45 years ago today - Jun 30, 1979

Wilbur Fugate swears to an affidavit concerning the origin of the "Kinderhook Plates:" "they are a HUMBUG, gotten up by Robert Wiley, Bridge Whitton and myself. . . . We read in Pratt's prophecy that 'Truth is yet to spring out of the earth.' We concluded to prove the prophecy by way of a joke. . . . Bridge Whitton cut them out of some pieces of copper; Wiley and I made the hieroglyphics by making impressions on beeswax and filling them with acid and putting it on the plates. . . . Our plans worked admirably. . . .On the following morning quite a number of citizens were there to assist in the search, there being two Mormon elders present (Marsh and Sharp). . . . The Mormons wanted to take the plates to Joe Smith, but we refused to let them go. Some time afterward a man assuming the name of Savage, of Quincy, borrowed the plates of Wiley to show to his literary friends there, and took them to Joe Smith

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

110 years ago today - Jun 30, 1914; Tuesday

This evening's papers announce the closing down of the "Dream Mine", near Salem, Utah. I regard this as a good occurrence in view of the conditions under which so many people have been deceived in connection with this ill-directed enterprise.

[James E. Talmage, Diary]

120 years ago today - Jun 30, 1904

The LDS church historian decides that publications should acknowledge the existence of only the Presiding Bishopric and ward bishoprics and not acknowledge the former offices of regional bishops, traveling bishops, and stake bishops.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

130 years ago today - Jun 30, 1894

[Apostle Heber J. Grant Diary]

Some months ago I made a covenant with Him that I would devote nine tenths of all the profits which I might make from mining for a period of ten years to the Church as Tithing and that I would retain but one tenth of these profits for my own use. Inasmuch as I have not made a dolar in mining as yet and also seeing that I would get the credit on the tithing books for all such sums in case I were to make anyting from mining I have today in my prayers made a covenant to give all such sums for such purposes as the Presidency of the Church of some of the Apostles may direct instead of taking credit on tithing.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Jun 30, 1844

[Letter from Vilate Kimball to Heber C. Kimball regarding the death of Joseph & Hyrum Smith]

My Dear Dear Companion

Never before, did I take up my pen

to address you under so trying circumstances as we are now placed

but as Br Adams the bearer of this can tell you more than I can write

I shall not attempt to discribe [describe] the scene that we have passed through

God forbid that I should ever witness another like unto it

I saw the lifeless corpes [corpse] of our beloved brethren when they

were brought to their almost distracted families. yea I witnessed

their tears and groans which was enough to rend the heart of an

adamant. every brother and sister that [ ] witnessed the scene fe[lt]

deeply to simpathyze [symphonize] with them. yea, every heart is filled with

sorrow, and the very streets of Nauvoo seam to morn. whare [where]

it will end the Lord only knows. we are kept awake night after

night by the alarm of mobs. these apostates say, their damnation

is sealed their die is cast, their doom is fixed. and they are

determined to do all in their power to have revenge. ...

[Letter from Vilate Kimball to Heber C. Kimball]

180 years ago today - Jun 30, 1844

Illinois Governor Thomas Ford orders "Colonel Fellows and Captain Jonas" to go to Nauvoo "and ascertain what is the feeling, the disposition, and determination of the people there, . . . ascertain whether any of them propose in any manner to revenge themselves, whether any threats have been used, and what is proposed generally, to be done by them." He orders them then to go to nearby Warsaw to ascertain "whether any attack is intended on Nauvoo. . . . [A]nd in my name forbid any such interference, without my request, on pain of being demanded for punishment."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

195 years ago today - ca. late June 1829

[Lucy Mack Smith]

Traditional date for the restoration of the Melchizedek priesthood by Peter, James, and John.

[Anderson, Lavina Fielding, Editor, Lucy's Book: A Critical Edition of Lucy Mack Smith's Family Memoir, 2001, Signature Books, http://bit.ly/lucys-book]

195 years ago today - Circa Jun 30, 1829

According to David Whitmer, the [Book of Mormon] translation is completed by 1 July 1829 , or in late June.

[Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]

125 years ago today - Jun 28, 1899

[Brigham Young Jr.]

Spent much of time in office. Pres[ident] [Lorenzo] Snow looks worn'tired out. God help him for his load is great. To me how useless this enormous debt under which the whole church is groaning today. While I beleive the intention was a heart felt desire to build up Zion, through the ill advised acts of men millions have been thrown away.

[Brigham Young Jr., Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

150 years ago today - Jun 28, 1874 (Morning)

[Brigham Young Sermon]

President Young spoke 18 Minutes'-He said all the virgins had been asleep 40 years & Just beginning to wake up & were wondering what New thing had Come in the United Order. -- Brigham City, Utah

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal. 9 Vols. Scott G. Kenney, ed. Salt Lake City: Signature Books, 1983-85. 7:187 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

150 years ago today - Jun 28, 1874 (Afternoon)

[Brigham Young Sermon]

.... when the thousand years of rest shall come and thousands and thousands of Temples shall be built, and the servants and handmaids of the Lord shall have entered therein and officiated for themselves, and for their dead friends back to the days of Adam; when the last of the spirits in prison who will receive the Gospel has received it; when the Savior comes and receives his ready bride, and all who can be are saved in the various kingdoms of God'"celestial, terrestrial and telestial, according to their several capacities and opportunities; when sin and iniquity are driven from the earth, and the spirits that now float in this atmosphere are driven into the place prepared for them; and when the earth is sanctified from the effects of the fall, and baptized, cleansed, and purified by fire, and returns to its paradisiacal state, and has become like a sea of glass, a urim and thummim; when all this is done, and the Savior has presented the earth to his Father, and it is placed in the
cluster of the celestial kingdom, and the Son and all his faithful brethren and sisters have received the welcome plaudit'" '"Enter ye into the joy of your Lord,'" and the Savior is crowned, then and not till then, will the Saints receive their everlasting inheritances.

... I say to my sisters in the kingdom, who are sealed to men, and who say, '"We do not want this man in eternity if he is going to conduct himself there as he does here'"'" there is not the least danger in the world of your ever seeing him in eternity or of his seeing you there if he proves himself unworthy here. But if he honors his Priesthood, and you are to blame and come short of doing your duty, and prove yourself unworthy of celestial glory, it will be left to him to do what he pleases with you. You will be very glad to get to him if you find the fault was in yourself and not in him. ...

When you want to get a bill of divorce, you had better wait and find out whether the Lord is willing to give you one or not, and not come to me. I tell the brethren and sisters, when they come to me and want a bill of divorce, that I am ready to seal people and administer in the ordinances, and they are welcome to my services, but when they undertake to break the commandments and tear to pieces the doings of the Lord, I make them give me something. I tell a man he has to give me ten dollars if he wants a divorce. For what? My services? No, for his foolishness. If you want a bill of divorce give me ten dollars, so that I can put it down in the book that such a man and such a woman have dissolved partnership. Do you think you have obtained a bill of divorce? No, nor ever can if you are faithful to the covenants you have made. It takes a higher power than a bill of divorce to take a woman from a man who is a good man and honors his Priesthood'"it must be a man who possesses a
higher power in the Priesthood, or else the woman is bound to her husband, and will be forever and ever.

[Journal of Discourses. Liverpool, England, 1853-86. 17:115-120; Deseret News. Also Deseret Evening News, Deseret News Weekly, Deseret News Semi- Weekly, and Deseret News Extra, Salt Lake City as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

170 years ago today - Jun 28, 1854

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]

President Young nominated John Smith the oldest son of Hiram Smith for a patriarch over the whole church. It was a clear vote.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Jun 28, 1844

[Nauvoo Temple]

Workmen suspended work on the temple to guard the temple walls.

[Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple]

180 years ago today - Jun 28, 1844

In the morning Orrin Porter Rockwell rides through Nauvoo crying, "Joseph is killed! Goddamn them! They have killed him!"

The bodies of Joseph and Hyrum Smith arrive in Nauvoo at 3:00 PM. William Clayton goes to see them and remarks: "Joseph looks very natural except being pale through loss of blood. Hyrum does not look so natural. Their aged mother is distracted with grief and it will be almost more than she can bear."

Allen Stout, former Danite, writes in his journal after viewing the bodies: "I stood there and then resolved in my mind that I would never let an opportunity slip unimproved of avenging their blood.... I knew not how to contain myself, and when I see one of the men who persuaded them to give up to be tried, I feel like cutting their throats yet"

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

180 years ago today - After Jun 27, 1844

After her entry about the martyrdom of Joseph Smith, Leonora Taylor (wife of John Taylor) writes in large letters filling a full page the following passage laden with innuendo:

Come Joseph[,]

Don't be filling that up with boltheads[.]

How is your garden this year[?]

I'll show you some Summer Apples[,] my Lady[.]

O Dear[!]

[Diary of Leonora Cannon Taylor [--] Property of Franklin D. Taylor," George J. Taylor Papers. "The Records of the Utah Humanities Research Foundation," Marriott Library, has a selectively edited, 11-page typescript of her diary which skips (without ellipses or other acknowledgement) this entry. as quoted in "Evidence For The Sexual Side of Joseph Smith's Polygamy," Comments by D. Michael Quinn on Session #2A "Reconsidering Joseph Smith's Marital Practices," Mormon History Association's Annual Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 29 June 2012 (unabbreviated version, revised during July)]

180 years ago today - Jun 28, 1844

Willard Richards and Samuel H. Smith, Joseph's brother, take the bodies of Hyrum and Joseph back to Nauvoo in two wagons. They are taken to the Nauvoo Mansion, where the doors are closed and the thousands of mourners are told they will be able to see the bodies the next day. Dimick B. Huntington, William Marks, and William D. Huntington wash the bodies and dress them in white. Emma (four months pregnant) and Mary Fielding Smith and children are then admitted to see the bodies. Emma screams and falls back, and is caught by Dimick B. Huntington. She then falls forward onto Joseph's face and kisses him, calling him by name and begging him to speak to her once more. Mary Fielding Smith holds back her grief and keeps her composure. During this time Willard Richards and several others speak to eight or ten thousand Saints who have gathered, telling them to keep the peace and trust in the law to punish the assassins of Joseph and Hyrum.

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]

180 years ago today - Jun 28, 1844

The day after the martyrdom, George Cannon (father of Church leader George Q. Cannon) makes death masks of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, providing historians with a valuable source of information about the two men's facial features.

[The Woodland Institute 'On This Day Historical Database' (defunct)]

195 years ago today - Circa Jun 28, 1829

Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Martin Harris are shown the plates by an angel . David Whitmer said the event occurred in the "latter part" of June 1829 . Whitmer told Edward Stevenson that the vision occurred on a "Sunday" about 11:00 a.m., perhaps 28 June . Whitmer also said he was shown the plates "shortly before the completion of the translation when but a few pages left".

[Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]

65 years ago today - Jun 27, 1959

The Church News headlines, "Sweden's King is Reading the Book of Mormon," referring to Gustav VI Adolf.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

65 years ago today - Jun 27, 1959

CHURCH NEWS headlines, "Sweden's King is Reading Book of Mormon," referring to Gustav VI Adolf.

75 years ago today - Jun 27, 1949

When a stake president complains to the First Presidency about pari-mutuel betting on horse races, "Pres. Smith said that the position of the Church has always been against horse racing on Sunday." First counselor J. Reuben Clark immediately and emphatically adds, "on any other day, too, where there is betting."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

75 years ago today - Jun 27, 1949

When stake president complains to First Presidency about pari-mutual betting on horse races, "Pres. Smith said that the position of the Church has always been against horse racing on Sunday." First counselor J. Reuben Clark immediately and emphatically adds, "on any other day, too, where there is betting."

135 years ago today - Jun 27, 1889

[Franklin D. Richards]

Jane [S. Richards] was baptized 7 times for restoration of her health'-once for renewal of her covenants. then for her cousins Eleanor Snyder & Ann Jane Snyder, then also for Sarah Bates Pratt as she requested Jane to do before her death.

[Franklin D. Richards Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

180 years ago today - Jun 27, 1844

Lucinda Morgan Harris Smith, plural wife of Joseph Smith and widow of Masonic marter William Morgan is seen "standing at the head of Joseph Smith's body, her face covered, and her whole frame convulsed with weeping. She was the widow of William Morgan, of Masonic memory, . . . I had called on her a few days previous to this occasion, and while conversing with her, put my hand on a gilt-edged volume lying on the stand. It was 'Stearns on Masonry,' and contained the likeness of William Morgan. She said she had taken it out, and thought if the mob did come, and she was obliged to flee, or jump into the Mississippi, she would take it with her."

[Grunder, Rick, Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source]

180 years ago today - Jun 27, 1844

At 4:00 PM, "Hyrum read extracts from Josephus." Josephus discusses such non-biblical things as Abraham's uncle-relationship to his wife Sarai, and his teaching of arithmatic and astronomy to the Egyptians.

[Grunder, Rick, Mormon Parallels: A Bibliographic Source]

180 years ago today - Jun 27, 1844

5 p.m. - A large group of men approaches Carthage Jail disguised with blackened faces. Joseph Smith at first assumes it is the Nauvoo Legion he has secretly ordered to rescue him. However, major-general Jonathan Dunham has disobeyed orders knowing that a prison escape would beam the annihilation of Nauvoo. Instead the vigilantes storm the upstairs room, instantly killing Hyrum Smith and severely wounding John Taylor. Joseph defends himself with a pistol (smuggled in by Cyrus H. Wheelock who had a written pass from Governor Ford allowing him to go "unmolested" in and out of the jail), fatally wounding two men in the mob. He then jumps out of the window, and begins to shout the Masonic cry of distress: "Oh Lord, my God, is there no help for the widow's son?" Masons in the crowd show no mercy and prop the semi-conscious Smith against a nearby well and shoot him several times at point-blank range. The Carthage Grays arrive at the jail moments later from their encampment half a mile
away. Willard Richards is the only one not killed or severely wounded. Mormons immediately attribute this to the fact that he alone wore the undergarment given to endowed persons.

180 years ago today - Jun 27, 1844

10 a.m. - Illinois governor Thomas Ford arrives to disband the state militia, then travels with some of his troops to Nauvoo. Although he spares the city the bloody assault planned by the Illinois militia, he leaves Joseph Smith under protection of hostile Carthage Greys, knowingly enabling the assassination.

Before leaving Carthage Jail at 1:30 p.m., Stephen Markham listens as Joseph Smith says he has lost the spirit of God for disobedience in returning to Nauvoo.

180 years ago today - Jun 27, 1844

....5:30 A.M. Dan Jones also records that he demanded that Ford protect Joseph because Joseph was a Master Mason, and promised that if Joseph was killed, he would testify to the world that Ford knew about it beforehand....

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]

185 years ago today - Jun 27, 1839 (Thursday)

[Joseph Smith Sermon]

.... This first comforter or Holy Ghost has no other effect than pure inteligence. It is more powerful in expanding the mind enlightening the understanding & storeing the intellect with present knowledge of a man who is of the literal Seed of Abraham than one that is a gentile though it may not have half as much visible effect upon the body for as the Holy Ghost falls upon one of the Literal Seed of Abraham it is calm & serene & his whole soul & body are only exercised by the pure spirit of Inteligence; while the effect of the Holy Ghost upon a Gentile is to purge out the old blood & make him actually of the seed of Abraham. That man that has none of the blood of Abraham (naturally) must have a new creation by the Holy Ghost, in such a case there may be more of a powerful effect upon the body & visible to the eye than upon an Israelite, while the Israelite at first might be far before the Gentile in pure inteligence[.]

The other Comforter spoken of is a subject of great interest & perhaps understood by few of this generation ... the Lord will soon say unto him Son thou shalt be exalted. &c When the Lord has thoroughly proved him & finds that the man is determined to serve him at all hazard. then the man will find his calling & Election made sure then it will be his privilege to receive the other Comforter which the Lord hath promised the saints as is recorded in the testimony of St John in the XIV ch from the 12th to the 27 verses Note the verses. (16.vs) & I will pray the father & he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever; ...

Now what is this other Comforter? It is no more or less than the Lord Jesus Christ himself & this is the sum & substance of the whole matter, that when any man obtains this last Comforter he will have the personage of Jesus Christ to attend him or appear unto him from time to time. & even he will manifest the Father unto him & they will take up their abode with him, & the visions of the heavens will be opened unto him & the Lord will teach him face to face & he may have a perfect knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God, & this is the state & place the Ancient Saints arrived at when they had such glorious vision Isaiah, Ezekiel, John upon the Isle of Patmos, St Paul in the third heavens, & all the Saints who held communion with the general Assembly & Church of the First Born &c...

An Evangeslist

Is a patriarch even the oldest man of the Blood of Joseph or of the seed of Abraham, wherever the Church of Christ is established in the earth, there should be a patriarch for the benefit of the posterity of the Saints as it was with Jacob. in giving his patriarchal blessing unto his Sons &c.—

[The Woodland Institute, http://www.woodlandinstitute.com]

185 years ago today - Jun 27, 1839

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]

Among the vast number of the Keys of the Kingdom of God Joseph presented the following one to the Twelve for there benefit in there experience & travels in the flesh which is as follows:

In order to detect the devel [devil] when he transforms himself nigh unto an angel of light. When an angel of God appears unto man face to face in personage & reaches out his hand unto the man & he takes hold of the angels hand & feels a substance the same as one man would in Shaking hands with another he may then know that it is an angel of God, & he should place all Confidence in him. Such personages or angels are Saints with there resurrected Bodies.

But if a personage appears unto man & offers him his hand & the man takes hold of it & he feels nothing or does not sens any substance he may know it is the devel [devil], for when a Saint whose body is not resurrected appears unto man in the flesh he will not offer him his hand for this is against the law given him & in keeping in mind these things we may detec the devil that he decieved us not.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

30 years ago today - Jun 26, 1994

[Nauvoo Temple]

The sunstone, which had been on display in the Nauvoo State Park, was relocated to the Temple Block, amid impressive ceremonies, under the direction of President Howard W. Hunter. The stone was encased in a special glassed-in case to preserve it from further deterioration.

[Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple]

50 years ago today - Jun 26, 1974-Wednesday

[Leonard Arrington]

Yesterday at 2:00 p.m. Earl [Olson], Don [Schmidt], Elder Anderson, and myself met for one and one half hours with Elders Hunter and McConkie. Two items affected my own work. First, I asked them for permission to publish the humor article in Dialogue. They replied with a flat no. The reason they gave was that they did not want a Church official dignifying Dialogue with articles they have prepared. They told me members of the Church would reach the conclusion that if articles by official Church appointees were published in Dialogue this gives a semi-official approval of the publication and of other articles in it.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

125 years ago today - Jun 26, 1899; Monday

At 12:30 P.M. the following telegram, signed by President Cannon, and in answer to the one sent to him on Saturday, "Will answer your inquiry as to liability when we get Banigan's reply".

The following telegram was received from Elder Joseph S. Horne, of the Sevier [Utah] Stake Presidency: "William S. Riley was cut off several years ago; we don't know whether former blessings have been conferred. Is it right and proper to bury him in Endowment clothes?" The understanding had concerning this matter was that the deceased was in full fellowship when he died, but it was not known for sure that his former blessings, those given prior to his excommunication, had been reconferred upon him at the time of his return to the Church. The following answer was sent: "It would be proper to clothe body in Temple clothes (Signed) Lorenzo Snow".

[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]

175 years ago today - Jun 26, 1849

[Joseph Young to Brigham Young]

the shooting of two Indians in this Neighborhood which took place on Saturday Saturday Evening a Little Before sunset May (26, 1849) the circumstances Related By a Number of the Brethren (Being absent Myself) are as follows[:] Some two or three Indians and about as Many Squaws and About the same Number of children Making in all from Eight to ten Persons were in and About this Neighbourhood and had Been for some weeks and as far as I have Learned were Peaceable and harmless[.] they Represented themselves as Pawnee fugatives from the Late senes [sic] of Masacres [sic] of the siou[x]s on that Nation[.] I Believe they had no guns nor Bows with them and were Begging such things as the Brethren saw fit to give them[.] it is said that one of them was an Indian who had helped Brother Egan in get[t]ing his Waggons through some Difficult places on the west Bank of Mosouria River and as a Reward he had given him a writing with his Name at Bot[t]om wishing to Be Kind to him &c[.] how far this
is correct I could not say[,] But one thing is certain[:] there had Been no complaints By the people in this Place of the Loss of Property in any<thing> whatever[.] the Indians were camped in a Small wigwam about ten yards from the creek and About 12 Rods from the old Schoolhouse About and about 90 Rods from My house, the Report had of these Indians had gone to Kanesville By some gold Diggers and Being Previously Exitid [excited] By the flying Stories of Indian Outrages they had greatly Exagerated the Number and the Probable intention of the Indians to the People of Kanesvill[e.] you can guess how it took with some[.] It is said that Brother Hyde was consulted on the Matter who told the person who asked his councill he thought it well Enough to Drive or frighten the Indians away[.] consequently Joseph Worthen[,] William Hickman[,] a son of Brother Lamb[,] and a son of Moses Daily[â€"]these four men and some others whose Names I have not Learned[â€"]started for Cartersville[.]
Bror Joseph Kelly who lives in thisNeig place and who had Run up to the Ferry on his Return home Rode up just as the Possey (as they called themselves) was Leaving and Being informed of what was going on took the Exitement [sic] they immediately put spurs o their Nags and Rode at the top of there Speed untill they Arrived on the high Bluffs which overlook the Mosquito Bottoms awhere thus far on the Rout[e] Brother Kelly informs me after Look<ing> over the Farms and fields and seeing the Brethren at work on their Different Plantations turns to the company and says Boys it is a Hoax there <are> no Indians here[.] But they Still Proceeded when they got to the Creek near the Bridge they asked Tunis Rappley if there were any Indians in the place on Being told there were a few as I have informer you they went forthwith to the place. here the first one who Accepted them as Brother Kelly States was Joseph Worthen who said PocRochee[.] they [the Indians] Probably thought this was a joke and
when this was Repeated several times and did not take the Desired Effect the same <man> commenced Whip[p]ing them & swearing &c when the Indians Perceived there was something serious on hand they Broke in Diferent Directions the greatest part crossed the creek to its north Bank and hid themselves in the tall grass and Willow By this time the Noise and tumult had become so great as to call the Boys & others to see what was going on the Ralying of so many persons had Drove the Indians from the Bushes and taking to their heels one in his flight was Pursued By William Hickman who after he had Run him about half a Mile and striking him with his hic[k]ory at Every Leap of his Horse Drove him into a Lane Run[n]ing through Tho[ma]s Butterfields Farm the Indian it seems in o[r]der to Elude the Pursuit jumped over the Fence and Ran immediately into a pond of Water and Hickman seeing his Victim in the <Prospect> of Escape Brought his Rifle to a Level & shot him Down[.] Brother James who stood
& looked on says he thought the Indian was Playing the pos[s]um untill he got up with much Difficulty and hob[b]led off and went to trading Point where it is said he Died of his wounds[.] HickmanRetreated Back and selected another Victim and Run him into the Lane as he did the other But this Indian Did not turn to the Right or Left But Plunged into the mud and Water Direct in the Road When Hickman found the object of his Pursuit too far into the mud and mire to admit of a safe charge of his horse he Drew a Pistol and Discharged its contents into the Body of the Indian[.] this Effect was Mortal[.] Brother Jones who witnessed this shot also saw the Indian Fall and Rise and fall again after some few moment had Elapsed he went to the spot where the Indian was lying the Dim shades of the Evening Twilight had was Brooding over the horizon and the Mud and Water which almost covered his Body and Rendered his wounds invisible[.] Brother Jones spoke to him the indian turned his Eyes towards
him and Responded a groan[.] Brother Jones went to his house and ate his supper which he thinks took fifteen Minutes and Returned to the spot to Learn the Fate of the Wounded Man. he had drawn himself into the corner of the Fence his head Relcining [sic] on the second or third Rail from the ground and was Dead[.] Brother Jones and Tho[ma]s Butterfield Buryed him[.] thus I have given you as Briefly as possible the History of this Bloody Fray[.] it Reminds me of the tragical scene at Hauns Mill not as Extensive, But Equally as great an outrage on the principles of Humanity according to its Magnitude <and Every person in this county felt the Blush, for Humanity sake>. . . . it appears that this outrage was unprovoked on the part of the Idians Indians and without councill or Pretext for such cruelty Williamâ€"Hickman is a cold Blooded Murderer and as such he stands Before Every tribunal of Justice in Heaven & on Earth and when the Judge of all the Earth Makes inquisition for Inocent
Blood it will Be found Driping from the hands of William Hickman) (Joseph Young)

I concur in in [sic] the above statements James. C. Snow

[Joseph Young to Brigham Young, June 26, 1849, 1â€"3, imgs. 20â€"22, https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE3979926)]

175 years ago today - Jun 26, 1849

John Smith also gave Emily Partridge Smith Young, a plural wife to both Joseph and Brigham, the following Patriarchal Blessing : "Sister Emily, by virtue of the holy priesthood, I place my hands upon thy head in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, and seal upon thee a patriarchal or father's blessing, for thou art ... a lawful heir to the priesthood, which shall be conferred upon thee in fullness in due time ."

[Later Patriarchal Blessings, p. 46-47., as quoted at http://ordainwomen.org/quotes. See Quinn, "Mormon Political Conflicts" for full cite and context.]

180 years ago today - Jun 26, 1844


Dan Jones to visit Wales - "Soon after Dr. Richards retired to the bed ... and when all were apparently fast asleep, Joseph whispered to Dan Jones, "are you afraid to die?" Dan said, "Has that time come, think you? Engaged in such a cause I do not think that death would have many terrors." Joseph replied, "You will yet see Wales, and fulfill the mission appointed you before you die" -- Jones did visit Wales.

[HC 6:601; Wikipedia, Prophesies of Joseph Smith, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prophecies_of_Joseph_Smith,_Jr.]

180 years ago today - June 26 1844

Smith sends secret orders to Major General Jonathan Dunham to attack Carthage with militia to free him.

[Chronology of Mormon History (Mormon Stories), http://www.mormonstories.org/truth-claims/chronology-of-mormon-history/]

180 years ago today - Jun 26, 1844

Joseph Smith, in Carthage Jail, sends a note to Governor Thomas Ford. Ford comes to the jail to meet with Joseph. Joseph tells him "the origin of the difficulty, the facts relating to the Expositor press, the course pursued by the City Council; the legality, as they thought, of their legislation; the pledges that he had made by letter and sent by expresses to his Excellency, that he was willing to satisfy all legal claims in case it should be shown that the City Council had transcended their legal bounds, etc., and that the Legion had been called out for the protection of the city, while it was threatened with immediate hostilities by an infuriated mob, until his Excellency could afford relief, and not for the purpose of invasion." William Clayton writes to Joseph " to inform you that Mr. Marsh, who lives down the river, and of whom you have had corn, pork, etc., has sent word if you want any bail he is ready for one to any amount; . . ."

190 years ago today - Jun 26, 1834

[Heber C. Kimball diary - Zion's Camp aftermath]

"From that time the destroyer ceased, having afflicted us about four days; sixty-eight were attacked with the disease. Fourteen members of Zion's Camp died, eighteen died altogether; the remainder recovered, as we found out an effectual remedy for this disease, which was, by dipping the person afflicted into cold water, or pouring it on him. Some of the brethren, when they were seized, plunged themselves into the stream and obtained immediate relief.

[Whitney, Helen Mar, Jeni Broberg Holzapfel, and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, A Woman's View: Helen Mar Whitney's Reminiscences of Early Church History, Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997]

195 years ago today - Jun 26, 1829

The Wayne Sentinel publishes the Book of Mormon title page and mentions that the book will be published as soon as it is finished.

["Just about in this particular region, for some time past, much speculation has existed, concerning a pretended discovery, through superhuman means, of an ancient record, of a religious and a divine nature and origin, written in ancient characters, impossible to be interpreted by any to whom the special gift has not been imparted by inspiration. It is generally known and spoken of as the "Golden Bible." Most people entertain an idea that the whole matter is the result of a gross imposition, and a grosser superstition."]

[Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]

140 years ago today - Jun 25, 1884

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]

25 I held a Council with Brother Richards in the forenoon. Attended Council in the Afternoon and went to the Theater in the Evening. <I saw> 24 <pair of legs of women.> [Note: text in angled brackets are coded in shorthand].

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

160 years ago today - Jun 25, 1864 (Afternoon)

[Brigham Young Sermon]

.... The first cotton we raised in the region we call our '"Dixie'" cost us about $3.65 a pound; we proved that cotton could be raised there. The next season it cost $1.84, and the next season about 70 cents, and that is the way we proved to the people that we could raise cotton. The experiment cost us thousands of dollars, but now we have cotton. They have shipped cotton to California. We sent some to the States to show that we could raise cotton here, and it sold for some 70 cents a pound, not so much as it would have brought if it had arrived a few days earlier. We now have some cotton factories in operation... I now have machinery sufficient to keep thirty-five power looms going, and I wish I had them; but this will not supply the Territory. ... If we go to work and manufacture for ourselves, we can stop the continual drain upon us through purchasing the articles of clothing which we require. It has been said '"Cotton is king.'"

[Journal of Discourses, Liverpool, England, 1853-86. 10:332-334; Deseret News. Also Deseret Evening News, Deseret News Weekly, Deseret News Semi- Weekly, and Deseret News Extra, Salt Lake City as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

180 years ago today - Jun 25, 1844

The general of the Carthage militia signs a secret order for a military attack against Nauvoo, with the march of forces to begin at Golden's Point at 2 p.m., Jun 27, 1844. In Carthage, Joseph Smith is charged with "crime of treason against the government and people of the State of Illinois aforesaid."

180 years ago today - Jun 25, 1844

.... 3:00 P.M. Joseph asks several military officers if they think he looks like a desperate character. They answer that they cannot see into his heart. He replies, "Very true, gentlemen, you cannot see what is in my heart, and you are therefore unable to judge me. . . . I can see what is in your hearts, and will tell you what I see. I can see that you thirst for blood, and nothing but my blood will satisfy you. It is not for crime of any description that I and my brethren are thus continually persecuted. . . . You and the people thirst for blood, I prophesy, in the name of the Lord, that you shall witness scenes of blood and sorrow to your entire satisfaction. Your souls shall be perfectly satiated with blood, and many of you who are now present shall have an opportunity to face the cannon's mouth from sources you think not of. . . . They shall seek for peace, and shall not be able to find it. Gentlemen, you will find what I have told you to be true."...

5:00 P.M. Bail is set at $500 each ($7,500 total). The Saints claim that the judge is trying to set bail at a higher amount than they can afford, but the amount is paid, and the defendants are freed.

8:00 P.M. Constable Bettisworth arrives with a mittimus, a warrant committing Joseph and Hyrum to jail on a charge of treason (a different charge from the one for which they had paid bail). Joseph's lawyers, Reid and Woods, argue that such an order without a preliminary investigation or a possibility of paying bail is illegal. Woods requests that he be given time to appeal the order to Gov. Ford. Bettisworth says he will wait five minutes.

9:00 P.M. Woods returns from Gov. Ford, saying that Ford has told him that an executive cannot interfere in a civil judicial process; therefore he will not intervene. Robert F. Smith, who issued the illegal mittimus, is also a captain of the Carthage Greys ... Captain Dunn and 20 men escort Joseph and Hyrum together with Willard Richards, John Taylor, John P. Greene, StephenMarkham, and four others to jail.

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]

185 years ago today - Jun 25, 1839

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]

.... Orson Hide was one of the number, & a more humble & penitant man I never saw, & well he might be for in the time of the persecution in Zion or far west, he deserted the Cause, denyed the faith & betrayed his brethren, & assisted Thomas B. Marsh (the president of the Twelve Apostles) in jeperdizing the lives of Joseph & his Council & the whole church in Zion & the blood of the whole of them would have been shed if they had not been spared by the immediate hand of God. Brother Hide for several months past has had a deep scense of his high handed wickedness & the horrors of hell has roll'd oer his soul even to the wasting of his flesh & he has now humbled himself in the dust desiring to return to the Church.

The manner that O. Hide & T. B Marsh Jepopardized the Church was by bearing fals testimony against the presidency & the Church before the authorities of the State of Missouri which was a leading Cause of the Governour's calling out thirty thousand of the Militia against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ...

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

190 years ago today - Jun 25, 1834

[Zion's Camp]

Camp splits into small groups and are taken in by brethren living in the area. Joseph writes Col. Thornton, and attorneys Doniphan and Atchison, "to quiet the prejudices and fears of some part of the citizens of this county, we have concluded that our company shall be immediately dispersed, and continue so. till every effort for an adjustment of differences between us and the people of Jackson has been made on our part, that would in any wise be required of us by disinterested men of republican principle."

[Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844," http://web.archive.org/web/20120805163534/saintswithouthalos.com/dirs/d_c.phtml]

40 years ago today - Jun 24, 1984

Members of the First Quorum of the Seventy were appointed to serve as area presidencies in 13 major geographical areas of the Church — seven in the United States and Canada and six in other parts of the world.

[Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, http://www.ldschurchnews.com/articles/58765/Historical-chronology-of-The-Church-of-Jesus-Christ-of-Latter-day-Saints.html]

85 years ago today - 24-Jun 25, 1939

[Nauvoo Temple]

Over 700 Latter-day Saints gathered in a conference at Nauvoo, under the direction of Byrant S. Hinckley (Northern States Mission President), commemorating the centennial of the city's founding, as well as the death of Joseph Smith and Hyrum Smith. The activities sparked a mission to restore Nauvoo.

[Brown, Lisle (compiler), Chronology of the Construction, Destruction and Reconstruction of the Nauvoo Temple]

180 years ago today - Jun 24, 1844

[Joseph Fielding]

On Monday morning, Joseph, his brother Hyrum, Willard Richards, John Taylor, the only two of the Twelve at home, with several others, started for Carthage, of course with solemn feelings, and it appears that Joseph in particular anticipated the fatal result in part, but said he wished at any rate that Hyrum might be saved to stand in his place. He expressed himself to this effect, that he should die for this people, and if so, he should be murdered in cold blood. Sometime before they reached Carthage, they met a company of men with orders from the governor of the state to take our public arms, i.e., the arms belonging to the state. ...

I was down in the city when they came in, and was in Brother Hyrum's company. In his own house, he was in better spirits by far than when he left. He told me he thought that all things would go well, etc. and as soon as the arms could be collected, they again took their leave of their wives and families, alas for the last time, and came to Carthage (from henceforth of cursed memory).

The governor, it appears, treated them respectfully and took them to his own lodgings until as he said, for fear of the people he desisted and after having had a trial in part, they were unexpectedly and unlawfully thrust into the jail. They went to Carthage on Monday evening, the 24th of June, 1844. On Thursday, the governor left them and with a company of men, came to Nauvoo, having left a guard at the jail, but of the Carthage Greys who had just before been in a state of mutiny. Yet as all the troops had pledged themselves to the governor to abide by the laws, these were entrusted with the care of the prisoners.

[Joseph Fielding, Diary (1843-1846), Church Archives in "They Might Have Known That He Was Not a Fallen Prophet"--The Nauvoo Journal of Joseph Fielding," transcribed and edited by Andrew F. Ehat, BYU Studies 19 (Winter 1979), http://www.boap.org/LDS/Early-Saints/JFielding.html]

180 years ago today - Jun 24, 1844

Sidney Rigdon, having prophesied that Joseph Smith would die and Nauvoo would fall, leaves for Pittsburgh with his family.

[Hales, Brian C., Joseph Smith's Polygamy: History and Theology, 3 vols., Salt Lake City: Greg Kofford Books, 2013 (www.JosephSmithsPolygamy.com)]

180 years ago today - Jun 24, 1844

[Emma Smith]

Emma and Joseph see each other for the last time. [Joseph goes to Carthage]

[Emma Smith, Woman of Faith, http://emmasmithmormon.com]

185 years ago today - Jun 24, 1839

Isaac Galland sells the whole town of Nashville, Iowa, together with 13,000 other acres of half-breed land, to the Saints for over $38,000. Because Galland has no clear titles to many of these lands, which had originally been designated by the government for half-breeds, many of the Saints who move here end up losing their money and their lands.

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]

190 years ago today - Jun 24, 1834

[Hyrum Smith]

Has a vision of his mother praying for him and Joseph.

[Jeffrey S. O'Driscoll, Hyrum Smith: A Life of Integrity, A Brief Chronology of the Life of Hyrum Smith: 1800-1844]

190 years ago today - Jun 24, 1834

[Heber C. Kimball diary - Zion's camp]

The destroyer came upon us [colera], as we had been warned by the servant of God. About 12 o'clock at night we began to hear the cries of those who were seized. Even those on guard fell, with their guns in their hands, to the ground, and we had to exert ourselves considerably to attend to the sick, for they were stricken down on every hand. ... We were not able to obtain lumber to make them coffins, but were under the necessity of rolling them up in their blankets and burying them in that manner; ...

Our hopes were that no more would die; but while we were uniting in prayer with uplifted hands to God, we looked at our beloved brother, Eber Wilcox, who was gasping his last. At this scene my feelings were beyond expression. Those only who witnessed it can realize anything of the extent of our sufferings; ... I felt to covenant with my God and my brethren never to commit another sin while I lived. We felt to sit and weep over our brethren, and so great was our sorrow that we could have washed them with our tears. To realize that they had traveled a thousand miles through so much fatigue to lay down their lives for their brethren increased our love for them.

... thus it continued, until five out of ten were taken away.... Brother Joseph, seeing the sufferings of his brethren, stepped forward to rebuke the destroyer, but was immediately seized with the disease, and I assisted him a short distance from the place, when it was with difficulty he could walk. All that kept our enemies from us was the fear of the destroyer which the Lord had sent among us. After burying these five brethren I was seized by the hand of the destroyer as I went into the woods to pray; I was instantly struck blind, and saw no way whereby I could free myself from the disease, only to exert myself by jumping and threshing myself about until my sight returned to me and my blood began to circulate in my veins; I started and ran some distance, and by this means, through the help of God I was enabled to extricate myself from the grasp of death.

[Whitney, Helen Mar, Jeni Broberg Holzapfel, and Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, A Woman's View: Helen Mar Whitney's Reminiscences of Early Church History, Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1997]

195 years ago today - 24 June?, 1829

According to Lucy Mack Smith, as Joseph Smith was setting off to Palmyra to sign the contract with Grandin for the printing of the Book of Mormon, he was informed by a Dr. M'Intyre that a group of 40 men was forming to interfere with his journey. As the men sat along a fence along the way, Smith greeted them cheerfully, one-by-one and by name, and was allowed to pass by. He signed the documents and returned to Manchester.

[Wikipedia: Chronology of Mormonism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Mormonism]

20 years ago today - Jun 23, 2004

George W. Bush, President of the United States, awards Gordon B. Hinckley, President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor awarded by the United States, in a ceremony at the White House. The press release put forth by the White House states:+"Gordon B. Hinckley [...] has inspired millions and has led efforts to improve humanitarian aid, disaster relief, and education funding across the globe."

[Wikipedia, 21st Century (Mormonism), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/21st_century_(Mormonism)]

30 years ago today - Jun 23, 1994

Jeffrey R. Holland is ordained an Apostle, replacing Marvin J. Ashton, who had passed away.

50 years ago today - Jun 23, 1974

Modifications are made to the administration of the Aaronic Priesthood and the Young Women programs, and the MIA youth programs are discontinued. Ruth Hardy Funk is called as the seventh general president of the Young Women, with Hortense Hogan Child and Ardeth Greene Kapp as counselors.

135 years ago today - Jun 23, 1889

[Apostle Abraham H. Cannon Journal]

Father [George Q. Cannonof the 1st Presidency] proved to my entire satisfaction this morning by passages from the Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants that all men, even the sons of perdition, will be resurrected and stand before God to be judged. He believes that Jesus Christ is Jehovah, and that Adam is His Father and our God; that under certain unknown conditions the benefits of the Savior's atonement extend to our entire solar system. Jesus, in speaking of Himself as the very eternal Father speaks as one of the Godhead, etc. Many obscure points of doctrine were made plain to me by the conversation of this morning. [This entry was excluded from 'An Apostles Record: The Journals of Abraham H. Cannon']

[Diary of Apostle Abraham H. Cannon, http://www.amazon.com/Apostles-Record-Journals-Abraham-1889-1896/dp/B000MFD1K4]

150 years ago today - Jun 23, 1874

Poland Act became law, forcing Mormon polygamists to be tried by federal courts.

[Hemidakaota, "Church Chronology from 1800-2000," http://www.lds.net/forums/scripture-study-forum/12108-church-chronology-1800-2000-part-1-a.html#post214550]

180 years ago today - 23 June 1844, Sunday

[William Clayton Writings]

Fully aware of the plot afoot to take their lives, Joseph and Hyrum had decided that the best thing for them as well as for the church was to flee across the Mississippi and perhaps find refuge in the Rocky Mountains. Joseph, Hyrum, and Willard Richards were preparing to leave, and Joseph told William W.l Phelps, another close friend and scribe, to inform their wives and get their feelings on the subject. When Clayton arrived at the river, Joseph whispered his assignment to him: he was to give the records of the Kingdom of God (i.e., the Council of Fifty) to a faithful man who would take them away to safety, or he should burn or bury them. Clayton certainly could not bear to part with or destroy the sacred and important records he had so faithfully kept, so he hurried home and early that Sunday morning gathered up not only the private records but also the public records and buried them.

[Fillerup, Robert C., compiler; William Clayton Nauvoo Diaries and Personal Writings, A chronological compilation of the personal writings of William Clayton while he was a resident of Nauvoo, Illinois. http://www.boap.org/LDS/Early-Saints/clayton-diaries]

180 years ago today - 1844 23 Jun.

Word of the prophet's departure causes near panic among his devoted followers. ... Joseph and Emma Smith burn the original manuscript of the 1843 polygamy revelation, presumably on this evening. William Clayton preserves a copy.

[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]

180 years ago today - Jun 23, 1844

They reach the Iowa side at daybreak. Joseph immediately writes Emma a note asking her to let him know her whereabouts. They send Rockwell back across the river. He finds Nauvoo full of confusion, with people unsure whether to defend or flee the city. A posse arrives to arrest Joseph, but they cannot find him. When the news that he has fled fills the town, many who had thought themselves in great danger now consider him a coward. (Gov. Ford later says that he thought Joseph had taken the best solution.) Dr. Bernhisel and Reynolds Cahoon cross the river to see Joseph. At 1 P.M. Emma sends Porter Rockwell back across the river to beg Joseph to return to Nauvoo. Reynolds Cahoon and others accuse Joseph of cowardice, holding that, inasmuch as Gov. Ford has promised him a fair trial, he has nothing to worry about. When Joseph hears that he is considered a coward, he says, "If my life is of no value to my friends it is of none to myself. . . . What shall I do?" Rockwellsays, "You are the
oldest and ought to know best; and as you make your bed, I will lie with you." Joseph asks Hyrum for advice. Hyrum says, "Let us go back and give ourselves up, and see the thing out." After a few moments, Joseph says, "If you go back I will go with you, but we shall be butchered." Hyrum says, "No, no; let us go back and put our trust in God, and we shall not be harmed. The Lord is in it. If we live or have to die, we will be reconciled to our fate." Joseph writes a letter to Ford stating that he will give himself up. They head back in the afternoon, but Joseph says, "It is of no use to hurry, for we are going back to be slaughtered." He desires to speak to his people one more time, and Rockwell offers to get them out by starlight, but when Joseph sees his family, he decides to spend the eveing with them.

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]

190 years ago today - Jun 23, 1834

[Heber C. Kimball - Zion's Camp]

A council of high priests met according to a revelation received the previous day, to choose some of the first elders to receive their endowment; being appointed by the voice of the spirit, through Joseph Smith jr., president of the church.

They proceeded: Edward Partridge is called and chosen, and is to go to Kirtland and receive his endowment with power from on high; and also, stand in his office as bishop to purchase land in Missouri.

W. W. Phelps is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment with power from on high; and help carry on the printing establishment till Zion is redeemed.

Isaac Morley ... John Whitmer ... David Whitmer ... A. S. Gilbert is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment from on high in Kirtland; and to assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house; and to proclaim the everlasting gospel till Zion is redeemed.. He said in his heart he could not do it, and died in about three days.

Peter Whitmer ... Simeon Carter ... Newel Knight ... Thomas B. Marsh ... Lyman Wight ... Parley P. Pratt ... Solomon Hancock is called and chosen, and it is appointed unto him to receive his endowment in Kirtland with power from on high; and assist in gathering up the strength of the Lord's house, and proclaim the everlasting gospel...

[Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]

190 years ago today - Jun 23, 1834

[Heber C. Kimball - Zion's Camp]

23 On the 23d of June, Brother Joseph received a revelation, as before stated, saying that the Lord had accepted our offering [Zion's Camp march], even as he accepted that of Abraham, therefore he had a great blessing laid up in store for us... Before we separated the money which had been put into the hands of our paymaster, and had not been used, was equally divided amongst the company, making one dollar and sixteen cents each. ...

[Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]

190 years ago today - Jun 23, 1834

When Zion's Camp gets within five or six miles of Liberty, at the pleadings of Gen. Atchison, the Saints' lawyer, they decide not to enter Liberty because of the feelings of the people there... Some are very angry because Joseph turned away from Liberty and because they would not get a chance to fight. Some say they would prefer death to returning without a fight.

[Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology]