45 years ago today - Jan 8, 1980-Tuesday

[Leonard Arrington]

Visiting my office this afternoon for an hour or two was Anselm Spring ... He asked me very specifically whether we had in the archives record of the apostles seeing Jesus. I told him about the experience of [apostles] Melvin J. Ballard and Charles Callis and told him there were likely others which I hadn't read. I told him that General Authorities were very hesitant about telling sacred experiences. He was very concerned about this; said that it was his understanding that every apostle would be given a sure knowledge of Jesus as the Lord and Savior, and presumably this meant seeing Jesus. And if every apostle sees Jesus, we ought to have an account of it. He read to me a number of scriptures which indicate that the apostles have the right to see Jesus and to touch him, and that they have an obligation to proclaim this. There was no hesitancy on the part of Paul, Peter, and other early apostles in telling about their sacred experiences. We should proclaim it to all the world and
not hide it under a bushel.

[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]

60 years ago today - Jan 8, 1965

Secretary to the First Presidency Joseph L. Anderson writes in answer to a question by a Mormon "regarding the drinking of Sanka Coffee": "I am directed to tell you that the drinking of a beverage made from the coffee bean, from which all caffeine and deleterious drugs have been removed, is not regarded as a violation of the Word of Wisdom."

65 years ago today - Jan 7-8,1960

First Presidency decides that Bruce R. McConkie's Mormon Doctrine "must not be re-published, as it is full of errors and misstatements, and it is most unfortunate that it has received such wide circulation." They are exasperated that McConkie and his publisher released the book without pre-publication publicity or notifying First Presidency. Even his father-in-law, senior apostle, Joseph Fielding Smith, "did not know anything about it until it was published." This is McConkie's way to avoid repetition of Presidency's stopping his pre-announced Sound Doctrine three years earlier. Committee of two apostles (Mark E. Petersen and Marion G. Romney) report that McConkie's Mormon Doctrine contains 1,067 doctrinal errors. For example, page 493 said: "Those who falsely and erroneously suppose that God is progressing in knowledge and gaining new truths cannot exercise sufficient faith in him to gain salvation until they divest themselves of their false beliefs." However, McConkie is
affirming doctrine of omniscience officially condemned by previous First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1865. In announcing their decision to the Twelve on 28 Jan 1960, First Presidency says there should be no revised edition of Mormon Doctrine. Presidency reverses initial decision on 7 Jan. "that the book should be officially repudiated."

[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996, http://amzn.to/extensions-power]

70 years ago today - Jan 8, 1955

The Church announces that LDS Boy Scouts can earn the Duty to God Award, similar to other religious groups' awards. This award recognizes faith and activity for young boys in the Church.

[LDS Daily, www.ldsdaily.com]

85 years ago today - Jan 8, 1940

[Heber J. Grant]

I received an anonymous letter tonight from California telling of a woman, a grand-daughter of Brigham Young, reviewing the book 'The Children of God' [by Vardis Fisher] in the Wilshire Ward meeting house. I felt outraged that the brethren would hold a meeting and have a review for this miserable, lying book. It is a novel, of course; therefore, one cannot sue the publishers, but I thank the Lord that the description of the early Pioneers is a falsehood pure and simple. The author is guilty of saying some good things, of course, which helps to sell his book.

[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]

125 years ago today - Jan 8, 1900

Snow issues his Manifesto

the Church has positively abandoned the practice of polygamy, or the solemnization of plural marriages, in this and every other State; and no member or officer thereof has any authority whatever to perform such plural marriages or enter into such relations. Nor does the Church advise or encourage unlawful cohabitation on the part of any of its members.

If, therefore, any member disobeys the law, either as to polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, he must bear his own burden, or in other words be answerable to the tribunals of the land for his own action pertaining thereto.

In 1911, the 1st Presidency put this on equal footing with the 1890 and 1904 Manifestos. ( Quinn, LDS p 70-71 )

[Tungate, Mel, Mormon Polygamy, http://www.tungate.com/polygamy.htm]

125 years ago today - Jan 8, 1900

Snow issues his Manifesto:

"The Church has positively abandoned the practice of polygamy, or the solemnization of plural marriages, in this and every other State; and no member or officer thereof has any authority whatever to perform such plural marriages or enter into such relations. Nor does the Church advise or encourage unlawful cohabitation on the part of any of its members."

"If, therefore, any member disobeys the law, either as to polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, he must bear his own burden, or in other words be answerable to the tribunals of the land for his own action pertaining thereto."

In 1911, the 1st Presidency put this on equal footing with the 1890 and 1904 Manifestos.

[Quinn, LDS p 70-71; Tungate, Mel, Mormon Polygamy, http://www.tungate.com/polygamy.htm]

125 years ago today - Jan 8, 1900

A committee ... representing the Brigham Young Trust Company, waited upon the First Presidency, regarding a proposition made by that company to sell to the Church forty-five feet of land, on which the President's Office now stands, at $250 a foot front. President Snow, as trustee-in-Trust, decided to buy this property, and give his note at six per cent, with the understanding that he was to have all the time the Church might need in which to pay for it. This was agreeable to the committee. The Brigham Young Trust Company had also proposed to sell to the Church the Lion House property, at $300 a foot front, (this property running back further than the other), and the committee now desired to know whether the Church would buy it or not. This question was taken under advisement, the answer to be given later.

[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

145 years ago today - Jan 8, 1880

LDS political newspaper, the Salt Lake Herald, reports George Q. Cannon's interview with the pro-Mormon Omaha newspaper, the Herald, in part: "Polygamous marriages have ceased entirely so far as I know." In fact, in the Endowment House alone, 107 men married polygamously in 1879 and 136 in 1880, most were performed by general authorities.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

145 years ago today - Jan 8, 1880

LDS political newspaper "Salt Lake Herald" reports George Q. Cannon's interview with pro-Mormon Omaha "Herald," in part "Polygamous marriages have ceased entirely so far as I know." In fact, in Endowment House alone, 107 men married polygamously in 1879 and 136 in 1880, most performed by general authorities.

160 years ago today - Jan 8, 1865

Brigham Young; Remarks delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City; January 8, 1865.

No mortal man has ever seen God in His glory at any time and lived. We may have seen the Lord and angels many times, and did not know it. I will be satisfied with seeing and associating with His children whom I now behold, for there is not a son or daughter of Adam and Eve before me today but what is the offspring of that God we worship. He is our Heavenly Father; He is also our God, and the Maker and upholder of all things in heaven and on earth.

[J. D. 11:41 -- Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthy Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)]

165 years ago today - Jan 8, 1860

Pres. Young, D.H. Wells and A. Carrington discussed Orson Pratt sermon about worshipping attributes and not persons. The President said [if] that is the case then my attributes that we worship, and not floating attributes. Pres. Young also discussed the gradation of intelligences from the most intelligent to the zoophites. -- Salt Lake City [Brigham Young Office Journals, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan.; Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah.; New Mormon Studies CD-ROM]

[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

180 years ago today - Jan 8, 1845

Meeting of the Richards and Young families am President Brigham Young said, in substance:

... It is but a little more than that time when Father Smith, the Goddards, Richards, Youngs and Kimballs were all in one family - as it were. We are all relations. It is only three generations back that Brother Joseph Smith's family were related to this family. ... I will first set in order before these relations the true order of the Kingdom of God and how the families hereafter will be organized; you have heard Joseph say that the people did not know him; he had his eyes on the relation to blood-relations. Some have supposed that he meant spirit, but it was the blood-relation. This is it that he referred to. His descent from Joseph that was sold in to Egypt was direct, and the blood was pure in him. That is why the Lord chose him and we are pure when this blood - strain from Ephraim comes down pure. The decrees of the Almighty will be exalted - that blood which was in him was pure and he had the sole right and lawful power, as he was the legal heir to the blood that has
been on the earth and has come down through a pure lineage. The union of various ancestors kept that blood pure. There is a great deal the people do not understand, and many of the Latter-day Saints have to learn all about it. In all the Kingdoms of the World you will find that there will be only one King, and all will be governed as one family, every man will preside over his own family. We will have to work out some of the impurities. There is a great deal that I have to say and the brethren will have patience. Mother Smith is here - she is our Mother, we hold her in a three-fold bond, for we hold her by blood, by the spirit, and by the Gospel. We are connected together. The human family will find out who are the saviors of the Earth. The world knew nothing of the office of saviors upon Mount Zion. If Joseph Smith is not the man on whom the Keys of the Kingdom rest, I would not give the ashes of a rye straw for our Salvation. If I teach my family correct principles and show them
the way of Salvation I am in a sense their savior. There is the same blood of Ephraim running in the veins of this family - and I know who has the blood and the Priesthood to carry the keys to the world. The decree of the Almighty is so pure that it would seem like blunders in the eyes of the world; but the keys will rest upon the Prophet and there is no power on earth or in hell to take it from him. This is a subject relating to the baptism for the dead. We will tell you when the temple is finished how to redeem your dead. I want to tell you now don't be scared, don't be frightened, at what I tell you. The Church does not understand the doctrine that Joseph taught - yet it is plain as the sun at noonday - the order of redeeming our relatives originated in the Kingdom of Heaven. If our progenitors had kept their records as the Jews anciently did they would be able to tell exactly where they came from -- and see where they run down in one straight line. We have hundreds ready to be
baptized for the dead. Nauvoo, Illinois

... If our Grand Father Goddard is permitted to rule as King and Priest over his posterity, and the posterity are raised up as kings and priests to rule over their posterity, our Grand-Fathers Goddard would call together a numerous host. I will show you the order of the Kingdom as regards my own family; one of my sons is placed here, another there, another there, and so on. Yet I should be their ruler, savior, dictator, and governor. They would have an innumerable posterity but all would join in harmony with my counsel; I should console, comfort, and advise them all. You and your children will rise up and administer unto your children, and you will rule over your posterity, and they may get up in tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions. Yet all will finally join with Adam who will be the King of all; Seth comes next; Seth rules under his father and over all; so this process will never end. This is the order of the Kingdom of Heaven, that men should rise up as Kings and
Priests of God. We must have posterity to rule over. ...

I'll tell you about old Israel; do you know what the curse was upon Israel for? It was for mixing their seed with the Gentile races about them. I have received a promise that is to remain with me, and the same will be upon you and upon your children. I would tell you children that inasmuch as you have received this promise, and then if you mix your blood with others I will curse you, and in relation to the Priesthood, you would be cursed, or condemned. For your children, in such mixed unions, would be high-minded and stiff necked. The nations have wandered in darkness for centuries. If they had not mixed their blood, the Priesthood would never have been taken from them. ... that is what Joseph meant the Lord had regard to: and He made promises to the seed of Abraham which He would have fulfilled if it had not been mixed with the Gentiles. Ephraim is the character who has the pure blood of promise in him. ... Those who have the right will redeem the nations of the Earth.
The people who had the right to the Priesthood lost it, and the Lord has brought it forth in this our day. We shall redeem our friends and all the house of Esau will be saved by proxy, by the Priesthood. ... Suppose a man and woman want to redeem their friends; perhaps they have lived without the Gospel; the man would be baptized for his father and the woman for her mother; and if the husband has the power of the Priesthood they are jointly baptized he for the father she for the mother--he is then washed for the father, she for the mother--he holding the Priesthood redeems the father and mother of the woman. Again for his father and mother--she receives the anointing for the woman, and he for the man. Then they stand as proxy to be sealed up to all eternity and then they will go through the ordinances in the same way. Then they are sealed up in the same way for others--we shall have Father Smith with his grey locks. Joseph, Hyrum, Samuel, all will stand in their order, and we shall
be priests and rulers to all eternity. Let my walk and my life speak for myself. The joy of the Lord is a great deal more than any one realizes unless he has partaken thereof. I have now given you text enough for weeks.

[Elden J. Watson, ed. Brigham Young Addresses, 1801-1877: A Chronological Compilation of Known Addresses of the Prophet Brigham Young, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1971)]

220 years ago today - Jan 8, 1805

Orson Hyde was born 8 January 1805 in Connecticut.

[Utah History Encyclopedia: Orson Hyde, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]

25 years ago today - Jan 7, 2000

BYUTV, a television station broadcasting twenty-four hours a day seven days a week, begins broadcasting nationally, allowing people across the United States and southern Canada to pick up the station as part of the DISH Network satellite system.

[LDS Daily, www.ldsdaily.com]

65 years ago today - Jan 7, 1960

(7th-8th) First Presidency decides that Bruce R. McConkie's book, Mormon Doctrine, "must not be re-published, as it is full of errors and misstatements, and it is most unfortunate that it has received such wide circulation." They are exasperated that McConkie and his publisher released the book without pre-publication publicity or notifying the First Presidency. Even his father-in-law, senior apostle Joseph Fielding Smith, "did not know anything about it until it was published." This is McConkie's way to avoid repetition of Presidency's stopping his pre-announced book, Sound Doctrine, three years earlier. A committee of two apostles (Mark E. Peterson and Marion G. Romney) reports that McConkie's Mormon Doctrine contains 1,067 doctrinal errors. For example, page 493 said: "Those who falsely and erroneously suppose that God is progressing in knowledge and gaining new truths cannot exercise sufficient faith in him to gain salvation until they divest themselves of their false beliefs."
However, McConkie is affirming doctrine of omniscience officially condemned by previous First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1865. In announcing their decision to the Twelve on 28 Jan. 1960, the First Presidency says there should be no revised edition of Mormon Doctrine. The Presidency reverses its initial decision on 7 Jan. "that the book should be [officially] repudiated." By 28 Jan. the Presidency decides against requiring McConkie to make a public apology because "it might lessen his influence" as a general authority. In 1966, a year after his father-in-law becomes assistant counselor to the First Presidency, McConkie publishes the second edition of Mormon Doctrine. It corrects only a few of the first edition's "errors" cited by the First Presidency and apostles in 1960. The book becomes a bestseller among Latter-day Saints. McConkie becomes a member of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles to fill the vacancy which his father-in-law's death creates in 1972.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

75 years ago today - Jan 7, 1950

At the funeral of man who died six weeks after his appointment as stake president, Apostle Joseph Fielding Smith tells Apostle Harold B. Lee: "If you have called a man to a position in this Church and he dies the next day, that position will have a bearing on what he will be called to do when he leaves this earth." Lee will eventually serve barely seventeen months as LDS president.

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

115 years ago today - Jan 7, 1910

[George F. Richards]

Bro[ther] Israel Barlow Jr. was before us on trial or rather we were investigating his case wherein he is supposed to have formed improper marital relations with Sister Belva Welling. He persistently refused to answer our questions which we considered pertinent and possible to answer. It was decided by unanimous vote that he be disfellowship[p]ed which is construed to mean a deprivation of all the positions until Feb[ruary]. when he is cited to appear and show cause if any why he should not be cut off the church (excommunicated) for contempt. Pres[ident]. [Francis M.] Lyman wrote out the decision and submitted it to me which I indorsed the same evening. This is an action we felt reluctant to take but it seemed necessary and right.

[George F. Richards, Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

165 years ago today - Jan 7, 1860

[Francis M. Lyman]

Francis finally succeeded in breaking his smoking habit, and from then on he held the Word of Wisdom as "a great principle of liberty, an essential for strong bodies and minds, a thing indispensable to the work men are sent on earth to do."

[Utah History Encyclopedia: Francis M. Lyman, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]

180 years ago today - Tuesday, January 7th, 1845

[Apostle John Taylor]

Attended to various business in forenoon.

In evening attended the Mechanic's Association meeting.

['The John Taylor Nauvoo journal, January 1845-September 1845,' BYU Studies 23:3 (1983) edited by Dean C. Jessee]

185 years ago today - Jan 7, 1840

At the beginning of a proselytizing meeting in Massachusetts "three sons of sectarian deacons" throw sulpher on a hot stove. After opening doors and windows to air out the building Brigham Young and George A. Smith continue their meeting.

220 years ago today - Jan 7, 1805

David Whitmer, later one of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon, is born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

[LDS Daily, www.ldsdaily.com]

75 years ago today - Jan 6, 1950

[Henry D. Moyle]

8 am. conference with Pres. McKay & Joseph Wirthlin on purchase of large acreage in Florida.

[The church has continued to acquire land in Flordia, recently purchasing a large tract of land (2% of Flordia). Much of this land is timber and ranch land].

[Henry D. Moyle Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

75 years ago today - Jan 6, 1950

[George F. Richards]

.... I went to the Temple by appointment, and administered Second blessings to three of the general authorities and their wives, Elders Eldred G. Smith,12 Milton R. Hunter and B[isho]p Thorp[e] B. Isaacson. Bro[ther] T[horpe] B. Isaacson stood as proxy for Samuel F. Ball who is dead & Betsy Hollings Richards for Adena Christena Anderson Ball.

[George F. Richards diary, Jan. 6, 1950 as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]

140 years ago today - Jan 6, 1885

[Wilford Woodruff]

I went into the Temple and had Sylvester Low & Hugh Roberts & Mary Owen Roberts Adopted into my family.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

155 years ago today - Jan 6, 1870

[Wilford Woodruff]

A Bill is Before Congress to deprive the Latter Day Saints of keeping the Commandments of God. The Lord has Revealed the Law on the Patriarchal order of Marriage & the Lord says we shall be damned if we do not obey it & Congress says we shall be damned if we do. So it is the Lord & Congress for it. I would rather obey the Lord than Congress.

[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

180 years ago today - Jan 6, 1845

[Brigham Young]

The great strength in the High Priests quorum, an almighty strength. The Seventies were frightened when he proposed to them to build a little one story hall that would cost a few hundred dollars, but the High Priests can build a large hall without difficulty'- In favor of having such a hall built and are willing to do something for it themselves, and not merely look on and see their brethren built it'- Now if you will go and finish off the upper story of the temple you will have a place in which you can receive your washing and anointings and endowments. Would it not cost less to do this, than to build a hall from the start? (Yes, Yes, from all parts of the congregation.) Well then, go to work and finish off the upper room, and then you can get your endowment, and your priesthood. -- Nauvoo, Illinois

[High Priest Minutes as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

125 years ago today - Friday, Jan 5, 1900

[Apostle John Henry Smith]

I read a letter today to Orson which establishes the fact that O. F. Whitney is mixed up with C. W. Stayner in the baby Resurrection Theory.

[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]

130 years ago today - Jan 5, 1895

[Apostle Marriner W. Merrill]

Saturday. I am in the Temple today attending to Temple business and waiting to attend the Temple lecture, which will be given today by my son Joseph at 2 p. m. There were 76 students present. Had an excellent lecture on alchemy. [Merrill was the Logan temple president]

[Notes from the Miscellaneous Record Book, 1886-1906: Selected diary notes from the journal books of Marriner Wood Merrill, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

165 years ago today - Jan 5, 1860

[Brigham Young]

Angels are those beings who have been on an earth like this, and have passed through the same ordeals that we are now passing through. They have kept their first estate far enough to preserve themselves in the Priesthood. They did not so violate the law of the Priesthood and condemn themselves to the sin against the Holy Ghost as to be finally lost. They are not crowned with the celestial ones. They are persons who have lived upon an earth, but did not magnify the Priesthood in that high degree that many others have done who have become Gods, even the sons of God. Human beings that pertain to this world, who do not magnify or are not capable of magnifying their high calling in the Priesthood and receive crowns of glory, immortality, and eternal lives, will also, when they again receive their bodies, become angels and will receive a glory. They are single, without families or kingdoms to reign over. All the difference between men and angels is, men are passing through the same
ordeals that we are now passing through.

[Journal of Discourses 9:102 as quoted at WikiQuotes: Brigham Young, http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Brigham_Young]

180 years ago today - Jan 5, 1845

[Brigham Young]

I went to the stand and addressed the saints on the necessity of having more order and putting down iniquity, and exhorted the brethren to rise up en masse, and put down the thieving, swearing, gambling, bogusmaking, retailing spirituous liquors, bad-houses, and all abominations practiced in our midst by our enemies, who, after they could not live among us any longer would go out to the world and publish that these things were practiced by us. I severely rebuked the civil authorities of the city for their want of energy in the discharge of their duty, and censured parents and guardians for not keeping their children from prowling round the streets at night; and remarked that if we did not as a people uproot such things, they would uproot us, and we would have to leave before we had done the things the Lord had commanded us to do. -- Nauvoo, Illinois

[History of the Church. 7 Vols. B. H. Roberts, ed. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, Co., 1902. 7:350 as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

10 years ago today - Note:

This year's Relief Society/Priesthood manual covers the teachings of #EzraTaftBenson. In conjunction with this year's topic, I've assembled a lengthy chronology of the life of Ezra Taft Benson - a very dynamic and driven person who lived a fascinating life. I hope you'll consider subscribing via email, rss, or Facebook, and spend 3 to 5 minutes each day reading a bit more of Ezra Taft Benson's fascinating and varied life (http://lds-church-history.blogspot.com).


30 years ago today - Jan 4, 1995

For the second time in three years, the Associated Press names Steve Young, quarterback of the San Francisco 49ers football team, the most valuable playeri n the National Football League.

[LDS Daily, www.ldsdaily.com]

120 years ago today - Jan 4, 1905

[James Henry Martineau]

With Sister Mary Hyde White visited her Sister Zina Virginia Hyde Bull, widowed recently, who has cataract growing over her eyes and is losing her sight. She wished me to rebuke blindness and to bless her, which I did. Her sister Mary also blessed her in tongues, with the interpretation. I know Zina may be healed, through faith. She felt very happy. I enjoyed my visit very much, as I always do in visiting and blessing the sick.

[An Uncommon Common Pioneer: The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918, edited by Donald G. Godfrey XXX Rebecca S. Martineau-McCarty]

120 years ago today - Jan 04, 1905

In Salt Lake City, President Joseph F. Smith dedicates the Dr. Groves Latter-day Saint Hospital, the first in what would become an important health-care network in the Intermountain West.

145 years ago today - Jan 4, 1880

Apostle Orson Pratt preaches at Salt Lake Stake conference that "as a general rule it was the children who were attacked by diphtheria, and on investigation it would be found that the parents of such children had been taken [by death] were neglectful of the word of wisdom or some of the commandments of God."

[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]

165 years ago today - Jan 4, 1860

[Patriarchal Blessing of Meridith Ames given by John Young]

.... In the own due time of the Lord, you shall have wives and children

[Patriarchal Blessings]

165 years ago today - Jan 4, 1860

[Patriarchal Blessing of John Henry King given by John Young]

.... the spirit of the beloved disciple, John to rest upon you the visions of the heavens open before you ...

[Patriarchal Blessings]

165 years ago today - Jan 4, 1860

[Patriarchal Blessing of Henry Johnstone Ames given by John Young]

.... Earn wives and children ... The Angel shall be with you ...

[Patriarchal Blessings]

180 years ago today - Jan 4, 1845

[Patriarchal Blessing of James Bean]

.... thou shalt baptize & lead many of the rich & the rulers to Zion with much riches & inasmuch as thou art a liberal man God shall deal liberally with thee, for thy children whom thou shalt baptize will heap riches upon thee ... The number of thy years shall be many according to the desire of thy heart, even to see Israel gathered from every part of the earth, to see the heavens unveiled & the Savior make his appearance; thou shalt have the ministering of Angels to help thee through thy ministry ...

[Patriarchal Blessings]

105 years ago today - Jan 3, 1920

[Apostle George F. Richards]

Had a conversation with President Grant and elder Ballard on present conditions with respect to violations of Church rule on plural marriages.

[George F. Richards Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

130 years ago today - Jan 3, 1895

[Apostle Francis M. Lyman]

He [i.e., Wilford Woodruff] also told us he wished us at our regular meeting of our Quorum next Tuesday to give attention to a trouble existing between bro[ther] Moses Thatcher and bro[ther] Marriner W[ood]. Merrill, and gave us the correspondence in the case. Pres[ident] Cannon offered prayer. Pres[ident] Woodruff told us he never had misgivings about any can brought into the quorum of Apostles but one. That was bro[ther] [Albert] Carrington. At close of our meeting the Thatcher- Merrill correspondence was read in hearing of Pres[ident] [Lorenzo] Snow, [Brigham] Young [Jr.], [Francis M.] Lyman, [Heber J.] Grant and A[braham]. H. Cannon.

[Francis M. Lyman Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

165 years ago today - Jan 3, 1860

[Brigham Young to Mrs Lewis]

G.S.L. City,

Jan. 3, 1860

Mrs David Lewis

3d Ward, City,

Dear Sister: -

I understand that you are frequently importuned to sell your negro man Jerry, but that he is industrious and faithful, and desires to remain in this Territory. Under these circumstances I should certainly deem it most advisable for you to keep him, but should you at any time conclude otherwise and determine to sell him, ordinary kindness would require that you should sell him to some kind, faithful member of the Church, that he may have a fair opportunity for doing all the good he desires to do <or> is capable of doing. I have been told that he is about forty years old, if so, it <is> not presumed that you will, in case of his sale, ask so high a price as you might expect for a younger person. If the price is sufficiently moderate, I may conclude to purchase him and set him at liberty.

Your Bro in the Gospel


[Letter, Brigham Young to Mrs David Lewis (transcribed by Connell O'Donovan)]

40 years ago today - Jan 02, 1985

BYU's football team is voted number one in the United States for the 1984 season by every major poll and is named national champion, having finished the season with a perfect 13-0 record.

85 years ago today - Jan 2, 1940

[President Heber J. Grant]

James White, head of the Jewish people in Salt Lake, called with Rabbi Gordon and a gentleman from the East (I have forgotten his name.) They made a long appeal for the Church to advance several hundred thousand dollars and take some notes issued by the Jewish Relief people. Brother Clark and I assured them that we could not invest Church funds in anything of that kind. They suggested that we have the Beneficial Life Insurance company buy some of their notes. I had to smile when I thought of the idea of notes without security to raise funds for Jewish relief being passed by the Insurance Commissioner as legitimate assets. As they were going out Mr. White said he would have a talk with Orval Adams about it. I thought, I'll be perfectly willing to advance anything Orval would endorse. I did not tell them so however. There is no prejudice in the heart of hearts of the Latter-day Saints people against Jews. There never has been. We believe that they will eventually accept the Gospel.

[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]

155 years ago today - Jan 2, 1870

[Minutes of the Quorum of Twelve]

.... Emma told Jos[eph]. she could not stand the brethren spitting & smoking in the small room where [the] school /of p[r]ophets w/ was held in Kirtland. B. Y.[: C]oming home from Miss., /my/ Bre[thren]., Jos. said, I mean to have a patriarchal blessing from [my] father, [then he] got home [and his] father got [the] familytogether. Jos[eph] said [he] want[s] bro Jos. S. present. Jos. S. ordained father as patriarch. [F]irst Jos. S. thought of it, [and] Jos S said Now I will have my family together, [then he] set his father apart. Then he got revelation to appoint [a] patriarch over [the] whole church. Bro Joel Johnson said when patriarch Jos Sen. went to /give patriarchal/ blessings after they would have bread baked /& [a] glass of/ wine. Pres[iden]t. B. Y. said [it] wont do here. [P]eople get /would/ drink too much'-

[Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]

155 years ago today - Jan 2, 1870

Geo[rge]. A. S[mith].[:] Gentiles will now hardly pass hans [Haun's] mill. [F]ear comes on them. Jos[eph]. Johnson. [s]aid the people there were afraid Mormons [would] come by & bye & take possession of that, [so] /they/ wont build substantial buildings.

Geo. A. S.[mith:] 10 Acres /on throwed/ fenced out /of field at Independance/ several met death trying to cultivate it. ... People suffered at Jackson Co. terribly during the late [civil] war. ...

Emma told Jos[eph]. she could not stand the brethren spitting & smoking in the small room where [the] school /of p[r]ophets w/ was held in Kirtland.

B. Y.[:] ... Jos[eph]. said, I mean to have a patriarchal blessing from [my] father, [then he] got home [and his] father got [the] family together. Jos[eph] said [he] want[s] bro Jos. S. present. Jos. S. ordained father as patriarch. [F]irst Jos. S. thought of it, [and] Jos S said Now I will have my family together, [then he] set his father apart. Then he got revelation to appoint [a] patriarch over [the] whole church. Bro Joel Johnson said when patriarch Jos Sen. went to /give patriarchal/ blessings after they would have bread baked /& [a] glass of/ wine. Pres[iden]t. B. Y. said [it] wont do here. [P]eople get /would/ drink too much'

[Minutes, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]

155 years ago today - Jan 2, 1870

[Brigham Young]

I used to travel without purse or scrip, and many times I have walked till my feet were sore and the blood would run in my shoes and out of them, and fill my appointments'"go into houses, ask for something to eat, sing and talk to them, and when they would commence questioning, answer them.

[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]

195 years ago today - Jan 02, 1830

Abner Cole, editor of The Reflector, begins publishing pirated extracts from the Book of Mormon, which is in the process of being printed at the Grandin press building, the same building used by Cole to print his newspaper. This incident marks the first time Book of Mormon text appears in print.