum was one [sic]. Told them that I had no desire to turn away from this matter in case there was a feeling that I should marry the widow. They were unanimously of the opinion that it would not be wise for me to take the step and suggested that I encourage Hyrum to do it.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

135 years ago today - Mar 13, 1890

A plural wife writes of her husband: "We are more like lovers than husband and wife for we are so far removed from each other [-] there is always the embarrassment of lovers and yet we have been married more than 37 years."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

165 years ago today - Mar 13, 1860

[Brigham Young Sermon]

President Young remarked if a man has not the means to pay tithing and would if he could, I can fellowship him just as well as if he did; but if he has the means and will not pay; and [h]as no disposition to pay; not believing the revelation upon that subject, I would cut him off from the Church; and let him go to California or where he pleases'

- The Pres[iden]t observed they would like to make a Congressional religion for the purpose of putting their hand on Mormonism; not that they care about religion at all; nor do they care about the existence of infidelity, profanity or sin of any kind'- The President continued his remarks observing this Government would do as the Catholics would establish a system of religion and let that prevail to the putting down of all others. -- Salt Lake City

[Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

175 years ago today - Mar 13, 1850

Isaac Morley, leader of the Saints settling San Pete County, Utah, baptizes Ute Indian Chief Wakara ("Walker").

185 years ago today - Mar 13, 1840

Quorum met agreeable to appointment at the house of Amos Babcock on the 13th of March 1840 for the purpose of trying Brother Charles Wood for improper conduct to a Sister Shumon brother John Morton Presided The charges preferred were 1st For improper conversation and conduct toward her 2nd for making a proposal to go to her house if she would sleep with him 3rd putting his arm a round her neck in a Lewd and improper manner and offering abuse by saying many woman get their living that way 4th trying to get her on the bed with him the above charges were made out against him voted his License be taken from him and withheld until he make satisfaction by confession to the Church

John Gaylord Clerk protem ____________________

[Kirtland Elder's Quorum Record, http://ogdenkraut.com/?page_id=414]

30 years ago today - Mar 12, 1995

Gordon B. Hinckley is ordained and set apart as the fifteenth President of the Church, with Thomas S. Monson and James E. Faust as Counselors; Elder Boyd K. Packer of the Twelve is set apart as Acting President of the Twelve.

30 years ago today - Mar 12, 1995

The Quorum of the Twelve sustains Gordon B. Hinckley as church president with Thomas S. Monson and James E. Faust as counselors, this is the longest period without an organized First Presidency since 1898. Hinckley is the first LDS president since Joseph Fielding Smith who has worked his entire adult life in church bureaucracy, church-controlled businesses, and headquarters administration.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

50 years ago today - Mar 12, 1975

Thomas Stuart Ferguson, founder of the New World Archeological Association at BYU, writes a paper for a written symposium on Book of Mormon Archaeology. He concludes: "The evidence supporting the geographical views of Norman and Sorenson, under the exacting tests laid down by the text of the Book of Mormon, is indeed very meager. We have the cylinder seal from Chiapa de Corzo, the cylinder seal from Tlatilco and the toys with wheels. That's about all. This paucity of specific support presents, at least to me, a dilemma. One way out of the dilemma is to say that everything was scrambled and lost because of the upheavals described in 3 Nephi for the time of the crucifixion. In my personal opinion, this is not a satisfactory escape hatch. . . . . I don't have the answer to the dilemma. I just call it up. I'm afraid that up to this point, I must agree with Dee Green, who has told us that to date there is no Book-of-Mormon geography. I, for one, would be happy if Dee were wrong."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

70 years ago today - Mar 12, 1955

[J. Reuben Clark]

Brother Thomas Stuart Ferguson met with the First Presidency on Wednesday, March 9th, and spent more than an hour telling us of the work of the archaeological organization to which he belongs, and which apparently he himself more or less spearheads. His explanations were lucid and made with great enthusiasm and assurance. He seems thoroughly converted to the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.

He asked that the Church come to their rescue in the explorations which they wish to make on a river down in the Yucatan area, an area in which he thinks the Nephites built their cities. He cited another location where he thought (as I recall) the Mulekites came, namely, the mouth of the Grijalva River.

... I asked him as to his attitude as to the location of the Hill Cumorah and he rather ducked a reply to that, but I was left with the impression that probably he had the idea that the Hill Cumorah was down in that area.

He said that they would like to know if they could have $200,000.00 to spend during the next four years ...

At the meeting on Thursday he was told by President McKay that we would make the contribution which he desired, extended over a period of four years ...

President Richards suggested that some man with a financial background should be put on the committee of directors of the New World Archaeological Foundation. This was approved by all the First Presidency at the Wednesday meeting. At the Thursday meeting this matter was further discussed and President Richards brought up the name of former president, Ernest Strong, of the Kolob Stake, and it was agreed that President McKay should speak to him ...

[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

75 years ago today - Mar 12, 1950

[Frank Evans]

I promised President Smith that I would try, in connection with Bishop Wirthlin, to recommend an adjustment which would relieve this situation without maladjustment of the payroll in other respects. He also mentioned the difficulties now experienced by Patriarch Eldred Smith who is receiving but $400 per month, the amount received generally by all general authorities except Presidents of Seventy and the members of the Presiding Bishopric, this $400 allowance having prevailed during normal times. I did mention the fact that some precedents had intervened, there being about six instances where members of the Council of the Twelve have received special allowances of $100 each, and some instances where Presidents of Seventy have received $50 each as special allowances. President Smith said he would discuss Eldred's situation with the other brethren and arrive at a decision and give us a written directive for our payroll.

[Frank Evans Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

135 years ago today - Mar 12, 1890

Pres[iden]t Woodruff feels afflicted with the course Apostles M. Thatcher & John W. Taylor are taking about the mining interests they are engaged in.

[Diary Excerpts of Franklin D. Richards, 1887-1897, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

150 years ago today - Mar 12, 1875 (Friday)

After 24 hours' confinement, Pres. Brigham Young was released from the Utah Penitentiary.

[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]

165 years ago today - Mar 12, 1860

[Brigham Young]

The President believes and practiced the taking of medicine, and it is better to gather up a little catnip and make tea of it than to ask the Lord to send an Angel to cure us when we can do so much ourselves nevertheless he believed in the ordinances to be used with mild herbs according to the revelation given upon that subject.

[Brigham Young Office Journals as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

175 years ago today - Mar 12, 1850

[Wilford Woodruff]

[Alexander Badlam] Brought $2,000 dollars worth of gold dust And He brought me A present of 9 1/2 oz. of gold dust as A present from several Brethren in the mines. And this begins to fulfill A portion of my Patriarchal Blessings which I recieved under the Hands of Father Joseph Smith in AD 1837. He said I should have access to the treasures hid in the sand to assist me in my necessities & in gathering many orphan Children to Zion. And it is begining to Come to pass.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

190 years ago today - Mar 12, 1835

It was then proposed that during their present mission, Elder B. Young should open a door to the remnants of Joseph who dwelt among the Gentiles [in the Eastern States] which was carried. -- Kirtland, Ohio

[Quorum of the Twelve Minutes, Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

55 years ago today - Mar 11, 1970

BYU's DAILY UNIVERSE quotes basketball coach Stan Watts's comment on those who protest at BYU basketball games against the Church's denying the priesthood to those of black African descent: "These people aren't after us. They're after America.".

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com]

110 years ago today - Mar 11, 1915

First Presidency letter informs Apostle Francis M. Lyman that Joseph F. Smith recommends "disfellowship or excommunication" for plural wives in polygamous marriages performed by John W. Woolley before his recent excommunication.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

125 years ago today - Mar 11, 1900

Minutes of the Council of the Twelve and of the First Presidency: Letter from lra N. Hinckley read, stating that a man in Oasis named Church had received his patriarchal blessing in which he was told that he was of the lineage of Ephraim and that he should receive the priesthood and go on a mission But it is understood that he inherits some negro blood in him through his mother, and questions were being asked about the right of this party to hold the priesthood, some holding that he might do so provided the white blood predominates.

President [Lorenzo] Snow, commenting on this subject, said that he asked President Brigham Young on one occasion why it was that millions and millions of people were cursed with a black skin, and when, if ever, this curse would be re-moved? President Young explained it to him in this way, but whether the President had had this revealed to him or not he did not know, or whether he was giving his own personal views of what had been told him by the Prophet Joseph [Smith]. He said that when Cain slew Abel he fully understood that the effects would not end with the killing of his brother, but that it extended to the spirits in eternity. He said that in the spirit world people were organized as they are here. There were patriarchs standing at the head of certain classes of spirits, and there were certain relationships existing which affected their coming into the world to take tabernacles; as, for instance, when Abel came into the world it was understood by Cain that the class of
people he presided over as a prince, if they ever came into the world in the regular way, they would have come thru him. So with Cain, he was a prince presiding over a vast number of a certain class of spirits, and it was natural that they should come through him, if at all, and therefore when Cain slew Abel he understood that the taking of his brother's life was going to deprive the spirits over whom he presided from coming into the world, perhaps for thousands and thousands of years; hence the sin was immense because the effects were immense. Then there was this understanding when the Lord executed judgement upon Cain; the spirits under his leadership still looked up to him, and rather than forsake him they were willing to bear his burdens and share the penalty imposed upon him. This was understood when the curse was pronounced upon him, and it was understood that this curse would remain upon his posterity until the class of spirits presided over by Abel should have the privilege
of coming into the world and taking tabernacles, and then the curse would be removed.

President [George Q.] Cannon remarked upon this subject, as he said, he had on a prior occasion when this subject was under consideration, that he had understood that the Prophet Joseph [Smith] had said during this lifetime, that there would be a great wrong perpetrated if the seed of Cain were allowed to have the Priesthood before Abel should have posterity to receive it, and this curse therefore was to remain upon the seed of Cain until the time should come that Abel should have posterity. He understood that that time could not come until Abel should beget spirits in the eternal worlds and those spirits obtain tabernacles; if it were otherwise the slayer would have advantage over the slain. President Cannon further remarked that it would seem that there was a class of spirits who had to take such bodies for the reason that Ham introduced this blood through the ark by marrying a woman of the accused seed named Egyptus.

[George Albert Smith Papers, Manuscripts Division, Marriott Library, University of Utah, in Marquardt, H. Michael, Mormon Central: Excerpts From Minutes of the Council of the Twelve and of the First Presidency, 1879-1947 http://www.xmission.com/~research/central/chorg2.htm]

140 years ago today - Mar 11, 1885

.... Some busybodies having made it their business to find out how long it took for a recommend left at this office to go to the president, receive his signature, and be returned, thereby calculating the whereabouts of the president, he has directed me to forward all recommends left personally at this office for his signature to you at the temple after they have been signed by him, and not to return them to those in whose favor they are made out; in this way avoiding such calculations as those intimated above.

[George Reynolds to Marriner Wood Merrill, Mar. 11, 1885 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

150 years ago today - Mar 11, 1875

President Brigham Young was this day sentenced to pay a fine & be imprisioned in the Penetentiary for 24 Hours for Contempt of Court By Judge McKean because he had not paid the Lawyiers $3,000 in time as ordered By Judge McKean. President Young was in Court at the time the order was made. He was in the Hands of the Marshall Smith who took him home to Presidents Youngs Residence & he got dinner at about 3 oclok.

He started in his own Carriage in Company with Marshall A. K Smith & D H Wells for the Penitentiary G. A. Smith A M. Musser in one Carriage & F D Richards F. Little, Driver & W Woodruff in another Carriage & Several other friends went up by different roads & all met together at the Penitentiary & all went to gether into the wardens room & spent about an hour with the President. [He?] & the Sherriff was finally locked up in the Prision Cell with Bishops [-] & Ricks for a short time.

Presidet Young then returned to the warden room whare He was made as Comfortable as prision life Could expect to be This being the first time that Presidet Young was ever Confined in prision by order of any Court. I had a desire to spend the night with him but my desire was not Granted. Daniel H Wells [Caymon?] Young & another man was all that was allowed with him through the night. The rest of us went home.

[He had been found in "contempt of court" in divorce proceedings brought by his plural wife Ann Eliza Young.]

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

165 years ago today - Mar 11, 1860

[Brigham Young]

Asserted that God will gather all the light and intelligence that is in the world, all the laws of science, all the truths of astronomy, mechanism and philosophy, and bring them to Zion and to Jerusalem.

[Deseret News 1850-current. 10:16 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

180 years ago today - March 11, 1845. Tuesday.

In the Council of Fifty all day. ... The subject of writing letters to the Governor's and a number of other subjects were discussed. The subject of the movements of the mob was talked over and it was considered best for those who are hunted with writs to go on Missions so that we may if possible evade the blow until we can finish the Temple and the Nauvoo House. ...

[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]

180 years ago today - Mar 11, 1845 - Tuesday

[Council of Fifty]

The chairman [Brigham Young] said his feelings were that the brethren go till they can find a suitable place for a location and when they have done that let them immediately send word back. His mind would be for them to go to the Camanche Indians and negotiate with them and if we can get their consent we will go and tarry among them for a season. His feelings are that our time is short among the gentiles, and the judgment of God will soon come on them like whirlwind. He dont care about preaching to the gentiles any longer. Some of the brethren say they can convert many of the gentiles and baptise them, but what are they good for when we get them. They are not bold enough to come out in defence of the truth, nor do any thing, and he feels as Lyman Wight said let the damned scoundrels be killed, let them be swept off from the earth, and then we can go and be baptized for them, easier than we can convert them. ... This is the last call we will make to them and if they dont listen
to it we will sweep them out of existance. ...

Coun. Kimball ... agreed with the chairman in regard to preaching the gospel any longer to the gentiles. ... There are a great many men in this City who have neither natural wives nor spiritual wives

The chairman said in regard to going beyond the rocky mountains, he dont feel like it, it is so far to go there, and have to come back to kill off these cursed scoundrels. As to going by revelation he defys any man to go out of revelation, if he keep in the United States. ... We can go to Texas [which had just been annexed by the U.S.] and set up the standard and maintain ourselves there. If ever we get the City of Zion once organized the idea of men going and telling tales to our enemies will be put an end to. Let us get by ourselves and in a little while the Indians will join in with us, and as soon as we get cousin Lemuel converted I dont fear. ...

The chairman said ... He feels as though if he was drawn before his enemies and it was not wisdom for him to die, he could pick up men and throw them out of the window as easy as he could potatoes, and that is the power of the priesthood. ...

The chairman continued and said he wanted when the brethren leave the council chamber not to talk in the streets about any thing that is said here. ... We want to tarry here this season if possible and if one man is killed there will have to be many killed. He is not easily excited, but he is just determined that we will not endure any more from these cursed scoundrels. He would rather the Temple would stop, and we go to the wilderness to get our endowment than that another innocent man should be killed. If the time was come for the Saints to go forth and avenge the blood of our prophets and redeem Zion he would take one hundred men and sweep the State of Illinois so that there should not be a man left to tell the tale and he would not lose ten men....

[Joseph Smith Papers: Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844-January 1846]

45 years ago today - Mar 10, 1980-Monday

[Leonard Arrington]

.... One of the NBC [TV] people had asked Elder Hinckley why he wasn't willing to meet with Sonia Johnson. He said, We'd be delighted to meet with her. That word was passed on to Sonia by the NBC person and so when she came she wanted to take Elder Hinckley up on the offer. She worked through Jan Tyler, and Jan was able to get things so that a meeting could be held. ... Sonia had insisted with Jan that they refer to them as Gordon and Neal rather than as Elder Hinckley and Elder Maxwell, and that they be called Jan and Sonia instead of Sister Tyler and Sister Johnson. Sonia had prepared a list of six things to bring up with them, but the confrontation was so intense and so unfriendly that she didn't get more than two covered. ... Jan reported that Elder Hinckley was not in the mood to listen. He took it as his task to "give counsel." Sonia for her part was not seeking counsel but trying to persuade Elder Hinckley and Elder Maxwell to give consideration to various points. ... He was
not sympathetic with Sonia's concerns or the problems of women, and for her part Sonia was not in a mood to tearfully express repentance. Jan said it was the most excruciating experience she had ever had in her life. She thought absolutely nothing in terms of policy would come as the result of the meeting. It was excruciating to Jan partly because of the cruel way that Elder Hinckley treated Sonia, and partly because of his complete unwillingness to listen to the expression of problems and concerns and frustrations.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

75 years ago today - Mar 10, 1950

[Spencer W. Kimball]

[In response to a comment by Meredith Wilson, dean of the School of Education at the University of Utah, regarding the Deseret News's criticisms of the U of u Pen affair (promoting literature critical of the church):] He [i.e., Wilson] felt that the Church made much of little. I told him this was not little'it was not a coincidence that all this array of Church enemies and their long list of scatological writings should be grouped together in the first pages all together in the PEN and should come out on this Centennial day. I told him that we were sorry too for a little girl who had made a mistake but I felt sorrier for the hundred of thousands of good Latter Day Saints dead and living who had been insulted and defamed and attacked by the Pen and its writers held up by it to glorification. I told him we or I felt that the University should be strictly non-religious. They had no more right in the classes, in their magazines or otherwise to belittle the Church than they had to teach
its doctrines. ... I do not know what impression I made upon him, but I told him many things in a quiet kindly manner in those two hours that I hope will sink in and help him. I told him again that I was not so much concerned with the tirade which could easily be forgiven. The thing which distressed me greatly was that it was splitting our L.D.S. people apart and that so many of our own people had lost the sense of injustice and preferred to worship the spirit of free thinking and expression than the spirit of loyalty to a Cause and to our people who were responsible for this great empire and the University and most all else.

[Spencer W. Kimball Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

110 years ago today - Mar 10, 1915

The pattern of the temple garment was given by revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith[,] exact date as to month or year unknown.

[Joseph F. Smith, Anthon H. Lund, and Charles W. Penrose to Arthur C. Smith, Mar. 10, 1915 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

130 years ago today - Mar 10, 1895

[Heber J. Grant]

I will be thankful indeed when the time comes that I can live with her [his plural wife Emily] as a wife and in a manner that will bring peace and happiness to both of us [his wife] Gusta feels as sad over my loss [of a son by Emily] as it could be possible for her to feel. She would gladly do something to comfort Emily were it in her power to do so. ...

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

145 years ago today - Mar 10, 1880

Opening session of the territory's first medical school, Medical College of Utah in Morgan, Utah. Its first student and first M.D. graduate in 1882 is Emeline Grover Rich, plural wife of Apostle Charles C. Rich. She is a mother of eight children.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

180 years ago today - March 10, 1845. Monday.

[William Clayton]

....While writing and copying the records of the Kingdom, I was writing these words dropped by Elder H. C. Kimball in the council on the 4th inst. viz. "if a man step beyond his bounds he will lose his kingdom as Lucifer did and it will be given to others who are more worthy." This idea came to my mind. It has been a doctrine taught by this church that we were in the Grand Council amongst the Gods when the organization of this world was contemplated and that the laws of government were all made and sanctioned by all present and all the ordinances and ceremonies decreed upon. Now is it not the case that the Council of the Kingdom of God [Council of Fifty] now organized upon this earth are making laws and sanctioning principles which will in part govern the saints after the resurrection, and after death will not these laws be made known by messengers and agents as the gospel was made known to us. And is there not a similarity between this grand council and the council which sat
previous to the organization of this world.

[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]

195 years ago today - Mar 10, 1830

A Presbyterian committee reports that Lucy, Hyrum, and Samuel Smith acknowledged that they had "entirely neglected the ordinances of the church for the last eighteen months and that they did not wish to unite with us any more".

[Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]

70 years ago today - Mar 9, 1955

Thomas S. Ferguson makes a presentation to the LDS First Presidency concerning the New World Archaeological Foundation. Ferguson points out that the scholarly world would accept the archaeological discoveries of NWAF, since non-Mormon archaeologists would be used and NWAF was not an official church organization. As a result, Ferguson receives a commitment for $200,000 from the Church, which would be enough money to carry out four seasons of archaeological excavations in Mesoamerica. The presentation was a follow-up to a recent letter Ferguson had sent to the First Presidency stating: "The Book of Mormon is the only revelation from God in the history of the world that can possibly be tested by scientific physical evidence. . . . To find the city of Jericho is merely to confirm a point of history. To find the city of Zarahemla is to confirm a point of history but it is also to confirm, through tangible physical evidence, divine revelation to the modern world through Joseph Smith,
Moroni, and the Urim and Thummim. Thus, Book of Mormon history is revelation that can be tested by archaeology."

75 years ago today - Mar 9, 1950

[Spencer W. Kimball]

I was much depressed. It was noticeable for Pres. Clark asked me what the trouble was. I told him I was consulting Dr. Cowan on my throat and that the Doctor seems worried. He said: You looked worried and disturbed. Surely you don't need anything else to worry you. In my turn I had reported to the Brethren 'No report'I am still loafing' and Pres. Clark rejoined 'No you aren't.' The brethren have not given me any stake assignments and almost none other. The only work I can do these days is that which I dig up and encourage. I hope this condition will not be long, for it is terribly depressing to be relieved from service. I am feeling much better physically, though that may be because of the greater worry of the cancer.

[Spencer W. Kimball Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

115 years ago today - Wednesday, Mar 9, 1910

[Apostle John Henry Smith]

St. George

... examined the foundation of the Temple and the Walls. The Mineral is eating away even the black rock as it does the sand stone. The foundation of the Tabernacle is being very badly damaged.

[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]

155 years ago today - Mar 9, 1870

I witnessed another evidence of the far-seeing policy of our President [Brigham Young]. He happened to see some little fellows playing with round stones for want of marbles'"I heard him say to his wife: '"Look into the buggy, and see if there are not some marbles.'" Surely enough they were produced, and given to the children. He also had some tobacco for the Indians. There seemed to be something for every emergency in that buggy. -- Harrisburg, Utah

[Improvement Era. LDS Church. Salt Lake City, 1897-1970. 3:5 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

165 years ago today - Mar 9, 1860

Conversation changed and fell upon the subject of the unpleasantness which attends marrying women of property, the President [Brigham Young] observed he had been singularly fortunate on that head for one or two of his women had a little property coming to them but they did not get it, and the other woman had but little. -- Salt Lake City

[Brigham Young Office Journals, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

180 years ago today - Mar 9, 1845 (Evening)

[Upon a request to begin the Relief Society again, Brigham Young states:] Relative to things in which any of our sisters have been engaged they have no right to meddle in the affairs of the kingdom of God, outside the pale of this they have a right to meddle because many of them are more sagacious and shrewd and more competent [than men] to attend to things of financial affairs. They never can hold the keys of the Priesthood apart from their husbands, When I want sisters or the wives of the members of the church to get up Relief Society I will summon them to my aid but until that time let them stay at home and if you see females huddling together veto the concern and if they say Joseph started it tell them it is a damned lie for I know he never encouraged it'- I am determined to stay these proceedings for by it our best men have been taken from us. One ounce of prevention is better than one pound of cure. -- Nauvoo, Illinois

[Seventies Record Minutes as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

200 years ago today - Mar 9, 1825

A Baptist pastor in Bristol, New York, reports that in Palmyra "Multitudes have abandoned their false hopes, and false schemes .... About three hundred have united with the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Methodist churches; and to each in about equal numbers."

25 years ago today - Mar 08, 2000

God's Army, an independent film directed by LDS filmmaker Richard Dutcher about missionary life in Southern California, premieres in Sandy, Utah.

45 years ago today - Mar 8, 1980.

Paul Toscano is asked to be a witness at the temple wedding of Ron and Kathy Ray in Mesa, Arizona. At the door his and Margaret Toscano's recommends are confiscated and they are refused entrance. The temple president informs them that their bishop, Sheldon Talbot, called the temple president requesting that action. The Toscanos immediately call him. He gives them no information except that they are "unworthy" to enter the temple, even though they accompanied Kathy for her endowments the day before. Distressed and humiliated the Toscanos participate in the brunch and reception and then return to Orem, Utah, where they discover that several friends have received summonses to church courts, essentially as "accomplices" of the Toscanos. Finally, they learn that Talbot is acting on rumors that the Toscanos have been conducting the temple endowment in their home, are performing plural marriages, have been teaching false doctrine, and have been leading others out of the church. Elder Mark
E. Petersen refuses to meet with Paul. A former BYU bishop intervenes with Elder Petersen. The scheduled courts are canceled. Over the next six months, the Toscanos meet with their stake president and bishop three times in lengthy sessions of five to six hours each. The stake presidency's investigation concludes that there is no substance to the rumors. Their temple recommends are returned to them.

[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, "The LDS Intellectual Community and Church Leadership: A Contemporary Chronology," Dialogue, Vol.26, No.1]

135 years ago today - Mar 8, 1890

[James E. Talmage]

'According to an appointment of long standing, I this day went to Provo and there delivered a lecture on the "Theory of Evolution" before the County Teacher's Convention. The convention, after listening to the lecture, asked permission to publish it. Because of the importance of the subject and the ease with which misunderstandings arise as to a speaker's intentions, I read the lecture from notes"

[James E. Talmage diary]

140 years ago today - Mar 8, 1885

"The scriptures give an account simply of the woman Eve; declaring that this name was given her of Adam, because she was "the mother of all living;" but outside of biblical record there has been handed down from time immemorial the idea that Adam had two wives, the narrators go so far, or rather so near perfecting the tradition so as to give their names, Lilith being said to be the name of one as Eve was the name of the other, and while it may be difficult to harmonize all the Rabbinical and Talmudic versions of this matter, it is said that Joseph Smith the Prophet taught that Adam had two wives."

[Elder H. W. Naisbitt, Journal of Discourses 26:115, as quoted in Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthy Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)]

155 years ago today - Mar 8, 1870 (Afternoon)

I never heard him take a text from the Bible except once. Brother Brigham did not believe in loud laughter; he seldom more than smiled, and rarely repeated jokes to provoke laughter.

[Improvement Era. LDS Church. Salt Lake City, 1897-1970. 3:5 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

185 years ago today - Mar 8, 1840

While Wilford Woodruff is preaching at John Benbow's Hill Farm to over 1,000 people, the local rector preaches to only 15. The rector sends a constable to arrest Elder Woodruff for preaching without a license. When the constable learns that he has a license, he sits and listens to the sermon and requests baptism at the end of the meeting. The next day the rector sends two more people to spy on Elder Woodruff's preachings, and both of them request baptism.

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]

190 years ago today - Mar 8, 1835

At Kirtland an additional 69 brethren are blessed for having "assisted in building the House of the Lord in Kirtland." Exactly fifty were blessed the previous day.

90 years ago today - End of February 1935

[J. Reuben Clark]

Tithing-Death Benefit.

It is the intention of the First Presidency to give, as a matter of aid and reward for faithfulness, from and after January 1, 1936, to one or more or all of the faithful Church members of the family of a deceased tithe-payer dying after January 1, 1936, an amount equal to one-tenth (1/10) of the tithing paid by such deceased tithe-payer after January 1, 1935.

The First Presidency may change, modify, or discontinue the plan and practice thereof in whole or as to any individual case if wisdom or the necessities of the Church seem in their opinion to make such a course desirable.

[The Diaries of J. Reuben Clark, 1933-1961, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah 2015]

165 years ago today - Feb 28, 1860

[Brigham Young]

President Young remarked to his Bro. Phineas that Joseph Smith Jun [III] (little Joseph as he is called) will be a good latter day saint; in time it may want a revelation from the Lord; but blessings will rest upon the posterity of Joseph Smith the Prophet; and the spirit of the Lord will probably rest upon Joseph that he will be constrained to enquire of the Lord what he would have him do. -- Salt Lake City

[Brigham Young Office Journals, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

175 years ago today - Feb 28, 1850

Originally named the University of Deseret, the University of Utah is the oldest state university west of the Missouri River. Founded in Salt Lake City on 28 February 1850, the school's first term - for men only - in November of 1850. The second term was opened to both women and men.

[Hosea Stout diary] "Met with the Legislature again[.] The fore noon was mostly spent in passing a bill providing for a University for the State which provided for a Chancellor 12 Regents & Treasurer to be appointed by the Legislature which was donealso 5000 dollars voted out of the Treasurey to commence it."

[Utah History Encyclopedia: University of Utah, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]

180 years ago today - Feb 28, 1845, Friday

[William Clayton]

``The State of Illinois has severed from us every tie that could possibly bind us to them as a government ... and as a last mark of their vengeance they have taken away our charter and left us open to the enemy without the least shield of law to protect us.'' The Masonic lodge, too, had taken away its charter from Nauvoo, thus breaking another bond with the people of the state, ``so that every tie is gone, and we can now rely on the arm of Jehovah alone for protection and safety from our enemies.'' ... ``We are an independent people claiming n o aliance with any of the kingdoms of the earth. We are hunted and oppressed something like the Lamanites were on the first settlement of the United States by the whites. The mobs are continually getting out writs for the best of our men and seem determined to blot us out from the face of the earth.'' ...

[Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois. http://www.boap.org/LDS/Early-Saints/clayton-diaries]

190 years ago today - Feb 28, 1835

The First Quorum of the Seventy was organized in Kirtland, and its first seven presidents, who were also selected from members of Zion's Camp, were named.

[Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, http://www.ldschurchnewsarchive.com/articles/58765/Historical-chronology-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints.html]