70 years ago today - Jul 7, 1954

Second Counselor J. Reuben Clark gives an address titled "When are the Writings or Sermons of Church Leaders Entitled to the Claim of Scripture?" In it he states, ". . . even the President of the Church, himself, may not always be 'moved upon by the Holy Ghost,' when he addresses the people. This has happened about matters of doctrine (usually of a highly speculative character) where subsequent Presidents of the Church and the peoples themselves have felt that in declaring the doctrine, the announcer was not moved upon by the Holy Ghost'. . . . even the President of the Church has not always spoken under the direction of the Holy Ghost, for a prophet is not always a prophet . . . in our own Church, leaders have differed in view from the first. . . . not always may the words of a prophet be taken as a prophecy or revelation . . ." This may have been given in response to recent, public addresses by Joseph Fielding Smith which dogmatically labeled evolution as false.

90 years ago today - Jul 7, 1934

The Deseret News Church Section article "The Catawba Indians - A Mormon Tribe" notes that 95 percent of this South Carolina tribe converted after their first contact with LDS missionaries fifty-one years earlier. The tribe's chief Samuel Blue is also president of the Catawba branch.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

115 years ago today - Jul 7, 1909; Wednesday

[Apostle Anthony Ivins Journal]

Bro. [Francis M.] Lyman said it was the duty of the 12 to instruct people where we visit that plural marriages have ceased.

[Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) - http://bit.ly/AnthonyIvins]

120 years ago today - Thursday, Jul 7, 1904

[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary (quarterly conference of the Twelve)]

.... Elder Hyrum M. Smith ... Regretted that the brethren of the quorum had differed somewhat in their views regarding a certain question. The church has been brought prominently before the world, and as to whether the hand of the Lord was in it all, he could not say. He thought that the members of the quorum who are absent should be asked to make a weekly report of their labors in writing. The apostleship should be regarded as of more importance than any other consideration, and those who hold it should not engage in business pursuits—at least that was his feeling. ... He wondered how far the apostles should engage in politics, if at all.

...The brethren now repaired to the Apostles' Room and partook of the sacrament, Pres. Lund being mouth in blessing the bread and wine. While at the table Pres. Smith arose and said that he had been impressed to name a certain brother to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Elder A. O. Woodruff and he now submitted for the consideration of the brethren the name of Chas.. W. Penrose. Upon motion of Pres. Lyman, seconded by Elders Jno. H. Smith and R. Clawson, the nomination of Pres. Smith was approved by unanimous vote. Many expressions of satisfaction followed the said action. Brother Penrose was sent for. The brethren returned to the Presidency's Room, and when Elder Penrose entered, they sang, "Up, Awake, Ye Defenders of Zion"—a hymn composed by Brother P[enrose].

Pres. Smith arose and said that he had been impressed to nominate Brother Penrose to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Brother Woodruff, and although Brother Penrose was somewhat advanced in life (being a little past 70) yet the Lord in this selection recognized the faithfulness of his servant. Elder Penrose was asked to express himself regarding this call, and he said that he would accept it as coming from the Lord and his brethren and would do anything and everything in his power to assist in the upbuilding of the kingdom of God. He was then ordained under the hands of the brethren, Pres. Smith being mouth. Pres. Lyman was set apart as president of the Twelve, Pres. Smith being mouth. Under the direction of Pres. Smith, Pres. Lyman delivered the charge to Elder Penrose. (Elder Geo. A. Smith left the meeting before the brethren sat down to the table, having been called away to attend a funeral.) Meeting adjourned. Benediction by Jno. Smith.

[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]

135 years ago today - Jul 7, 1889

[Apostle Heber J. Grant Diary]

I wish that I were a good writer and I would then write more to the papers of a disruptive nature as well as more in the Editorial line. I greatly feel the need of some more knowledge regarding grammar when I come to writing for publication, to say nothing about my greatest draw back spelling. I am going to keep writing once in a while for my own benefit more than on account of thinking that what I write will be of any great interest to the readers of the paper.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - July 7, 1844. Sunday.

[William Clayton Journal]

5 o'clock went to council with the Quorum on the subject of appointing a Trustee in Trust. I was told on the way that R[obert] D. Foster is in Nauvoo having a permit from the Governor to come and settle business. O[rrin] P. Rockwell, M[erinus] G. Eaton and Theodore Turley are raging and threaten his life if he tarry here, consequently the City Council have sent a guard to take care of him. I reasoned with Rockwell and tried to show him the folly of his conduct inasmuch as the Governor had said that if one of those men were assassinated the whole city would be held responsible, and that President Joseph gave himself up into the hands of his murderers for the express purpose of saving the City from being Massacred. But no reasoning seemed to touch him. He swore bitterly he would have revenge and that Foster should not tarry here. I feel grieved at this conduct, for there is now a little prospect that the public sympathy will turn in our favor if we keep still. I was late at the
Council. The brethren had agreed not to appoint a Trustee untill the Twelve came home, and that I should act in the place of Trustee to receive property &c. untill one was appointed.

[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]

185 years ago today - Jul 7, 1839

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff on the Twelve's mission to England]

REFLECTIONS Surely this is an important day to behold. A quorum of Twelve Apostles of the Lamb of God organized in these last days to go forth unto all the nations of the earth to prune the vineyard once more for the last time that the Saints may be prepared for the second [coming] of Christ, & that Israel may be gatherd & babylon fall & the earth once more clensed from its pollutions & wickedness swept from the face thereof.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

120 years ago today - Jul 6, 1904; Wednesday

[Francis M. Lyman speaking:] We are just now where the eyes of the people are upon us and in consequence we should be very careful in our conduct. He felt that the Manifesto of President Wilford Woodruff had releived [sic] us from further responsibility so far as plural marriages are concerned. He thought that what is said here, should be entirely confidential and should not be spoken of outside the council, and he did not talk of things said and done here, even to his family. In conversation with one of the brethren who was a practicing physician, he had learned of a number of girls who had been married in polygamy and this brother did not understand how it had been accomplished and still be consistent with the statement of the Presidency. President Lyman advised that such things could not be done by authority and such things should not have been done. It was not by sanction or approval of the President of the Church. He had himself interfered and stopped a number of prospective
plural marriages. We must take a firm stand and be united against plural marriages that no more should take place in the future. The mind and will of the President of the Church should be followed, and if any of the Twelve were of a different mind they should place themselves in harmony with the Presidency of the Church. ...

Elder John Henry Smith said he had listened carefully to President Lyman's remarks and was of the same mind. While he had enjoined upon all the necessity of maintaining the families they already have, he had taught tha[t] none could marry or give in marriage plural wives. He felt that there were some of the people who believed, because of things they see and hear, that the leaders of the people were two-faced, and he wished to enter a solemn protest against any one driving the young people out of the Church by assuming an arbitrary stand against the authorities and falsely accusing them and also declaring that they could not engage in any business pursuits.

[Excerpt from the Minutes of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles]

125 years ago today - Jul 6, 1899

A letter was read from Brother H. J. Faust, suggesting that the Church take steps to secure lands in the Deep Creek mining region, with a view to our people colonizing there. He thought the Church should secure the farms now owned by non-Mormons in that vicinity, and this, with what the Church already owns there, would give our people the control. He believed that Deep Creek was destined to become a great mining camp, and now was the time to take steps to control the country. ... President Snow stated that the Church was not doing anything, in a systematic manner, toward the colonization of our people. ...

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

125 years ago today - Thursday, Jul 6, 1899

[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary]

The question of colonization, in a general way, was discussed at some length. Apostle J. H. Smith thought Nevada ought to be colonized by our people, and it would be but a short time, in his opinion, when the saints would control that state.

Pres. Snow expressed the view that we ought to colonize in places where the Church would acquire political power and influence, and thought Nevada was just such a place. Canada did not offer any opportunities to obtain political power and influence, and he was not, therefore, in favor of colonizing that country any more than was necessary to fill the contracts entered into by the First Presidency.

[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]

180 years ago today - Jul 6, 1844

[William Clayton]

[After the death of Joseph Smith] The greatest danger that now threatens us is dissensions and strifes amongst the Church. There are already 4 or 5 men pointed out as succesors to the Trustee & President & there is danger of feelings being manifest. All the brethern who stand at the head seem to feel the delicacy of the business. Phelps & Dr Richards have taken a private course & are carrying out many measures on their own responsibility without council.

[The Nauvoo Diaries of William Clayton, 1842-1846, Abridged, Digital Edition, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]

20 years ago today - Jul 05, 2004

Abigail Radoszkowicz describes posthumous baptisms that are being performed, even for those without Mormon descendants. She writes that thousands of Jewish victims of the Holocaust have recently been baptized into the Mormon faith, including Anne Frank (who died young and had no descendants), as well as Golda Meir. She also noted that many non-Jews have been baptized, including the Shah of Iran and the Ayatollah Khomeini. ...

[Jerusalem Post, "Overzealous Mormons continue to baptize Jews", A chronicle of the Mormon-Jewish controversy; The LDS Agreement: A JewishGen InfoFile, http://www.jewishgen.org/infofiles/ldsagree.html]

20 years ago today - Jul 05, 2004

Jerusalem Post

Overzealous Mormons continue to baptize Jews

Abigail Radoszkowicz describes posthumous baptisms that are being performed, even for those without Mormon descendants. She writes that thousands of Jewish victims of the Holocaust have recently been baptized into the Mormon faith, including Anne Frank (who died young and had no descendants), as well as Golda Meir. She also noted that many non-Jews have been baptized, including the Shah of Iran and the Ayatollah Khomeini. ...

[A chronicle of the Mormon-Jewish controversy; The LDS Agreement: A JewishGen InfoFile, http://www.jewishgen.org/infofiles/ldsagree.html]

50 years ago today - Jul 5, 1974

Sandra Haggerty, a black columnist and a frequent contributor to the LOS ANGELES TIMES writes: "Although I have met a few Mormons who attempt to use their religious stance to justify outright racist attitudes and actions, others are somewhat embarrassed by that portion of the doctrine and feel it should be reversed."

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

90 years ago today - Jul 5, 1934

African American Elijah Abel, grandson of Elijah Abel, is ordained a priest.

[Crapo, Richley, Chronology Pertaining to Blacks and the LDS Priesthood, http://www.mormonsocialscience.org/node/62]

90 years ago today - Jul 5, 1934

[Black's and the Priesthood]

Elijah Abel, grandson of Elijah Abel, is ordained a priest.

[Crapo, Richley, Chronology Pertaining to Blacks and the LDS Priesthood, http://www.mormonsocialscience.org/node/62]

125 years ago today - Jul 5, 1899

The First Presidency were at the office, and President [Lorenzo] Snow there gave an audience to Sisters Mary Isabella Horne and Bathsheba W. Smith, upon the subject of the connection of the Latterday Saints Relief Society with the Women's Societies of the outside world. These sisters did not favor the amalgamation, from principle, and they were opposed to it from a financial standpoint, the alliance having already cost the Relief Societies the sum of $2,000. They felt that this burden was more than they were able to bear. They had been called upon, and were continually being called upon for means to send a few sisters to Washington, D.C., and some members of the Society were getting very tired of this, which appeared to them a needless expense. They felt that if the Church wanted these sisters to go East, the Church should defray their expenses, and not the Relief Society, as its means were collected and designed for purposes altogether different. The President deferred expressing
himself until the question could be considered also by his counselors.

Elder David H. Cannon met with the First Presidency in relation to an appropriation of $1,800 for the per diem workers in the St. George Temple. The amount was appropriated for one year. ...

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

105 years ago today - Jul 4, 1919

William Harrison ("Jack") Dempsey is the first Mormon to be the Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the world, which title he maintains until 1926. LDS boxers of similar status are Gene Fullmer (Middleweight Boxing Champion, 1957), Don Fullmer (American Middleweight Champion 1965), Danny Lopez (Featherweight Boxing Champion of the world, 1976-80), Javier Flores (Super Bantamweight Champion of North America, 1978). Mormon inductees into the Boxing Hall of Fame are Jack Dempsey (1954) and Gene Fullmer (1974).

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

105 years ago today - Jul 4, 1919

William Harrison ("Jack") Dempsy is first Mormon to be Heavyweight Boxing Champion of the world, which title he maintains until 1926. LDS boxers of similar status are: Gene Fullmer (Middleweight Boxing Champion, 1957), Don Fullmer (American Middleweight Champion, 1965), Danny Lopez (Featherweight Boxing Champion of world, 1976-80), Javier Flores (Super Bantamweight Champion of North America, 1978), Albert Kapua (New Zealand's Junior Boxing Champion, 1978). Mormon inductees into Boxing Hallof Fame are Jack Dempsey (1954) and Gene Fullmer (1974).

170 years ago today - Jul 4, 1854

Brigham Young preaches that U.S. Constitution is not complete, but "it is a progressive--a gradual work."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

175 years ago today - Jul 4, 1849

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]

A Table was set at Thomaston for 800 men to take dinner But I should feel more like fasting & praying on the 4th of July than making A display of Celebration untill the Latter Day saints And all people could Have the privilege of worshiping God according to the dictates of their own conscience without having there brains blown out for it. And now while I write A Company is passing my door in the street dressed in all the Horid form that the ingenuity of man could form up. One would suppose that the inhabitants of the bottomless pit had come forth in possession.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Jul 4, 1844

There is no fourth-of-Jul celebration in Nauvoo. William Clayton writes: "Instead of celebrating with splendor with joy we celebrate her [the nation's] down-fall with grief and mourn for the loss of our prophet & Patriarch & pray to God to avenge their blood speedily." Through the "true order of prayer" during the regular Thursday meeting of the Anointed Quorum, "It seemed manifest" to William Marks, Alpheus Cutler, Reynolds Cahoon, and William Clayton that Nauvoo's stake president William Marks should be the Trustee-in-Trust and church president. Emma Smith agrees. In Springfield, Illinois, 100 miles from Nauvoo, the SANGAMO JOURNAL reports only rumors of troubles in Hancock County. The telegraph is still a few years away.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

185 years ago today - Jul 4, 1839 (Thursday)

After more than seven months' imprisonment without conviction, Parley P. Pratt and Morris Phelps escaped from the Columbia jail, Boone County, Mo. They arrived in Quincy, Ill., after days of dreadful suffering from hunger and fatigue. King Follett, who also tried to escape, was retaken.

[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]

195 years ago today - Jul 4, 1829

Martin Harris and W. W. Phelps both sign the so-called anti-masonic declaration of independence at Le Roy, N.Y. Both were third degree Masons.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

40 years ago today - Jul 3, 1984

Elder Neal A. Maxwell of the Council of the Twelve writes a memorandum to the Church Board of Education Executive Committee and the Special Affairs Committee that a scholarly defense of the historicity of the Book of Mormon should be prepared. Maxwell names BYU's John Sorenson as a possible author.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

120 years ago today - Jul 3, 1904; Sunday

[At fast meeting in the Salt Lake temple:] Pres[ident] [Joseph F.] Smith spoke a half hour at the last and said in regard to Apostle A[braham] O[wen] Wooduff and wife the Lord permitted their death but did not Foreknow their death not plan [sic] the same but they having placed themselves in the way of a d[e]structive element were overtaken and their lives sacrificed.

The Lord would no doubt overrule it for good but He was not responsible for their untimely taking off.

[Seymour B. Young, Diary]

135 years ago today - Jul 3, 1889

Apostle John W. Taylor prophesies about "the battle when the Negroes rise up against their masters which soon would be the case. The red men would stalk through the land as the battle axe of the Lord and after they had done this work they would be changed to a skin of whiteness in a day."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

180 years ago today - Jul 3, 1844

William Clayton digs up the minutes of the Council of Fifty that he had buried at Joseph Smith's request a week earlier. He finds that they have been damaged by water while buried.

190 years ago today - Jul 03, 1834

Joseph Smith authorizes General Lyman Wight to give a discharge to every man of Zion's Camp who had proved faithful. Joseph also organizes the Clay-Caldwell Stake, the first stake in Missouri, with David Whitmer as president and William W. Phelps and John Whitmer as assistant presidents.

Later in the year Whitmer was ordained as Joseph Smith's successor "on condition that he [Joseph Smith] did not live to God himself."

[The Woodland Institute 'On This Day Historical Database' (defunct)]

45 years ago today - Summer 1979

Bush, Lester E., Jr. "Introduction [to issue on the priesthood revelation of 1978]," Dialogue 12 (Summer 1979): 9-12.

[Neither White nor Black: Mormon Scholars Confront the Race Issue in a Universal Church: Chronological Bibliography on the Negro Doctrine [1900-1983], Edited by Lester E. Bush, Jr., and Armand L. Mauss, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

110 years ago today - summer of 1914

[World War I]

In the summer of 1914, most Utahns were little concerned with the rumblings of war in Europe. Most felt that the fight had little to do with United States interests, advocated a strict policy of neutrality, and insisted that the United States not become embroiled in a European conflict. There were exceptions, of course, primarily among the Utah immigrant groups including the South Slavs, Germans, Greeks, Italians whose homelands had been caught up in the Great War. Utah German-Americans openly demonstrated their sympathy for Germany, held rallies, collected money for the German Red Cross, complained of the virulent anti-German propaganda in most English-language newspapers, and, in some cases returned to Germany to fight.

[Utah History Encyclopedia: World War I, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]

125 years ago today - Jul 2, 1899

[J. Golden Kimball]

Leroy C. Snow a boy of Pres[ident] [Lorenzo] Snows was called up to speak. Some were amused and suprised. He is a son of a favored wife and his fathers pet. Men are sometimes great and mighty, and the Lord loves them, yet they will exhibit just such weaknesses, as was presented today. This young man will no doubt be an apostle, if Pres[ident]. Snow has his way. This part of the meeting was unpleasant to me. Although the young man may be favored of God.

[J. Golden Kimball, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

125 years ago today - Jul 2, 1899

President George Q. Cannon also spoke on the law of tithing. Among other things he said, 'There are those in this audience who are descendants of the old Twelve Apostles'and, shall I say, yes, descendants of the Savior himself. His seed is represented in this body of men.' Following President Cannon, President [Lorenzo] Snow arose and said that what Brother Cannon had stated respecting the literal descendants among this company of the old apostles and the Savior himself is true'that the Savior's seed is represented in this body of men.

[Abraham O. Woodruff adds "Queen Victoria is a descendant of the Prophets."]

['Memoirs of the Life of Rudger Clawson Written by Himself', as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

125 years ago today - Jul 2, 1899; Sunday

[Anthony Ivins Journal]

.... [Lorenzo] Snow made preliminary remarks ... Within ten, fifteen or 20 years, perhaps sooner, we are going to Jackson County [Missouri]. If Latter-Day Saints had paid their tithing in the past we would have on hand today a million dollars and if this had been for ten years back we would have ten or twelve millions. The Lord has told me plainly and most distinctly that the law of tithing should be taught while we were at St George and He has made it just as plain that this is what I should say to you today. Bishop [William] Preston said one fourth of the Latterday Saints pay no tithing at all and many who have their names on the roll do not pay one fourth of what they should....

M[arriner] W. Merrill said non tithe payers were on the in- crease. This meeting has been called that there may be a reformation. ...

Heber J. Grant had always paid his tithing with pleasure. Two Dollars is spent in breaking the Word of Wisdom for every dollar paid in tithing. Sacrement was administered ...

Prest. Snow ... The man who fails to pay his tithing hereafter I could not recommend to the House of the Lord. Let every President of a Stake pay his full tithing. Let every bishop do so. If people have been remiss in the past they may make it good if they desire but we shall not say anything about the past. The Lord will send Cyclones, Whirlwinds and devouring fire and the way will be prepared for the fulfillment of His purposes.

... Prest. Jos[eph] F. Smith read from the Bible. God once cleansed the earth with water. He will cleanse it with fire. Just as sure as we live, just as sure as you hear the sound of my voice unless we honor this law of tithing we shall never get back to Jackson County unless we go there as ancient Israel went into the promised Land, by the shedding of blood.

... Francis M. Lyman. There has never before been just such a gathering. It has fallen to the lot of Prest. Snow to announce that the time has come when the law of tithing must be observed in Zion. The time approaches when Zion is to be redeemed and the Temple built under the law of consecration. When the time shall come that Prest. Snow, if it is his good fortune, and I see no reason why it should not be, shall say the time has come for the redemption of Zion, we will be surprised at the thousands who will be ready. Pronounced his blessing on all present.

George Q. Cannon. There are men in this congregation who are descendants of the ancient Twelve Apostles, and shall I say it, of the Son of God himself, for he had seed, and in time they shall be known.

...Prest. Smith introduced a resolution endorsing the teachings of today in regard to tithing. Prest. Snow asked all who endorsed it to arise and with the right hand raised to say aye. The response was unanimous. The entire body of priesthood joined in shouting hosanna, sang the Doxology and were dismissed by Seymour B. Young. ...

[Anderson, Elizabeth Oberdick, editor, Cowboy Apostle: The Diaries of Anthony W. Ivins: 1875-1932, Signature Books, Salt Lake City in association with the Smith-Pettit Foundation (2013) - http://bit.ly/AnthonyIvins. Formatting added.]

180 years ago today - Jul 2, 1844. Tuesday.

[William Clayton Journal]

A.M. went to see Emma. She is in trouble because Mother [Lucy Mack] Smith is making disturbance about the property in Josephs hands. Mother Smith wants Samuel to move into Nauvoo and take the Patriarchs office and says the church ought to support him. There is considerable danger if the family begins to dispute about the property that Joseph's creditors will come forward and use up all the property there is. If they will keep still there is property enough to pay the debts and plenty left for other uses. I had much talk with Emma on the subject.

[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]

180 years ago today - Jul 2, 1844 (Tuesday)

[Severly wounded] Apostle John Taylor was brought home to Nauvoo from Carthage.

[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]

185 years ago today - Jul 2, 1839

[Wilford Woodruff Journal]

THIS was an interesting day. The First Presidency Joseph & his Council Came across the river to Montrose to spend the day with the Twelve to bless them & their families before they left for other Nations. ...


Ever keep in exercise the principles of mercy & be ready to forgive our brother on the first intimations of repentance ... let the Twelve be humble & not be exalted & beware of pride & not seek to excell one above another ...

Must the new ones that are chosen to fill the places of those that are fallen of the quorum of the Twelve, begin to exhalt themselves untill they get so high that they will tumble over & have a great fall & go wallowing through the mud, mire, & darkness Judas like to the buffating of Satan as several of the Twelve have done, or will they learn wisdom & be wise? (O God give them wisdom & keep them humble I pray.) ...

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

185 years ago today - About July 2, 1839

[Joseph Smith]

"The time is soon coming, when no man will have any peace but in Zion and her stakes. I saw men hunting the lives of their own sons, and brother murdering brother, women killing their own daughters, and the daughter against the mother. These things are at our doors. They will follow the Saints of God from city to city. Satan will rage, and the spirit of the devil is now enraged."

[A Timeline of Joseph Smith's Prophecies: His Prophecies Fulfilled (https://amzn.to/42s0h3I)]

185 years ago today - Jul 2, 1839

Joseph Smith tells the Apostles and Seventies, "I will give you one of the Keys of the mysteries of the Kingdom. It is an eternal principle, that has existed with God from all eternity: That man who rises up to condemn others, finding fault with the Church, saying that they are out of the way, while he himself is righteous, then know assuredly, that that man is in the high road to apostasy; and if he does not repent, will apostatize, as God lives." This is often quoted to members who are critical of church leaders without mentioning that it was originally given to church leaders-to apostles and seventies-who were critical of church members.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

185 years ago today - Jul 02, 1839

While instructing the Twelve, Joseph Smith teaches for the first time that the angel Gabriel was the ancient prophet Noah.

[The Woodland Institute 'On This Day Historical Database' (defunct)]

185 years ago today - Jul 2, 1839

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]

2d THIS was an interesting day. The First Presidency Joseph & his Council Came across the river to Montrose to spend the day with the Twelve to bless them & their families before they left for other Nations.

... After the blessings were bestowed Brother Hiram Smith arose & gave The Twelve Some interesting advice and Council Considering it best to say nothing but repentance to this generation or at least to preach the first principles of the gosepl as that was as much as this generation could endure ...


Ever keep in exercise the principles of mercy & be ready to forgive our brother on the first intimations of repentance ... let the Twelve be humble & not be exalted & beware of pride & not seek to excell one above another ...

Must the new ones that are chosen to fill the places of those that are fallen of the quorum of the Twelve, begin to exhalt themselves untill they get so high that they will tumble over & have a great fall & go wallowing through the mud, mire, & darkness Judas like to the buffating of Satan as several of the Twelve have done, or will they learn wisdom & be wise? (O God give them wisdom & keep them humble I pray.) ...

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

195 years ago today - Circa Jul 2, 1829

Eight witnesses see the plates in a grove near the Smith's Manchester (NY) residence. It is unclear if this experience is purely physical or visionary . Lucy says that the event occurred on a Thursday, perhaps 2 July , and David Whitmer says it was one or two days after the three witnesses saw the plates.

[Vogel, Dan, Early Mormon Documents, Appendix B: Chronology, 1771-1831, http://amzn.to/T5nY8w]

35 years ago today - Jul 01, 1989

Rex E. Lee begins his term as the tenth president of BYU (1989-95).

[The Woodland Institute 'On This Day Historical Database' (defunct)]

65 years ago today - Wed Jul 1, 1959

[David O. McKay Office Journal]

I was greatly surprised to learn through my secretary . . . that Brother Nicholas G. Morgan, Sr., who employed Brother Ortho Fairbanks to do this bust of me, intends to have twelve busts finished in white Italian marble and one placed in each of the Temples of the Church. Of course, I feel very reluctant about this being done, but it seems that I shall have nothing to say about it as Brother Morgan, with the endorsement of President Henry D. Moyle, has already gone ahead with arrangements for this to be done.

[McKay, David O., Office Journal]

85 years ago today - Jul 1, 1939

Nazi Gestapo arrests two American LDS missionaries in Czechoslovakia and put them and two other missionaries into prison. Not released until Aug. 23.

[On This Day in Mormon History, http://onthisdayinmormonhistory.blogspot.com, based on Michael Quinn's Mormon Hierarchy vols 1 & 2]

135 years ago today - Monday, Jul 1, 1889

[Apostle John Henry Smith Diary]

.... All of the [Greenville] ward authorities were presented to the people and sustained. Bp. Morris confessed he had been intoxicated and was forgiven.

[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]

140 years ago today - Jul 1, 1884

[Brigham Young Jr.]

Council met decided or it has been decided to incorporate under the law to hold our Temples. My mind is to keep our temples in our own hands and continue them as heretofore for the ordinances of the priesthood endowments etc and with the help of God maintain them inviolate if the whole U.S. backs the lawless spoilation of our enemies.

[Brigham Young Jr. Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

180 years ago today - Jul 1, 1844

[Nauvoo City Council]

Resolved. For the purpose of ensuring peace and promoting the welfare of the County of Hancock and surrounding country, that we will rigidly sustain the laws and the Governor of the State so long as they and he, sustain us in all our constitutional rights.

...Resolved ... To further secure the peace, friendship and happiness of the people, and allay the excitement that now exists, that no we will reprobate private revenge on the assassinators of General Joseph Smith and General Hyrum Smith shall be made by any of the Latter Day Saints. That instead of an appeal to arms, we appeal to the majesty of the law, and will be content with whatever judgement it shall award. and should the law fail, we leave the matter with God. ...

[Nauvoo City Council Rough Book, http://amzn.to/uXAcJh%20]

180 years ago today - 1844 1 Jul.

Richards, Taylor, and W. W. Phelps announce they will await the return of the Quorum of Twelve before deciding the nature of the church's new leadership [after the death of Joseph Smith].

[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 7: Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47, http://amzn.to/origins-power]

180 years ago today - Jul 1, 1844

[Joseph Smith nomination for President - Heber C. Kimball diary]

A convention fore the perpus of chusen delagats fore [at]tending the Baltimore Convention [to nominate Joseph Smith for president on the Mormon ticket]. Elder B. Young was called to the Chare [chair]. The first cald on to speak was L. Wight, 2 was O. Hide, 3 Daniel Spencer,12 4 Wm. Smith, delagats chosen. At Half past 2 in the after noon, sevrel speeches from the Br. The meting well tended. ...

[Note: Heber C. Kimball, Brigham Young and other apostles attending this convention were unaware of the assassination of Joseph Smith]

[Kimball, Stanley B. ed, On the Potter's Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball]