[David O. McKay]
Was engaged in the meeting of the First Presidency. Among matters discussed at this meeting were the following: Elder Mark E. Petersen's proposed editorial on books by General Authorities. A draft of a proposed editorial for the Improvement Era, prepared by Elder Mark E. Petersen, on the subject of selecting good books, and upon the approval of the publication of books by the First Presidency, was read. After consideration it was decided that the general statement, without the reference to "Mormon Doctrine" and "Ancient America and the Book of Mormon," which should be handled separately, would be a suitable editorial on the subject of selecting good books. Further action on the matter of publishing a statement relating to the approval of books by the First Presidency was deferred awaiting consideration of the subject by me with President Joseph Fielding Smith.
[McKay, David O., Office Journal]
Today In Mormon History-fb
Several curious tidbits that happened on this day in Mormon History
80 years ago today - Jan 14, 1945
[Spencer W. Kimball]
[Int St. George, Utah:] Coming home we heard some interesting stories as also going down. Bro. Kirkham of his being called by his good old friend Emmeline B. Wells to her room where she lived at the Hotel Utah. 'Oscar, go get Heber to come to administer to me.' Pres. Grant was occupied and could not come but sent J. Golden Kimball back with Oscar to take care of the ordinance. As they entered the room she said: 'Well, is that the best you could do?' with some disgust. J. Golden walked up to the bed and some what showing in his voice that he was irate. 'Do you want a blessing from the Lord?' 'Yes. Of course I do!' she said. 'Well, shut up,' he said 'or I won't give it to you.'
[Spencer W. Kimball Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
[Int St. George, Utah:] Coming home we heard some interesting stories as also going down. Bro. Kirkham of his being called by his good old friend Emmeline B. Wells to her room where she lived at the Hotel Utah. 'Oscar, go get Heber to come to administer to me.' Pres. Grant was occupied and could not come but sent J. Golden Kimball back with Oscar to take care of the ordinance. As they entered the room she said: 'Well, is that the best you could do?' with some disgust. J. Golden walked up to the bed and some what showing in his voice that he was irate. 'Do you want a blessing from the Lord?' 'Yes. Of course I do!' she said. 'Well, shut up,' he said 'or I won't give it to you.'
[Spencer W. Kimball Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010]
105 years ago today - Jan. 14, Fri. [1920]
[James E. Talmage]
In addition to other committee work I attended an afternoon session of the Book of Mormon committee, at which preliminary arrangements were made for hearing some of the proponents of different views on Book of Mormon geography. Many varied and conflicting views concerning the location of Book of Mormon lands have been advocated amongst our people; and not a few maps have been put out. With all precautions taken to make plain the fact that these maps have been intended as suggestive presentations only, we find some people accepting one map and others another as authoritative. The matter was brought before the council through the receipt of a communication from Elder Joel Ricks of Logan, who several years ago published a map, of which over 6000 have been disposed of. Brother Ricks and several other good brethren have voiced a sort of complaint that they have had no opportunity to present their views, with the fullness they desire, before the Church authorities. The entire matter was
referred to the Book of Mormon committee; and today appointments were made for the beginning of the series of hearings.
[James E. Talmage Journal, Transcription reproduced by Trevor Antley, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University]
In addition to other committee work I attended an afternoon session of the Book of Mormon committee, at which preliminary arrangements were made for hearing some of the proponents of different views on Book of Mormon geography. Many varied and conflicting views concerning the location of Book of Mormon lands have been advocated amongst our people; and not a few maps have been put out. With all precautions taken to make plain the fact that these maps have been intended as suggestive presentations only, we find some people accepting one map and others another as authoritative. The matter was brought before the council through the receipt of a communication from Elder Joel Ricks of Logan, who several years ago published a map, of which over 6000 have been disposed of. Brother Ricks and several other good brethren have voiced a sort of complaint that they have had no opportunity to present their views, with the fullness they desire, before the Church authorities. The entire matter was
referred to the Book of Mormon committee; and today appointments were made for the beginning of the series of hearings.
[James E. Talmage Journal, Transcription reproduced by Trevor Antley, Special Collections, Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University]
125 years ago today - Sunday, Jan 14, 1900
[Joseph F. Smith]
"The judgments of God upon the nations. The hand of the Lord as seen in the Spanish-American war and the English-Boer war."
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
"The judgments of God upon the nations. The hand of the Lord as seen in the Spanish-American war and the English-Boer war."
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
140 years ago today - Jan 14, 1885
[Wilford Woodruff]
We are living in Perilous times. No man who obeys the Patriarchal Law of Marriage is safe. I am informed that officers are after me. I spent the day in the 17 ward. ... I Called at my house in the Evening with G Teasdale & got some things and spent the night in the 17 ward.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
We are living in Perilous times. No man who obeys the Patriarchal Law of Marriage is safe. I am informed that officers are after me. I spent the day in the 17 ward. ... I Called at my house in the Evening with G Teasdale & got some things and spent the night in the 17 ward.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
140 years ago today - Jan 14, 1885
[Interview of David Whitmer]
1 [Q]--Do you know that the plates seen with the Angel (on the table) were real metal, did you touch them? Ans We did not touch nor handle the plates. 2 Q--Was the table literal wood? or was the whole a vision such as often occurs in dreams &c? Ans--The table had the appearence of literal wood as shown in the vision, in the glory of God. 3 Q--Did you see the Urim and Thummim, what was it? Ans--I saw the "Interpreters" in the holy [vision] [.] They looked like whitish stones p[ut in the] rim of a bow, looked like spectacles only much larger. ... [p. 1] ... 9. Q. Who was the Angel that showed the plates to you and Cowdery, and have these plates been seen since? Ans--I do not know as no name was given. I have never seen the plates since. ... [p. 1, back] ... 13. Q.--Were you present when Joseph Smith received the revelation commanding him and Oliver Cowdery to ordain each other to the Melchisedek Priesthood, if so, where was it and how? Ans--No I was not--neither did I ever hear
of such a thing as an angel ordaining them until I got into Ohio about the year 1834--or later. 14. Q. Can you tell why that Joseph and Oliver were ordained to the lesser Priesthood by the hand of an Angel but in receiving the Higher they ordained each other? Ans--I moved Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to my fathers house in Fayette[,] Seneca County[,] New York, from Harmony, Penn. in the year 1829, on our way I conversed freely with them [p. 2] upon this great work they were bringing about, and Oliver stated to me in Josephs presence that they had baptized each other seeking by that to fulfill the command--And after our arrival at fathers sometime in June 1829. Joseph ordained Oliver Cowdery to be an Elder, and Oliver ordained Joseph to be an Elder in the Church of Christ. <<and during that year Joseph both baptized and ordained me an elder in the church of Christ.>> Also, during this year the translation of the Book of Mormon was finished, And we preached preached,
baptized and ordained some as Elders, And upon the Sixth day of April 1830, six Elders together with some fifty or sixty (as near as I recollect) of the members met together to effect an organization. I never heard that an Angel had ordained Joseph and Oliver to the Aaronic priesthood until the year 1834[,] 5. or 6--in Ohio. my information from Joseph and Oliver upon this matter being as I have stated, and that they were commanded so to do by revealment through Joseph. I do not believe that John the Baptist ever ordained Joseph and Oliver as stated and believed by some. I regard that as an error, a misconception. [p. 2, back] ... 19. [Q] Were the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated in Joseph Smiths possession while translating and seen and handled by several different persons, if not, where were they? Ans--I do not know. 20. Q. Did Joseph use his "peep stone" to finish up the translation? if so why? Ans--He used a stone called a "Seers stone," the "Interpreters"
having been taken away from him because of transgression. 21. Q. Had you seen the plates at anytime before the Angel showed them to you? Ans--No. [p. 3, back] ... 25. Q. Were you present during any of the time of translation, if so, state how it was done. Ans--The "Interpreters" were taken from Joseph after he allowed Martin Harris to carry away the 116 pages of Ms [manuscript]--of the Book of Mormon as a punishment, but he was allowed to go on and translate by the use of a "Seers stone" which he had, and which he placed in a hat into which he buried his face, stating to me and others that the original Character[s] appeared upon parchment and under it the translation in english, which [enabled him] to read it readily. While Brother Whitmer was too feeble to write much, being unable to write the answers to the foregoing 25 questions in person--Yet it was with his consent and in his presence that I wrote them and corrected them, as they appear here. Jan. 21--1885.
[s] Z H. Gurley
["Copy--Questions asked of David Whitmer at his home in Richmond[,] Ray County[,] Mo--Jan 14--1885. relating to Book of Mormon, and the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. by Elder Z[enas] H. Gurley," Zenas Gurley Collection, LDS Church Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: David Whitmer Interview With Zenas H. Gurley]
1 [Q]--Do you know that the plates seen with the Angel (on the table) were real metal, did you touch them? Ans We did not touch nor handle the plates. 2 Q--Was the table literal wood? or was the whole a vision such as often occurs in dreams &c? Ans--The table had the appearence of literal wood as shown in the vision, in the glory of God. 3 Q--Did you see the Urim and Thummim, what was it? Ans--I saw the "Interpreters" in the holy [vision] [.] They looked like whitish stones p[ut in the] rim of a bow, looked like spectacles only much larger. ... [p. 1] ... 9. Q. Who was the Angel that showed the plates to you and Cowdery, and have these plates been seen since? Ans--I do not know as no name was given. I have never seen the plates since. ... [p. 1, back] ... 13. Q.--Were you present when Joseph Smith received the revelation commanding him and Oliver Cowdery to ordain each other to the Melchisedek Priesthood, if so, where was it and how? Ans--No I was not--neither did I ever hear
of such a thing as an angel ordaining them until I got into Ohio about the year 1834--or later. 14. Q. Can you tell why that Joseph and Oliver were ordained to the lesser Priesthood by the hand of an Angel but in receiving the Higher they ordained each other? Ans--I moved Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery to my fathers house in Fayette[,] Seneca County[,] New York, from Harmony, Penn. in the year 1829, on our way I conversed freely with them [p. 2] upon this great work they were bringing about, and Oliver stated to me in Josephs presence that they had baptized each other seeking by that to fulfill the command--And after our arrival at fathers sometime in June 1829. Joseph ordained Oliver Cowdery to be an Elder, and Oliver ordained Joseph to be an Elder in the Church of Christ. <<and during that year Joseph both baptized and ordained me an elder in the church of Christ.>> Also, during this year the translation of the Book of Mormon was finished, And we preached preached,
baptized and ordained some as Elders, And upon the Sixth day of April 1830, six Elders together with some fifty or sixty (as near as I recollect) of the members met together to effect an organization. I never heard that an Angel had ordained Joseph and Oliver to the Aaronic priesthood until the year 1834[,] 5. or 6--in Ohio. my information from Joseph and Oliver upon this matter being as I have stated, and that they were commanded so to do by revealment through Joseph. I do not believe that John the Baptist ever ordained Joseph and Oliver as stated and believed by some. I regard that as an error, a misconception. [p. 2, back] ... 19. [Q] Were the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated in Joseph Smiths possession while translating and seen and handled by several different persons, if not, where were they? Ans--I do not know. 20. Q. Did Joseph use his "peep stone" to finish up the translation? if so why? Ans--He used a stone called a "Seers stone," the "Interpreters"
having been taken away from him because of transgression. 21. Q. Had you seen the plates at anytime before the Angel showed them to you? Ans--No. [p. 3, back] ... 25. Q. Were you present during any of the time of translation, if so, state how it was done. Ans--The "Interpreters" were taken from Joseph after he allowed Martin Harris to carry away the 116 pages of Ms [manuscript]--of the Book of Mormon as a punishment, but he was allowed to go on and translate by the use of a "Seers stone" which he had, and which he placed in a hat into which he buried his face, stating to me and others that the original Character[s] appeared upon parchment and under it the translation in english, which [enabled him] to read it readily. While Brother Whitmer was too feeble to write much, being unable to write the answers to the foregoing 25 questions in person--Yet it was with his consent and in his presence that I wrote them and corrected them, as they appear here. Jan. 21--1885.
[s] Z H. Gurley
["Copy--Questions asked of David Whitmer at his home in Richmond[,] Ray County[,] Mo--Jan 14--1885. relating to Book of Mormon, and the history of the Church of Jesus Christ of L.D.S. by Elder Z[enas] H. Gurley," Zenas Gurley Collection, LDS Church Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: David Whitmer Interview With Zenas H. Gurley]
165 years ago today - Jan 14, 1860
[Brigham Young]
The Pres. said no doubt they have applied to Joseph Smith, son of the Prophet, to take his place as his right and Joseph will answer them as he did on a further occasion to a like request that if the Lord wanted him no doubt he would reveal himself as he did to [his] father (the Prophet). -- Salt Lake City
[Brigham Young Office Journals, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan.; Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah.; New Mormon Studies CD-ROM as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
The Pres. said no doubt they have applied to Joseph Smith, son of the Prophet, to take his place as his right and Joseph will answer them as he did on a further occasion to a like request that if the Lord wanted him no doubt he would reveal himself as he did to [his] father (the Prophet). -- Salt Lake City
[Brigham Young Office Journals, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan.; Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah.; New Mormon Studies CD-ROM as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
180 years ago today - Jan 14, 1845
[Patriarchal Blessing of Jesse N. Smith]
.... I pray my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus to preserve thy life and health, even unto the coming of the Saviour ... Angels shall be thy constant companions and thou shalt often converse with them; they shall defend thee from all dangers, heal thy sickness and beat back the power of the destroyer. ... And if thou wilt seek after knowledge, and be sober-minded, thou shalt be like Mormon of old, and shalt be a mighty man in the ministry and a mighty warrior. Thou shalt handle the sword of Laban with such power as to put ten thousand of thine enemies to flight with the help of thy brother. Thy name shall be terrible among thine enemies. ... Thou shalt live to see Israel gathered from the four corners of the earth, to see all the enemies of the Lord swept from off the face of the earth, and cleansed from wickedness, and the Saviour stand upon it; and thou shalt stand in His presence. ...
[Typescript, Michael Marquardt papers]
.... I pray my Heavenly Father in the name of Jesus to preserve thy life and health, even unto the coming of the Saviour ... Angels shall be thy constant companions and thou shalt often converse with them; they shall defend thee from all dangers, heal thy sickness and beat back the power of the destroyer. ... And if thou wilt seek after knowledge, and be sober-minded, thou shalt be like Mormon of old, and shalt be a mighty man in the ministry and a mighty warrior. Thou shalt handle the sword of Laban with such power as to put ten thousand of thine enemies to flight with the help of thy brother. Thy name shall be terrible among thine enemies. ... Thou shalt live to see Israel gathered from the four corners of the earth, to see all the enemies of the Lord swept from off the face of the earth, and cleansed from wickedness, and the Saviour stand upon it; and thou shalt stand in His presence. ...
[Typescript, Michael Marquardt papers]
90 years ago today - Jan 13, 1935
[President Heber J. Grant]
Brother [John] Nicholson felt so outraged on account of being in the penitentiary, althought (sic) a poor man, he decided to mortgage his home and pay the fine rather than spend thirty days there. He remarked he would rather be shot than to go back to the penitentiary. Brother Francis M. Lyman rather enjoyed his rest in the penitentiary. He took it as a big joke. Over his cell was a sign: 'Teeth extracted with pleasure and pain.'
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Brother [John] Nicholson felt so outraged on account of being in the penitentiary, althought (sic) a poor man, he decided to mortgage his home and pay the fine rather than spend thirty days there. He remarked he would rather be shot than to go back to the penitentiary. Brother Francis M. Lyman rather enjoyed his rest in the penitentiary. He took it as a big joke. Over his cell was a sign: 'Teeth extracted with pleasure and pain.'
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
135 years ago today - Jan 13, 1890 (Monday)
Idaho's admission as a State and the test oath were argued in the U.S. Senate Committee on Territories. The argument was continued the following day, when "Mormons" were heard.
John W. Stewart, of Vermont, introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to disfranchise all "Mormons."
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
John W. Stewart, of Vermont, introduced a bill in the House of Representatives to disfranchise all "Mormons."
[Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology]
155 years ago today - Jan 13, 1870
Between January and March 1870, thousands of Latter-day Saint women assembled in mass "indignation" meetings to protest federal legislation that proposed to deny U.S. citizenship to anyone practicing plural marriage. On January 13, 1870, between five and six thousand Latter-day Saint women congregated in the Salt Lake City tabernacle. Apparently, no men were present except for reporters. Speaking from the pulpit in the "old" tabernacle, women affirmed that they had become plural wives by their own choice and articulated their vehement objections to the antipolygamy legislation pending in Congress. They declared their rights and appealed for the rights of their husbands, fathers, and brothers.
Public defense of plural marriage by women was potentially the most persuasive form of public relations available to the Saints because it answered the key objection: that plural marriage oppressed women. Latter-day Saints first officially acknowledged their practice of plural marriage in 1852, more than a decade after the first plural marriages were contracted in Nauvoo under the direction of Joseph Smith. After that public announcement, Latter-day Saint women began to defend plural marriage publicly as well as privately. ...
Women in Salt Lake City first held a protest meeting on January 6, 1870, to organize against the Cullom Bill. The bill declared marriage in Utah Territory to be a "civil contract" and modified the territory's judicial structure in order to prosecute, fine, and imprison any man cohabiting "with more than one woman as husband and wife." The Cullom Bill did not become law, though some of its provisions were incorporated into subsequent federal legislation: the 1874 Poland Act, the 1882 Edmunds Act, and the 1887 Edmunds-Tucker Act. ...
[3.13 Minutes of "Great Indignation Meeting," January 13, 1870, as quoted in Matthew J. Grow, Jill Derr, Carol Madsen, and Kate Holbrook, editors, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Women's History, The Church Historian's Press, 2016, https://churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/]
Public defense of plural marriage by women was potentially the most persuasive form of public relations available to the Saints because it answered the key objection: that plural marriage oppressed women. Latter-day Saints first officially acknowledged their practice of plural marriage in 1852, more than a decade after the first plural marriages were contracted in Nauvoo under the direction of Joseph Smith. After that public announcement, Latter-day Saint women began to defend plural marriage publicly as well as privately. ...
Women in Salt Lake City first held a protest meeting on January 6, 1870, to organize against the Cullom Bill. The bill declared marriage in Utah Territory to be a "civil contract" and modified the territory's judicial structure in order to prosecute, fine, and imprison any man cohabiting "with more than one woman as husband and wife." The Cullom Bill did not become law, though some of its provisions were incorporated into subsequent federal legislation: the 1874 Poland Act, the 1882 Edmunds Act, and the 1887 Edmunds-Tucker Act. ...
[3.13 Minutes of "Great Indignation Meeting," January 13, 1870, as quoted in Matthew J. Grow, Jill Derr, Carol Madsen, and Kate Holbrook, editors, The First Fifty Years of Relief Society: Key Documents in Latter-day Saint Women's History, The Church Historian's Press, 2016, https://churchhistorianspress.org/the-first-fifty-years-of-relief-society/]
155 years ago today - Jan 13, 1870
General mass meeting of the ladies of Salt Lake City, to protest against the passage of the Cullom bill.
[Richards, Franklin Dewey and Little, James A., Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel, Church Chronology, Ch.66, p.306, http://www.amazon.com/Compendium-Doctrines-Gospel-ebook/dp/B002LTY4Z0?ie=UTF8tag=mormonchronic-20link_code=btlcamp=213689creative=392969]
[Richards, Franklin Dewey and Little, James A., Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel, Church Chronology, Ch.66, p.306, http://www.amazon.com/Compendium-Doctrines-Gospel-ebook/dp/B002LTY4Z0?ie=UTF8tag=mormonchronic-20link_code=btlcamp=213689creative=392969]
170 years ago today - Jan 13, 1855
[Utah labor unions]
On 13 January 1855 a formalized Typographical Association of Deseret was organized, consisting only of Mormon typographers, who were associated with the church-owned Deseret News. Phineas Young, a brother of Brigham Young, and a local church leader in his own right, was its first president. Involved with the association over the next few years were a number of other church leaders including some apostles and a future church president, Wilford Woodruff.
[Utah History Encyclopedia: Labor in Utah, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]
On 13 January 1855 a formalized Typographical Association of Deseret was organized, consisting only of Mormon typographers, who were associated with the church-owned Deseret News. Phineas Young, a brother of Brigham Young, and a local church leader in his own right, was its first president. Involved with the association over the next few years were a number of other church leaders including some apostles and a future church president, Wilford Woodruff.
[Utah History Encyclopedia: Labor in Utah, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]
185 years ago today - (Mon) Jan 13, 1840
About this time Smith reportedly informed Pratt about the principle of polygamy. [Benjamin] Winchester later recalled that Smith was engaged in an illicit affair with a female member, while staying in Philadelphia.
[Broadhurst, Dale R., Mormon Chronology, http://olivercowdery.com/history/morchrn2.htm]
[Broadhurst, Dale R., Mormon Chronology, http://olivercowdery.com/history/morchrn2.htm]
190 years ago today - Jan 13, 1835
[Wilford Woodruff]
Leaves Missouri for his first full-time mission, preaching the gospel in Arkansas and Tennessee.
[Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah]
Leaves Missouri for his first full-time mission, preaching the gospel in Arkansas and Tennessee.
[Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah]
195 years ago today - Jan 13, 1830
In Abner Cole's weekly Palmyra Reflector, he continues to print Chapter 1 of the First Book of Nephi from the Book of Mormon.
[Wikipedia: Chronology of Mormonism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Mormonism]
[Wikipedia: Chronology of Mormonism, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronology_of_Mormonism]
195 years ago today - 1830 Jan 13
Palmyra Reflector defiantly continues printing 1 Nephi before the Book of Mormon is published.
75 years ago today - Jan 12, 1950
[George Albert Smith] left SLC to stay at Laguna Beach "to rest my nerves" and returned on Feb 27, 1950 - worked on Church matters while there
[Journals of George Albert Smith]
[Journals of George Albert Smith]
130 years ago today - Saturday, Jan 12, 1895
[John Henry Smith]
H. J. Grant is inclined to believe that he and his brother B. F. Grant has made a rich find of gold in San Louis Valley, Colo.
[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
H. J. Grant is inclined to believe that he and his brother B. F. Grant has made a rich find of gold in San Louis Valley, Colo.
[Jean Bickmore White (editor), Church, State, and Politics: The Diaries of John Henry Smith, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1990, http://bit.ly/johnhenrysmith]
130 years ago today - Jan 12, 1895
Benjamin Johnson states that Joseph "put off" polgyamy and waited until an "angel with a drawn sword" came to him.
[Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life's Review, Mesa, Arizona: 21^st Century Printing, 1992, reprint, 95-96; see also Zina Huntington quoted in "Joseph, the Prophet, His Life and Mission as Viewed by Intimate Acquaintances," Salt Lake Herald Church and Farm Supplement, January 12, 1895, 212 as quoted at Exploring Mormonism: Polygamy Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/polygamy-timeline/]
[Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life's Review, Mesa, Arizona: 21^st Century Printing, 1992, reprint, 95-96; see also Zina Huntington quoted in "Joseph, the Prophet, His Life and Mission as Viewed by Intimate Acquaintances," Salt Lake Herald Church and Farm Supplement, January 12, 1895, 212 as quoted at Exploring Mormonism: Polygamy Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/polygamy-timeline/]
130 years ago today - Jan 12, 1895
Benjamin Johnson states that Joseph "put off" polgyamy and waited until an "angel with a drawn sword" came to him.
[Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life's Review, Mesa, Arizona: 21^st Century Printing, 1992, reprint, 95-96; see also Zina Huntington quoted in "Joseph, the Prophet, His Life and Mission as Viewed by Intimate Acquaintances," Salt Lake Herald Church and Farm Supplement, January 12, 1895, 212 as quoted at Exploring Mormonism: Polygamy Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/polygamy-timeline/]
[Benjamin F. Johnson, My Life's Review, Mesa, Arizona: 21^st Century Printing, 1992, reprint, 95-96; see also Zina Huntington quoted in "Joseph, the Prophet, His Life and Mission as Viewed by Intimate Acquaintances," Salt Lake Herald Church and Farm Supplement, January 12, 1895, 212 as quoted at Exploring Mormonism: Polygamy Timeline, http://www.exploringmormonism.com/polygamy-timeline/]
140 years ago today - Jan 12, 1885
[Martha Pane Thomas]
"... the Millerites were preparing a place for the Savior to come and meet with them, on a certain day [March 10, 1844], in that month in Illinois. They were making great preparations by cleaning a certain piece of ground and spreading carpets, etc. Brother Joseph was speaking on the "Resurrection" and the "Second Coming of the Son of God." "You can go and tell Brother Miller he won't come on that day nor the next, nor the next year. In the name of Jesus Christ I prophesy he won't come in forty years." In a [that] moment I desired to live forty years more, and he has not come; I am just as anxious to live to see the next saying of the Prophet fulfilled concerning his coming, as I was the first. He was enquiring of the Lord concerning his second coming; the answer was, "If you live to be (I think it was eighty) years old you will see the face of the Son of God." I am in my seventy-eighth year. I want to live to see that saying fulfilled. But it matters not. If I am faithful I will
see him when he does come. Another saying of the Prophet, which I heard for myself, for I write nothing only what I can testify to."
[Autobiography of Martha Pane Jones Thomas, Lehi, Utah County, January 12, 188, as quoted in The Last Days and December 1890 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, y George D. Speer Sr., privately circulated]
"... the Millerites were preparing a place for the Savior to come and meet with them, on a certain day [March 10, 1844], in that month in Illinois. They were making great preparations by cleaning a certain piece of ground and spreading carpets, etc. Brother Joseph was speaking on the "Resurrection" and the "Second Coming of the Son of God." "You can go and tell Brother Miller he won't come on that day nor the next, nor the next year. In the name of Jesus Christ I prophesy he won't come in forty years." In a [that] moment I desired to live forty years more, and he has not come; I am just as anxious to live to see the next saying of the Prophet fulfilled concerning his coming, as I was the first. He was enquiring of the Lord concerning his second coming; the answer was, "If you live to be (I think it was eighty) years old you will see the face of the Son of God." I am in my seventy-eighth year. I want to live to see that saying fulfilled. But it matters not. If I am faithful I will
see him when he does come. Another saying of the Prophet, which I heard for myself, for I write nothing only what I can testify to."
[Autobiography of Martha Pane Jones Thomas, Lehi, Utah County, January 12, 188, as quoted in The Last Days and December 1890 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, y George D. Speer Sr., privately circulated]
160 years ago today - January 12, 1865
[Heber C. Kimball Revelations]
[probably originally in memorandum book] In the evening of January 12, 1865 I was told by the Lord that I should not be removed from their places. That Daniel H. Wells, Albert Carrington, Jos. A. Young and others were among that number. In the name of the Lord I predict that this will come true.
["H. C. Kimball Memorandum" book, On the Potters Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball, Stanley B. Kimball, editor, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[probably originally in memorandum book] In the evening of January 12, 1865 I was told by the Lord that I should not be removed from their places. That Daniel H. Wells, Albert Carrington, Jos. A. Young and others were among that number. In the name of the Lord I predict that this will come true.
["H. C. Kimball Memorandum" book, On the Potters Wheel: The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball, Stanley B. Kimball, editor, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
180 years ago today - Jan 12, 1845. Sunday.
[William Clayton]
At the Council Hall. Elder H. C. Kimball preached. He used many figures to illustrate his ideas amongst the rest when speaking of the unwillingness of the saints to abide the laws of exaltation. He said that the church was like a swarm of Bees, who when they want to increase the king and queen go and seek a new location and when they have found it they come back to the hive and persuade the young folks out but as soon as they begin to fly the old women and young women run with their old tin Kettles and pans and cow Bells, ti[n]kling to drown the voice of the king and throw them into a confusion and prevent their enlargement. Just so with the saints when any seem disposed to enlarge their kingdom and godhead the old women and young women run with their old kettles and pans and cow Bells to drown the sound of the leaders and throw the saints into confusion and keep them shut up in their old traditions. After he got through, O[rson] Pratt added an idea on the extent and magnitude of
the planetary system and the beautiful adaptation to the enlargement of the saints. It was a very interesting meeting.
...Evening met with the first quorum at Parleys. Joseph Young and his wife were annointed with the second ordinance. D[iantha, his new 16-year-old bride] was at my house when I got home and tarried with us all night.
[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]
At the Council Hall. Elder H. C. Kimball preached. He used many figures to illustrate his ideas amongst the rest when speaking of the unwillingness of the saints to abide the laws of exaltation. He said that the church was like a swarm of Bees, who when they want to increase the king and queen go and seek a new location and when they have found it they come back to the hive and persuade the young folks out but as soon as they begin to fly the old women and young women run with their old tin Kettles and pans and cow Bells, ti[n]kling to drown the voice of the king and throw them into a confusion and prevent their enlargement. Just so with the saints when any seem disposed to enlarge their kingdom and godhead the old women and young women run with their old kettles and pans and cow Bells to drown the sound of the leaders and throw the saints into confusion and keep them shut up in their old traditions. After he got through, O[rson] Pratt added an idea on the extent and magnitude of
the planetary system and the beautiful adaptation to the enlargement of the saints. It was a very interesting meeting.
...Evening met with the first quorum at Parleys. Joseph Young and his wife were annointed with the second ordinance. D[iantha, his new 16-year-old bride] was at my house when I got home and tarried with us all night.
[George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995, http://amzn.to/william-clayton]
15 years ago today - 1/11-27/2010
[Same-Sex Marriage]
Perry v. Schwarzenegger opening arguments presented in Federal Courthouse in San Francisco. Although the trial was not broadcast, several livebloggers covered the case and official court transcripts were released daily. Court testimony revealed Mormons were heavily involved in the campaign providing both volunteers and money. Additionally, testimony confirmed that Gary Lawrence and Mark Jansson are LDS.
[Mormons for Marriage: A Prop 8 Timeline, http://mormonsformarriage.com/?page_id=68]
Perry v. Schwarzenegger opening arguments presented in Federal Courthouse in San Francisco. Although the trial was not broadcast, several livebloggers covered the case and official court transcripts were released daily. Court testimony revealed Mormons were heavily involved in the campaign providing both volunteers and money. Additionally, testimony confirmed that Gary Lawrence and Mark Jansson are LDS.
[Mormons for Marriage: A Prop 8 Timeline, http://mormonsformarriage.com/?page_id=68]
20 years ago today - Jan 11, 2005
First-ever global leadership training meeting is transmitted by satellite in 56 languages to more than 97 percent of the Church's priesthood leaders.
[Sherry Baker: Mormon Media History Timeline: 1827-2007, http://byustudies.byu.edu/showTitle.aspx?title=7984]
[Sherry Baker: Mormon Media History Timeline: 1827-2007, http://byustudies.byu.edu/showTitle.aspx?title=7984]
50 years ago today - Jan 11 1975
Church News publishes article decrying Equal Rights Amendment as "not only imperfect, but dangerous," presenting it as a moral issue, not a political one.
[Mark E. Petersen, Equal Rights Amendment; Chronology of Mormon History (Mormon Stories), http://www.mormonstories.org/truth-claims/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
[Mark E. Petersen, Equal Rights Amendment; Chronology of Mormon History (Mormon Stories), http://www.mormonstories.org/truth-claims/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
125 years ago today - Jan 11, 1900
[First Presidency & Quorum of Twelve Minutes]
.... President Cannon ... believed that greater power and gifts would be given to the Apostles, and that this would increase until they should met face to face with the Savior himself. He felt that the day was not far distant when the Savior would meet with His Apostles and instruct them; and that they should prepare for the great events which were coming upon the earth. He knew the Savior was near to us, and that the day would come when the Apostles would be greatly honored of him; and that judgment would be given to the Twelve, as it was given to His Apostles who were with Him in Jerusalem. President Cannon said too, referring to the enemies of Zion, that the predictions concerning them and the wicked generally would be brought about; the Lord would literally burn them up; and the Saints would go on from victory to victory until we should finally triumph. In closing, President Cannon, addressed himself to President Snow. ... President Cannon held that no one Apostle should
undertake to give counsel affecting the interests or well-being of the community; but on the contrary such counsel should be the combined wisdom of as many of the Apostles as could be got together, with the President at their head. This was a critical time, and we needed all the light we could get, and the only safe way to get it, in his opinion, was through the presiding head.
... Before dispersing and immediately following the prayer Elder John Henry Smith asked President Snow if he thought it was wise for the brethren to speak from the public stand on the principle of plural marriage. President Snow answered that the subject should be let alone and that there was too much being said about it already.
This suggested to President Snow the following: Without reference to anyone present, he said, that there were brethren who still seemed to have the idea that it was possible under his administration to obtain a plural wife and have her sealed to him. He authorized and requested the brethren present to correct this impression wherever they find it. He said emphatically that it could not be done.
President Cannon moved that this be accepted as the mind and will of the Lord. Seconded by Brother Lyman and carried unanimously. ...
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
.... President Cannon ... believed that greater power and gifts would be given to the Apostles, and that this would increase until they should met face to face with the Savior himself. He felt that the day was not far distant when the Savior would meet with His Apostles and instruct them; and that they should prepare for the great events which were coming upon the earth. He knew the Savior was near to us, and that the day would come when the Apostles would be greatly honored of him; and that judgment would be given to the Twelve, as it was given to His Apostles who were with Him in Jerusalem. President Cannon said too, referring to the enemies of Zion, that the predictions concerning them and the wicked generally would be brought about; the Lord would literally burn them up; and the Saints would go on from victory to victory until we should finally triumph. In closing, President Cannon, addressed himself to President Snow. ... President Cannon held that no one Apostle should
undertake to give counsel affecting the interests or well-being of the community; but on the contrary such counsel should be the combined wisdom of as many of the Apostles as could be got together, with the President at their head. This was a critical time, and we needed all the light we could get, and the only safe way to get it, in his opinion, was through the presiding head.
... Before dispersing and immediately following the prayer Elder John Henry Smith asked President Snow if he thought it was wise for the brethren to speak from the public stand on the principle of plural marriage. President Snow answered that the subject should be let alone and that there was too much being said about it already.
This suggested to President Snow the following: Without reference to anyone present, he said, that there were brethren who still seemed to have the idea that it was possible under his administration to obtain a plural wife and have her sealed to him. He authorized and requested the brethren present to correct this impression wherever they find it. He said emphatically that it could not be done.
President Cannon moved that this be accepted as the mind and will of the Lord. Seconded by Brother Lyman and carried unanimously. ...
[First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes]
125 years ago today - Thursday, Jan 11, 1900
[Apostle Rudger Clawson]
.... The tables were then set for the sacrament, and Pres. B. Young, Jr, was mouth in blessing the bread and wine, after which the brethren partook freely of the same. Before the brethren withdrew from the table, Pres. Cannon by request made brief remarks. Said he felt it was a great honor to be associated with the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. Felt that we ought to be devoted to the work of the Lord. Said that we were at the threshold of great events and that the time was not far distant, when the Savior would make himself known to us—would converse with and instruct us concerning our duties. ...
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
.... The tables were then set for the sacrament, and Pres. B. Young, Jr, was mouth in blessing the bread and wine, after which the brethren partook freely of the same. Before the brethren withdrew from the table, Pres. Cannon by request made brief remarks. Said he felt it was a great honor to be associated with the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve. Felt that we ought to be devoted to the work of the Lord. Said that we were at the threshold of great events and that the time was not far distant, when the Savior would make himself known to us—would converse with and instruct us concerning our duties. ...
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
125 years ago today - Jan 11, 1900
[Apostle Brigham Young Jr.]
Met in Temple at 10. Spoke for 20 m[inutes]. conversation general. One assertion I made while talking That "when the saints received U[nited]. O[rder]. and lived it then will God restore to us the law of celestial marriage." Presidency came at 11 o clock after much talking arranging Con[ference]. & business.
[Brigham Young Jr., Diary]
Met in Temple at 10. Spoke for 20 m[inutes]. conversation general. One assertion I made while talking That "when the saints received U[nited]. O[rder]. and lived it then will God restore to us the law of celestial marriage." Presidency came at 11 o clock after much talking arranging Con[ference]. & business.
[Brigham Young Jr., Diary]
125 years ago today - Jan 11, 1900
[Apostle Abraham Owen Woodruff]
.... We partook of the bread and wine, emblems of our Master's body and blood. After the Lord's supper Pres[iden]t. [Lorenzo] Snow said: so far as I am concerned no plural marriages can be entered into anywhere: in Mexico or elsewhere. John Henry Smith made a speach [sic] in absolute discouragement of the practice anywhere. Pres[iden]t. [George Q.] Cannon moved we accept Pres[iden]t. Snow's words as the "word of the Lord". It was seconded and again without any chance to express our feelings and judgment were forced to sustain a motion that some of us were opposed to or be out of harmony with our brethren. I felt forced to sustain this motion and that is why I did it, knowing that if it were not right the responsibility would not rest on me. I absolutely know that a number of the brethren, among them John W. Taylor, Geo[rge]. Teasdale and M[atthias]. F. Cowley entertained feelings in harmony with my own. I owe my exist[e]nce to the princip[le] of Polygamy and I have some intense
feelings regarding the sustaining of that principle. I am indebted to that principle for my life and any time my Father wants my life to defend that principle (and those who practice it in righteousness) God being my helper it is at his command.
Pres[iden]t. Brigham Young [Jr.] came to my desk at the close and said, "Bro[ther]. Woodruff I want to tell you that the time is not far distant when the question of Polygamy will be changed and practiced again." I said I will hold you responsible for that remark Bro[ther]. Young. He answered: "You may!" Apostle M[arriner]. W[ood]. Merrill in yesterday's meeting prophesied that "the time will never come in the church when polygamist children will not be born." I pray God to give me light on this matter as I feel almost sick about it. I want to and intend to be loyal to my Chief.
[Abraham Owen Woodruff, Diary]
.... We partook of the bread and wine, emblems of our Master's body and blood. After the Lord's supper Pres[iden]t. [Lorenzo] Snow said: so far as I am concerned no plural marriages can be entered into anywhere: in Mexico or elsewhere. John Henry Smith made a speach [sic] in absolute discouragement of the practice anywhere. Pres[iden]t. [George Q.] Cannon moved we accept Pres[iden]t. Snow's words as the "word of the Lord". It was seconded and again without any chance to express our feelings and judgment were forced to sustain a motion that some of us were opposed to or be out of harmony with our brethren. I felt forced to sustain this motion and that is why I did it, knowing that if it were not right the responsibility would not rest on me. I absolutely know that a number of the brethren, among them John W. Taylor, Geo[rge]. Teasdale and M[atthias]. F. Cowley entertained feelings in harmony with my own. I owe my exist[e]nce to the princip[le] of Polygamy and I have some intense
feelings regarding the sustaining of that principle. I am indebted to that principle for my life and any time my Father wants my life to defend that principle (and those who practice it in righteousness) God being my helper it is at his command.
Pres[iden]t. Brigham Young [Jr.] came to my desk at the close and said, "Bro[ther]. Woodruff I want to tell you that the time is not far distant when the question of Polygamy will be changed and practiced again." I said I will hold you responsible for that remark Bro[ther]. Young. He answered: "You may!" Apostle M[arriner]. W[ood]. Merrill in yesterday's meeting prophesied that "the time will never come in the church when polygamist children will not be born." I pray God to give me light on this matter as I feel almost sick about it. I want to and intend to be loyal to my Chief.
[Abraham Owen Woodruff, Diary]
130 years ago today - Jan 11, 1895
[Apostle Heber J. Grant]
Called at the President's office and had a chat with Pres[iden]ts Woodruff and Smith at the request of the brethren I told them of our meeting in the Temple yesterday and of the statement of Bro[ther] Thatcher that he had not made the remarks which had been attributed to him in the Paris Post and that he was going to write and have them make a correction.
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Called at the President's office and had a chat with Pres[iden]ts Woodruff and Smith at the request of the brethren I told them of our meeting in the Temple yesterday and of the statement of Bro[ther] Thatcher that he had not made the remarks which had been attributed to him in the Paris Post and that he was going to write and have them make a correction.
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
145 years ago today - Jan 11, 1880
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff]
I find quite a large Number of fine Children among the Saints in Arizona named Wilford. But I am not the father of any of them but am what may be Called the God Father of some of them if blessing them would make me so. And to day I was Called upon to Bless a son of Lot and Allice Ann Richards Smith and He was named Wilford Woodruff Smith.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
I find quite a large Number of fine Children among the Saints in Arizona named Wilford. But I am not the father of any of them but am what may be Called the God Father of some of them if blessing them would make me so. And to day I was Called upon to Bless a son of Lot and Allice Ann Richards Smith and He was named Wilford Woodruff Smith.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
180 years ago today - Jan 11 1845
Quorum of 12 reemphasized -the duty of all saints to tithe themselves one-tenth of all they possess when they enter into the new and everlasting covenant: and then one-tenth of their interest, or income, yearly afterwards.
[Chronology of Mormon History (Mormon Stories), http://www.mormonstories.org/truth-claims/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
[Chronology of Mormon History (Mormon Stories), http://www.mormonstories.org/truth-claims/chronology-of-mormon-history/]
45 years ago today - Jan 10, 1980
N. Eldon Tanner, chair of the LDS Personnel Committee, writes all leaders "in Wasatch Front Stakes" to invite members to serve as unpaid volunteers at headquarters. The follow-up letter on 16 Apr. 1981 comments: "Their work has resulted in significant savings to the Church" and asks for more volunteers "with managerial, technical, or clerical skills."
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
120 years ago today - Jan 10, 1905
[Lewis Anderson to Lars Christensen]
It affords us much pleasure to hand you herewith a recommend for yourself and wife to the Manti Temple to receive your Second Anointing. We feel that your devotion and service to the Church merits this special favor, and we are sure that you will appreciate it. However, should there be any reason why you cannot avail yourself of this blessing, kindly return the recommend to me. You may visit the Temple for this purpose at any time, but it would not be well to delay it very long. You will, of course, understand that this should not be made a matter of conversation.
[Lewis Anderson to Lars M. C. Christensen, Jan. 10, 1905, copy in Buerger Papers as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
It affords us much pleasure to hand you herewith a recommend for yourself and wife to the Manti Temple to receive your Second Anointing. We feel that your devotion and service to the Church merits this special favor, and we are sure that you will appreciate it. However, should there be any reason why you cannot avail yourself of this blessing, kindly return the recommend to me. You may visit the Temple for this purpose at any time, but it would not be well to delay it very long. You will, of course, understand that this should not be made a matter of conversation.
[Lewis Anderson to Lars M. C. Christensen, Jan. 10, 1905, copy in Buerger Papers as quoted in Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History, http://amzn.to/TempleWorship]
125 years ago today - Jan 10, 1900; Wednesday
[Continuation of apostles' quarterly meeting, John Henry Smith speaking:] Endorsed all that had been said by Brother [Marriner Wood] Merrill regarding plural marriage. President Brigham Young [Jr.] said that he did not believe to exceed 10 per cent of the people had ever accepted and practiced the principle of plural marriage. This principle had come to President Joseph Smith with a drawn sword commanding him to practice it and he felt that when President Wilford Woodruff received the revelation of the Manifesto stopping the practice of plural marriage, it was on account of the necessity of preserving the 90 per cent who had failed to receive the principle.
[Heber J. Grant, Diary]
[Heber J. Grant, Diary]
130 years ago today - Jan 10, 1895
[Francis M. Lyman]
[Council] Pres[ident] Snow made a few remarks upon the case of Bro[ther]s Merrill and Thatcher. The later was late coming in ... At 1:15 commenced the case by bro[ther] A. H. Cannon reading the papers in the case. Bro[ther] Moses was reported in the Paris Idaho Post as saying that "Over in Cash Valley a prominent man an Apostle, got on the stand and said the Presidency of the Church wanted the people to vote a certain way. He was tried for it and had to confess his wrong. The eyes of all Israel were on that case" Bro[ther] Merrill felt it was a thrust at him. Bro[ther] Moses denied saying it. We then concluded he should write and publish a denial of it. All agreed to it but bro[ther]s Moses, Taylor and Cannon. The Latter two took strong ground against it and claimed the Presidency were prejudiced against bro[ther] Moses and were pursuant him. This gave bro[ther] Moses much encouragement. He stood up and lectured us, and told how Pres[ident] Young was jealous of Orson Pratt. Said
the Lord knew it would not answer for him to have a strong body. All the brethren spoke upon the subject. Bro[ther] Moses made counter charges against bro[ther] Merrill for the way he brought the case and manifested much bitterness. Bro[ther] Moses concluded to write what was desired. He adjourned till 11 A.M. next Thursday.
[The next day, Heber J. Grant records:]
Called at the President's office and had a chat with Pres[iden]ts Woodruff and Smith at the request of the brethren I told them of our meeting in the Temple yesterday and of the statement of Bro[ther] Thatcher that he had not made the remarks which had been attributed to him in the Paris Post and that he was going to write and have them make a correction.
[Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[Council] Pres[ident] Snow made a few remarks upon the case of Bro[ther]s Merrill and Thatcher. The later was late coming in ... At 1:15 commenced the case by bro[ther] A. H. Cannon reading the papers in the case. Bro[ther] Moses was reported in the Paris Idaho Post as saying that "Over in Cash Valley a prominent man an Apostle, got on the stand and said the Presidency of the Church wanted the people to vote a certain way. He was tried for it and had to confess his wrong. The eyes of all Israel were on that case" Bro[ther] Merrill felt it was a thrust at him. Bro[ther] Moses denied saying it. We then concluded he should write and publish a denial of it. All agreed to it but bro[ther]s Moses, Taylor and Cannon. The Latter two took strong ground against it and claimed the Presidency were prejudiced against bro[ther] Moses and were pursuant him. This gave bro[ther] Moses much encouragement. He stood up and lectured us, and told how Pres[ident] Young was jealous of Orson Pratt. Said
the Lord knew it would not answer for him to have a strong body. All the brethren spoke upon the subject. Bro[ther] Moses made counter charges against bro[ther] Merrill for the way he brought the case and manifested much bitterness. Bro[ther] Moses concluded to write what was desired. He adjourned till 11 A.M. next Thursday.
[The next day, Heber J. Grant records:]
Called at the President's office and had a chat with Pres[iden]ts Woodruff and Smith at the request of the brethren I told them of our meeting in the Temple yesterday and of the statement of Bro[ther] Thatcher that he had not made the remarks which had been attributed to him in the Paris Post and that he was going to write and have them make a correction.
[Excerpts of Apostle Francis M. Lyman Diaries, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
135 years ago today - Jan 10, 1890
[President Wilford Woodruff]
.... We also Met with the Brethren & Architect and discussed the Subject of Heating the [Salt Lake] Temple whether with Hot water or with Steam. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
.... We also Met with the Brethren & Architect and discussed the Subject of Heating the [Salt Lake] Temple whether with Hot water or with Steam. ...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
145 years ago today - Jan 10, 1880
[Patriarchal Blessing of Martha Cox]
.... You will become a prophetess, and the glory of the Highest will rest abundantly upon you. You will go with your husband to the Center State of Zion, for there will be your inheritance. You will have prepared for you a mansion that will be very great, and in that you will see the Lamb of God, and, will talk with him face to face, and a part of His glory will rest abundantly upon you. Your children will witness and receive a part of that glory. And strangers from a far country will visit you and your posterity, and they will eat and drink with you and will tell you many things. They will hand you a roll of your dead, and in that will be the name of your dead & theirs. You will go with your husband and children into the Temple of the Lord, and there you will accomplish a great and mighty work for your dead for they are crying for help to day to redeem them out of their prison, for the Gospel of the Lamb of God has been preached to them. ...
You will witness the return of the ten tribes from the North. You will see John the beloved disciple of Jesus, and you will receive a word f comfort from him. And his glory will be round about you, and when your eyes behold him, you will know him by name. ... You will wait patiently for the coming of the Son of Man and will see Him and His Saints with Him for you will be caught up to meet them and return with them to that great feast the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You will sit down at the table with your family and partake of its rich bounties. There you will see the Lamb of God in His Glory and you will receive a part of His likeness. And I bless you in your body that it may become strong to accomplish this work with an eye single to His Glory. I seal you up to eternal life, and upon your head a crown of Glory that will never fade away, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
[Patriarchal Blessing of Martha Cox by William G. Perkins]
.... You will become a prophetess, and the glory of the Highest will rest abundantly upon you. You will go with your husband to the Center State of Zion, for there will be your inheritance. You will have prepared for you a mansion that will be very great, and in that you will see the Lamb of God, and, will talk with him face to face, and a part of His glory will rest abundantly upon you. Your children will witness and receive a part of that glory. And strangers from a far country will visit you and your posterity, and they will eat and drink with you and will tell you many things. They will hand you a roll of your dead, and in that will be the name of your dead & theirs. You will go with your husband and children into the Temple of the Lord, and there you will accomplish a great and mighty work for your dead for they are crying for help to day to redeem them out of their prison, for the Gospel of the Lamb of God has been preached to them. ...
You will witness the return of the ten tribes from the North. You will see John the beloved disciple of Jesus, and you will receive a word f comfort from him. And his glory will be round about you, and when your eyes behold him, you will know him by name. ... You will wait patiently for the coming of the Son of Man and will see Him and His Saints with Him for you will be caught up to meet them and return with them to that great feast the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. You will sit down at the table with your family and partake of its rich bounties. There you will see the Lamb of God in His Glory and you will receive a part of His likeness. And I bless you in your body that it may become strong to accomplish this work with an eye single to His Glory. I seal you up to eternal life, and upon your head a crown of Glory that will never fade away, in the name of Jesus, Amen.
[Patriarchal Blessing of Martha Cox by William G. Perkins]
155 years ago today - Jan 10, 1870
This is a great day in Utah. Some Twelve or Fifteen thousand of the Inhabitants of the City of salt Lake & surrounding Country of Men women & children assembled around the Rail Road Depo to Celibrate the Building of the Utah Central Rail Road & to see the last rail laid & the last spike driven By President Brigham Young. This rail Road was Built By the Hard labouring Men of the Latter Day Saints from Ogden to Salt Lake City about 40 Miles distant. There were preset in the Assembly the Bands of Music from the City, Camp Duglass Band & many others. There were present on the Stand the first Presidency the Twelve Apostles, The officers of the Union & Central Pacific Rail Road & of the Utah Central Rail Road with Many invited guest including the officers of Camp Duglass.
The last spike was driven By President Young. A large steel Mallet was used on the occasion made By Mr James Lawson. It was Elegantly Cha[-]ed on the top. There was Engraved a Beehive surmounted By the inscription Holiness to the Lord. Underneath the Beehive were the letters U.C.R.R. ...
Just Before the Ceremony of laying the last rail Commenced, the sun, which during the whole day, had Been Completely Concealed By Clouds burst forth with unclouded Brilliancy as if determined to Enhance the general Joy By his genial rays. After the performance of the Ceremony which took place about 9 minuts past 2 oclok a salute of 37 guns /was given/ one for Each mile of the road when Capt Croxall's Brass Band burst forth with their Enlivening strains after which the following Prayer was offered By Elder Wilford Woodruff:
O, God ... We dedicate this Rail Road unto thee, the Lord our God. We pray that thy Blessings may rest upon it...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
The last spike was driven By President Young. A large steel Mallet was used on the occasion made By Mr James Lawson. It was Elegantly Cha[-]ed on the top. There was Engraved a Beehive surmounted By the inscription Holiness to the Lord. Underneath the Beehive were the letters U.C.R.R. ...
Just Before the Ceremony of laying the last rail Commenced, the sun, which during the whole day, had Been Completely Concealed By Clouds burst forth with unclouded Brilliancy as if determined to Enhance the general Joy By his genial rays. After the performance of the Ceremony which took place about 9 minuts past 2 oclok a salute of 37 guns /was given/ one for Each mile of the road when Capt Croxall's Brass Band burst forth with their Enlivening strains after which the following Prayer was offered By Elder Wilford Woodruff:
O, God ... We dedicate this Rail Road unto thee, the Lord our God. We pray that thy Blessings may rest upon it...
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
85 years ago today - Jan 9, 1940
[Heber J. Grant]
I had a miserable night's rest last night. I didn't get to sleep until after twelve o'clock and then slept only a short time. I got up and then went back to bed, but couldn't go to sleep. I felt ashamed of myself that I would allow such a thing as the book 'The Children of God' [by Vardis Fisher] to keep me awake. ...
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
I had a miserable night's rest last night. I didn't get to sleep until after twelve o'clock and then slept only a short time. I got up and then went back to bed, but couldn't go to sleep. I felt ashamed of myself that I would allow such a thing as the book 'The Children of God' [by Vardis Fisher] to keep me awake. ...
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
125 years ago today - Jan 9, 1900
[Quarterly meeting of Apostles] Elder Marriner W. Merrill ... stated that although we had been prevented from practicing plural marriage because of the laws of our country, nevertheless this principle was true and had come from God; expressed a desire to be true to the Church, and true to his family; said he would desire to be true to the Church, and true to his family; said he would sooner rot in prison than to go back on anyone of his family. He said there was quite a feeling among some of the Saints that the Church had gone back on the principle of plural marriage; said this was not true and that the day would never come that the Church would repudiate this principle. The Lord, however had allowed it to be temporarily suspended to preserve the liberties of the Saints.
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
125 years ago today - Tuesday, Jan 9, 1900
Apostle M. W. Merrill ... In speaking of the principle of plural marriage, said it had come to stay in some form or another. ...
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
[Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993, http://bit.ly/rudgerclawson]
130 years ago today - Jan 9, 1895
[Apostle] Marriner W. Merrill Expressed his regrets because of the little differences which existed between him and [Apostle] Moses [Thatcher]. He had no feelings against brother Moses not in the least.
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
[Diary of Heber J. Grant, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
145 years ago today - Jan 9,1880
Apostle Orson Pratt writes to his children that city of New Jerusalem will be constructed by Apr 1950.
[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996, http://amzn.to/extensions-power]
[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996, http://amzn.to/extensions-power]
155 years ago today - Jan 9, 1870
[Wilford Woodruff]
Now in our day God has revealed unto us the Patriarchal order of Marriage & has said if we do not obey it we shall be damned. Congress has said if [we] do obey it we shall be damned. Now which shall we obey God or Congress? For it is God & Congress for it. The assembly shouted in By acclimation we will obey God.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
Now in our day God has revealed unto us the Patriarchal order of Marriage & has said if we do not obey it we shall be damned. Congress has said if [we] do obey it we shall be damned. Now which shall we obey God or Congress? For it is God & Congress for it. The assembly shouted in By acclimation we will obey God.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
165 years ago today - Jan 9, 1860
President Young Conversed upon the Subject of Slavery in the Territory ...
President Young said if men Could live above the Earth they would not be so sick. He said if he was to build a House in that Country to live in again He would build it on arches so that air Could have a Free Circulation under it. He said He had herd of a house built in that way in New Orleans whare all were healthy who lived in it.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
President Young said if men Could live above the Earth they would not be so sick. He said if he was to build a House in that Country to live in again He would build it on arches so that air Could have a Free Circulation under it. He said He had herd of a house built in that way in New Orleans whare all were healthy who lived in it.
[Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993, http://amzn.to/newmormonstudies]
180 years ago today - Jan 9, 1845
Thirty-year-old William Clayton writes of his fifth wife, Diantha Farr, on their the day of their wedding which occurred at Diantha's parent's house, "The question was asked of everyone present, did they freely give her up, and they all signified their willingness by saying they had no objections. There was Present Winslow Farr her father and his wife. . . .She [Diantha] was born in the town of Charleston Orleans County State of Vermont on the twelfth of Oct 1828 making her 16 years old last Oct."
45 years ago today - Jan 8, 1980-Tuesday
[Leonard Arrington]
Visiting my office this afternoon for an hour or two was Anselm Spring ... He asked me very specifically whether we had in the archives record of the apostles seeing Jesus. I told him about the experience of [apostles] Melvin J. Ballard and Charles Callis and told him there were likely others which I hadn't read. I told him that General Authorities were very hesitant about telling sacred experiences. He was very concerned about this; said that it was his understanding that every apostle would be given a sure knowledge of Jesus as the Lord and Savior, and presumably this meant seeing Jesus. And if every apostle sees Jesus, we ought to have an account of it. He read to me a number of scriptures which indicate that the apostles have the right to see Jesus and to touch him, and that they have an obligation to proclaim this. There was no hesitancy on the part of Paul, Peter, and other early apostles in telling about their sacred experiences. We should proclaim it to all the world and
not hide it under a bushel.
[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]
Visiting my office this afternoon for an hour or two was Anselm Spring ... He asked me very specifically whether we had in the archives record of the apostles seeing Jesus. I told him about the experience of [apostles] Melvin J. Ballard and Charles Callis and told him there were likely others which I hadn't read. I told him that General Authorities were very hesitant about telling sacred experiences. He was very concerned about this; said that it was his understanding that every apostle would be given a sure knowledge of Jesus as the Lord and Savior, and presumably this meant seeing Jesus. And if every apostle sees Jesus, we ought to have an account of it. He read to me a number of scriptures which indicate that the apostles have the right to see Jesus and to touch him, and that they have an obligation to proclaim this. There was no hesitancy on the part of Paul, Peter, and other early apostles in telling about their sacred experiences. We should proclaim it to all the world and
not hide it under a bushel.
[Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018]
60 years ago today - Jan 8, 1965
Secretary to the First Presidency Joseph L. Anderson writes in answer to a question by a Mormon "regarding the drinking of Sanka Coffee": "I am directed to tell you that the drinking of a beverage made from the coffee bean, from which all caffeine and deleterious drugs have been removed, is not regarded as a violation of the Word of Wisdom."
65 years ago today - Jan 7-8,1960
First Presidency decides that Bruce R. McConkie's Mormon Doctrine "must not be re-published, as it is full of errors and misstatements, and it is most unfortunate that it has received such wide circulation." They are exasperated that McConkie and his publisher released the book without pre-publication publicity or notifying First Presidency. Even his father-in-law, senior apostle, Joseph Fielding Smith, "did not know anything about it until it was published." This is McConkie's way to avoid repetition of Presidency's stopping his pre-announced Sound Doctrine three years earlier. Committee of two apostles (Mark E. Petersen and Marion G. Romney) report that McConkie's Mormon Doctrine contains 1,067 doctrinal errors. For example, page 493 said: "Those who falsely and erroneously suppose that God is progressing in knowledge and gaining new truths cannot exercise sufficient faith in him to gain salvation until they divest themselves of their false beliefs." However, McConkie is
affirming doctrine of omniscience officially condemned by previous First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1865. In announcing their decision to the Twelve on 28 Jan 1960, First Presidency says there should be no revised edition of Mormon Doctrine. Presidency reverses initial decision on 7 Jan. "that the book should be officially repudiated."
[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996, http://amzn.to/extensions-power]
affirming doctrine of omniscience officially condemned by previous First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in 1865. In announcing their decision to the Twelve on 28 Jan 1960, First Presidency says there should be no revised edition of Mormon Doctrine. Presidency reverses initial decision on 7 Jan. "that the book should be officially repudiated."
[Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Extensions of Power, Appendix 5, Selected Chronology of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1848-1996, http://amzn.to/extensions-power]
70 years ago today - Jan 8, 1955
The Church announces that LDS Boy Scouts can earn the Duty to God Award, similar to other religious groups' awards. This award recognizes faith and activity for young boys in the Church.
[LDS Daily, www.ldsdaily.com]
[LDS Daily, www.ldsdaily.com]
85 years ago today - Jan 8, 1940
[Heber J. Grant]
I received an anonymous letter tonight from California telling of a woman, a grand-daughter of Brigham Young, reviewing the book 'The Children of God' [by Vardis Fisher] in the Wilshire Ward meeting house. I felt outraged that the brethren would hold a meeting and have a review for this miserable, lying book. It is a novel, of course; therefore, one cannot sue the publishers, but I thank the Lord that the description of the early Pioneers is a falsehood pure and simple. The author is guilty of saying some good things, of course, which helps to sell his book.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
I received an anonymous letter tonight from California telling of a woman, a grand-daughter of Brigham Young, reviewing the book 'The Children of God' [by Vardis Fisher] in the Wilshire Ward meeting house. I felt outraged that the brethren would hold a meeting and have a review for this miserable, lying book. It is a novel, of course; therefore, one cannot sue the publishers, but I thank the Lord that the description of the early Pioneers is a falsehood pure and simple. The author is guilty of saying some good things, of course, which helps to sell his book.
[The Diaries of Heber J. Grant, 1880-1945, Abridged, Digital Edition Salt Lake City, Utah, 2015]
125 years ago today - Jan 8, 1900
Snow issues his Manifesto
the Church has positively abandoned the practice of polygamy, or the solemnization of plural marriages, in this and every other State; and no member or officer thereof has any authority whatever to perform such plural marriages or enter into such relations. Nor does the Church advise or encourage unlawful cohabitation on the part of any of its members.
If, therefore, any member disobeys the law, either as to polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, he must bear his own burden, or in other words be answerable to the tribunals of the land for his own action pertaining thereto.
In 1911, the 1st Presidency put this on equal footing with the 1890 and 1904 Manifestos. ( Quinn, LDS p 70-71 )
[Tungate, Mel, Mormon Polygamy, http://www.tungate.com/polygamy.htm]
the Church has positively abandoned the practice of polygamy, or the solemnization of plural marriages, in this and every other State; and no member or officer thereof has any authority whatever to perform such plural marriages or enter into such relations. Nor does the Church advise or encourage unlawful cohabitation on the part of any of its members.
If, therefore, any member disobeys the law, either as to polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, he must bear his own burden, or in other words be answerable to the tribunals of the land for his own action pertaining thereto.
In 1911, the 1st Presidency put this on equal footing with the 1890 and 1904 Manifestos. ( Quinn, LDS p 70-71 )
[Tungate, Mel, Mormon Polygamy, http://www.tungate.com/polygamy.htm]
125 years ago today - Jan 8, 1900
Snow issues his Manifesto:
"The Church has positively abandoned the practice of polygamy, or the solemnization of plural marriages, in this and every other State; and no member or officer thereof has any authority whatever to perform such plural marriages or enter into such relations. Nor does the Church advise or encourage unlawful cohabitation on the part of any of its members."
"If, therefore, any member disobeys the law, either as to polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, he must bear his own burden, or in other words be answerable to the tribunals of the land for his own action pertaining thereto."
In 1911, the 1st Presidency put this on equal footing with the 1890 and 1904 Manifestos.
[Quinn, LDS p 70-71; Tungate, Mel, Mormon Polygamy, http://www.tungate.com/polygamy.htm]
"The Church has positively abandoned the practice of polygamy, or the solemnization of plural marriages, in this and every other State; and no member or officer thereof has any authority whatever to perform such plural marriages or enter into such relations. Nor does the Church advise or encourage unlawful cohabitation on the part of any of its members."
"If, therefore, any member disobeys the law, either as to polygamy or unlawful cohabitation, he must bear his own burden, or in other words be answerable to the tribunals of the land for his own action pertaining thereto."
In 1911, the 1st Presidency put this on equal footing with the 1890 and 1904 Manifestos.
[Quinn, LDS p 70-71; Tungate, Mel, Mormon Polygamy, http://www.tungate.com/polygamy.htm]
125 years ago today - Jan 8, 1900
A committee ... representing the Brigham Young Trust Company, waited upon the First Presidency, regarding a proposition made by that company to sell to the Church forty-five feet of land, on which the President's Office now stands, at $250 a foot front. President Snow, as trustee-in-Trust, decided to buy this property, and give his note at six per cent, with the understanding that he was to have all the time the Church might need in which to pay for it. This was agreeable to the committee. The Brigham Young Trust Company had also proposed to sell to the Church the Lion House property, at $300 a foot front, (this property running back further than the other), and the committee now desired to know whether the Church would buy it or not. This question was taken under advisement, the answer to be given later.
[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
[Journal History, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1835-1951, Electronic Edition, 2015]
145 years ago today - Jan 8, 1880
LDS political newspaper, the Salt Lake Herald, reports George Q. Cannon's interview with the pro-Mormon Omaha newspaper, the Herald, in part: "Polygamous marriages have ceased entirely so far as I know." In fact, in the Endowment House alone, 107 men married polygamously in 1879 and 136 in 1880, most were performed by general authorities.
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
[The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( http://bit.ly/NMHdatabase )]]
145 years ago today - Jan 8, 1880
LDS political newspaper "Salt Lake Herald" reports George Q. Cannon's interview with pro-Mormon Omaha "Herald," in part "Polygamous marriages have ceased entirely so far as I know." In fact, in Endowment House alone, 107 men married polygamously in 1879 and 136 in 1880, most performed by general authorities.
160 years ago today - Jan 8, 1865
Brigham Young; Remarks delivered in the Tabernacle, Salt Lake City; January 8, 1865.
No mortal man has ever seen God in His glory at any time and lived. We may have seen the Lord and angels many times, and did not know it. I will be satisfied with seeing and associating with His children whom I now behold, for there is not a son or daughter of Adam and Eve before me today but what is the offspring of that God we worship. He is our Heavenly Father; He is also our God, and the Maker and upholder of all things in heaven and on earth.
[J. D. 11:41 -- Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthy Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)]
No mortal man has ever seen God in His glory at any time and lived. We may have seen the Lord and angels many times, and did not know it. I will be satisfied with seeing and associating with His children whom I now behold, for there is not a son or daughter of Adam and Eve before me today but what is the offspring of that God we worship. He is our Heavenly Father; He is also our God, and the Maker and upholder of all things in heaven and on earth.
[J. D. 11:41 -- Quotations Dealing with the Relationship of Our First Earthy Parents to Our Heavenly Parents (1830-1978)]
165 years ago today - Jan 8, 1860
Pres. Young, D.H. Wells and A. Carrington discussed Orson Pratt sermon about worshipping attributes and not persons. The President said [if] that is the case then my attributes that we worship, and not floating attributes. Pres. Young also discussed the gradation of intelligences from the most intelligent to the zoophites. -- Salt Lake City [Brigham Young Office Journals, Special Collections, Merrill-Cazier Library, Utah State University, Logan.; Archives, Church History Library, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Salt Lake City, Utah.; New Mormon Studies CD-ROM]
[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
[The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009), http://bit.ly/BY-discourses]
180 years ago today - Jan 8, 1845
Meeting of the Richards and Young families am President Brigham Young said, in substance:
... It is but a little more than that time when Father Smith, the Goddards, Richards, Youngs and Kimballs were all in one family - as it were. We are all relations. It is only three generations back that Brother Joseph Smith's family were related to this family. ... I will first set in order before these relations the true order of the Kingdom of God and how the families hereafter will be organized; you have heard Joseph say that the people did not know him; he had his eyes on the relation to blood-relations. Some have supposed that he meant spirit, but it was the blood-relation. This is it that he referred to. His descent from Joseph that was sold in to Egypt was direct, and the blood was pure in him. That is why the Lord chose him and we are pure when this blood - strain from Ephraim comes down pure. The decrees of the Almighty will be exalted - that blood which was in him was pure and he had the sole right and lawful power, as he was the legal heir to the blood that has
been on the earth and has come down through a pure lineage. The union of various ancestors kept that blood pure. There is a great deal the people do not understand, and many of the Latter-day Saints have to learn all about it. In all the Kingdoms of the World you will find that there will be only one King, and all will be governed as one family, every man will preside over his own family. We will have to work out some of the impurities. There is a great deal that I have to say and the brethren will have patience. Mother Smith is here - she is our Mother, we hold her in a three-fold bond, for we hold her by blood, by the spirit, and by the Gospel. We are connected together. The human family will find out who are the saviors of the Earth. The world knew nothing of the office of saviors upon Mount Zion. If Joseph Smith is not the man on whom the Keys of the Kingdom rest, I would not give the ashes of a rye straw for our Salvation. If I teach my family correct principles and show them
the way of Salvation I am in a sense their savior. There is the same blood of Ephraim running in the veins of this family - and I know who has the blood and the Priesthood to carry the keys to the world. The decree of the Almighty is so pure that it would seem like blunders in the eyes of the world; but the keys will rest upon the Prophet and there is no power on earth or in hell to take it from him. This is a subject relating to the baptism for the dead. We will tell you when the temple is finished how to redeem your dead. I want to tell you now don't be scared, don't be frightened, at what I tell you. The Church does not understand the doctrine that Joseph taught - yet it is plain as the sun at noonday - the order of redeeming our relatives originated in the Kingdom of Heaven. If our progenitors had kept their records as the Jews anciently did they would be able to tell exactly where they came from -- and see where they run down in one straight line. We have hundreds ready to be
baptized for the dead. Nauvoo, Illinois
... If our Grand Father Goddard is permitted to rule as King and Priest over his posterity, and the posterity are raised up as kings and priests to rule over their posterity, our Grand-Fathers Goddard would call together a numerous host. I will show you the order of the Kingdom as regards my own family; one of my sons is placed here, another there, another there, and so on. Yet I should be their ruler, savior, dictator, and governor. They would have an innumerable posterity but all would join in harmony with my counsel; I should console, comfort, and advise them all. You and your children will rise up and administer unto your children, and you will rule over your posterity, and they may get up in tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions. Yet all will finally join with Adam who will be the King of all; Seth comes next; Seth rules under his father and over all; so this process will never end. This is the order of the Kingdom of Heaven, that men should rise up as Kings and
Priests of God. We must have posterity to rule over. ...
I'll tell you about old Israel; do you know what the curse was upon Israel for? It was for mixing their seed with the Gentile races about them. I have received a promise that is to remain with me, and the same will be upon you and upon your children. I would tell you children that inasmuch as you have received this promise, and then if you mix your blood with others I will curse you, and in relation to the Priesthood, you would be cursed, or condemned. For your children, in such mixed unions, would be high-minded and stiff necked. The nations have wandered in darkness for centuries. If they had not mixed their blood, the Priesthood would never have been taken from them. ... that is what Joseph meant the Lord had regard to: and He made promises to the seed of Abraham which He would have fulfilled if it had not been mixed with the Gentiles. Ephraim is the character who has the pure blood of promise in him. ... Those who have the right will redeem the nations of the Earth.
The people who had the right to the Priesthood lost it, and the Lord has brought it forth in this our day. We shall redeem our friends and all the house of Esau will be saved by proxy, by the Priesthood. ... Suppose a man and woman want to redeem their friends; perhaps they have lived without the Gospel; the man would be baptized for his father and the woman for her mother; and if the husband has the power of the Priesthood they are jointly baptized he for the father she for the mother--he is then washed for the father, she for the mother--he holding the Priesthood redeems the father and mother of the woman. Again for his father and mother--she receives the anointing for the woman, and he for the man. Then they stand as proxy to be sealed up to all eternity and then they will go through the ordinances in the same way. Then they are sealed up in the same way for others--we shall have Father Smith with his grey locks. Joseph, Hyrum, Samuel, all will stand in their order, and we shall
be priests and rulers to all eternity. Let my walk and my life speak for myself. The joy of the Lord is a great deal more than any one realizes unless he has partaken thereof. I have now given you text enough for weeks.
[Elden J. Watson, ed. Brigham Young Addresses, 1801-1877: A Chronological Compilation of Known Addresses of the Prophet Brigham Young, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1971)]
... It is but a little more than that time when Father Smith, the Goddards, Richards, Youngs and Kimballs were all in one family - as it were. We are all relations. It is only three generations back that Brother Joseph Smith's family were related to this family. ... I will first set in order before these relations the true order of the Kingdom of God and how the families hereafter will be organized; you have heard Joseph say that the people did not know him; he had his eyes on the relation to blood-relations. Some have supposed that he meant spirit, but it was the blood-relation. This is it that he referred to. His descent from Joseph that was sold in to Egypt was direct, and the blood was pure in him. That is why the Lord chose him and we are pure when this blood - strain from Ephraim comes down pure. The decrees of the Almighty will be exalted - that blood which was in him was pure and he had the sole right and lawful power, as he was the legal heir to the blood that has
been on the earth and has come down through a pure lineage. The union of various ancestors kept that blood pure. There is a great deal the people do not understand, and many of the Latter-day Saints have to learn all about it. In all the Kingdoms of the World you will find that there will be only one King, and all will be governed as one family, every man will preside over his own family. We will have to work out some of the impurities. There is a great deal that I have to say and the brethren will have patience. Mother Smith is here - she is our Mother, we hold her in a three-fold bond, for we hold her by blood, by the spirit, and by the Gospel. We are connected together. The human family will find out who are the saviors of the Earth. The world knew nothing of the office of saviors upon Mount Zion. If Joseph Smith is not the man on whom the Keys of the Kingdom rest, I would not give the ashes of a rye straw for our Salvation. If I teach my family correct principles and show them
the way of Salvation I am in a sense their savior. There is the same blood of Ephraim running in the veins of this family - and I know who has the blood and the Priesthood to carry the keys to the world. The decree of the Almighty is so pure that it would seem like blunders in the eyes of the world; but the keys will rest upon the Prophet and there is no power on earth or in hell to take it from him. This is a subject relating to the baptism for the dead. We will tell you when the temple is finished how to redeem your dead. I want to tell you now don't be scared, don't be frightened, at what I tell you. The Church does not understand the doctrine that Joseph taught - yet it is plain as the sun at noonday - the order of redeeming our relatives originated in the Kingdom of Heaven. If our progenitors had kept their records as the Jews anciently did they would be able to tell exactly where they came from -- and see where they run down in one straight line. We have hundreds ready to be
baptized for the dead. Nauvoo, Illinois
... If our Grand Father Goddard is permitted to rule as King and Priest over his posterity, and the posterity are raised up as kings and priests to rule over their posterity, our Grand-Fathers Goddard would call together a numerous host. I will show you the order of the Kingdom as regards my own family; one of my sons is placed here, another there, another there, and so on. Yet I should be their ruler, savior, dictator, and governor. They would have an innumerable posterity but all would join in harmony with my counsel; I should console, comfort, and advise them all. You and your children will rise up and administer unto your children, and you will rule over your posterity, and they may get up in tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions. Yet all will finally join with Adam who will be the King of all; Seth comes next; Seth rules under his father and over all; so this process will never end. This is the order of the Kingdom of Heaven, that men should rise up as Kings and
Priests of God. We must have posterity to rule over. ...
I'll tell you about old Israel; do you know what the curse was upon Israel for? It was for mixing their seed with the Gentile races about them. I have received a promise that is to remain with me, and the same will be upon you and upon your children. I would tell you children that inasmuch as you have received this promise, and then if you mix your blood with others I will curse you, and in relation to the Priesthood, you would be cursed, or condemned. For your children, in such mixed unions, would be high-minded and stiff necked. The nations have wandered in darkness for centuries. If they had not mixed their blood, the Priesthood would never have been taken from them. ... that is what Joseph meant the Lord had regard to: and He made promises to the seed of Abraham which He would have fulfilled if it had not been mixed with the Gentiles. Ephraim is the character who has the pure blood of promise in him. ... Those who have the right will redeem the nations of the Earth.
The people who had the right to the Priesthood lost it, and the Lord has brought it forth in this our day. We shall redeem our friends and all the house of Esau will be saved by proxy, by the Priesthood. ... Suppose a man and woman want to redeem their friends; perhaps they have lived without the Gospel; the man would be baptized for his father and the woman for her mother; and if the husband has the power of the Priesthood they are jointly baptized he for the father she for the mother--he is then washed for the father, she for the mother--he holding the Priesthood redeems the father and mother of the woman. Again for his father and mother--she receives the anointing for the woman, and he for the man. Then they stand as proxy to be sealed up to all eternity and then they will go through the ordinances in the same way. Then they are sealed up in the same way for others--we shall have Father Smith with his grey locks. Joseph, Hyrum, Samuel, all will stand in their order, and we shall
be priests and rulers to all eternity. Let my walk and my life speak for myself. The joy of the Lord is a great deal more than any one realizes unless he has partaken thereof. I have now given you text enough for weeks.
[Elden J. Watson, ed. Brigham Young Addresses, 1801-1877: A Chronological Compilation of Known Addresses of the Prophet Brigham Young, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1971)]
220 years ago today - Jan 8, 1805
Orson Hyde was born 8 January 1805 in Connecticut.
[Utah History Encyclopedia: Orson Hyde, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]
[Utah History Encyclopedia: Orson Hyde, http://www.uen.org/utah_history_encyclopedia/]
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